Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1602 The romantic debt of the wealthy family, confused account

Li Jingchen nodded: "Go."

An An couldn't lift her head up: "Mum, I'm not going anywhere, I'm just waiting for you here."

"Okay." As Lu Wanwan said, she was about to find the waiter and ask where Fang Tong was.

But Li Jingchen held her gently, and said: "There are many people around, and you are inconvenient, so don't squeeze in with them. I'll ask the waiter to come over."

After a meal, Li Jingchen raised his hand to the waiter not far away.

The waiter came over immediately and asked respectfully, "Sir, what do you need?"

Li Jingchen asked lightly: "Do you know which floor the bride is on?"

The waiter looked at them politely and cautiously: "May I ask, who are you from the bride?"

"My wife is a good friend of the bride for many years, and I want to go up and talk to her." Li Jingchen said.

"That's it..." The waiter looked at Lu Wanwan and saw that although she was dressed plainly, she had a beautiful face and a good temperament, so she told her: "The bride is waiting in the lounge on the 16th floor. You are pregnant. There are so many guests today, why don't I take you up there."

Lu Wanwan turned her head to look at Li Jingchen and saw him nodding, so she said, "Okay."

The waiter led Lu Wanwan to choose a route with fewer guests, and took the elevator upstairs.

Li Jingchen bowed his head and said to An An, "What do you want to eat?"

An An glanced greedily at the buffet table in the distance, and whispered, "I don't want to eat anything."

After Li Jingchen squinted his eyes, he said: "What do you want to eat, you'd better say it out, I'm not like your mommy, I will keep asking you."

An An's little mouth just pouted.

But he didn't dare to do it, because he could feel that the man in front of him was not happy.

Li Jingchen said, but he still took the initiative to walk towards the buffet table.

An An's eyes lit up, and he quickly followed.

After standing still, Li Jingchen picked up a dinner plate and tongs, picked up a delicate cake, and looked in An'an's direction.

An An raised her hand expectantly.

Unexpectedly, Li Jingchen passed him, took a fork, and ate it on his own.

An An's expectations fell through, and she couldn't help showing a sad expression.

Who would have thought that Li Jingchen would be interested in sweet and greasy things like small cakes?

"Want it?"

In the next second, Li Jingchen's voice sounded.

An An raised her head, looked at him, and asked, "I said I want it, will you give it to me?"

After taking a bite of the cake, Li Jingchen squinted his eyes, and said lazily and rascally: "You are already a big child, it's time to learn to take care of yourself."

The implication is that you have to eat and take it yourself.

An An even puffed up her face.

He has been held in the palms of the people around him since he was a child, what's delicious and fun, who doesn't cling to him?

Now, seeing Li Jingchen eating the small cake by himself, not even bothering to give him a look, An An's dissatisfaction accumulated from going out to the present finally burst out: "Why are you so stingy, isn't it because you didn't call you dad?" !"

As soon as An An said this, the surrounding area fell into a mysterious silence.

Li Jingchen paused when he forked the cake, and looked at him in surprise.

I saw An An staring at him angrily, her eye circles were red, and she looked as if she was very angry.

Li Jingchen asked, "what are you doing?"

what does he do

Li Jingchen still has the face to ask what he is doing?

An An was surprisingly angry: "You have been ignoring me on purpose since you left the door! You knew I was going to take the elevator, but you deliberately pulled Mommy's hand to press the elevator. You knew I wanted a small cake, but you just didn't give it to me. Me! Are you still my own father?!"

Li Jingchen put down the small cake in his hand and asked seriously: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"Now I'm asking you!" An An said seriously.

Li Jingchen laughed secretly in his heart, but said in his mouth: "Your question is too stupid, I don't want to answer it."

An An became even more angry. He found that he had gotten used to Li Jingchen's existence at some point in time. Maybe he was not a loving father, but he was definitely not as sarcastic as he is now, treating him as nothing!

This feeling is really uncomfortable!

"Aren't you just angry that I didn't call your father? Now that I do, shouldn't you also express it?"

An An raised her small face and confronted Li Jingchen in a majestic manner.

But in the eyes of Li Jingchen and the surrounding guests, he is like a cub that has not yet been weaned, waving his fleshy pink meat pads, trying his best to show his presence in front of Li Jingchen, with a bit of a smile that makes people laugh cute.

Li Jingchen counted and found that An An called him "Dad" at least three times. Although there was some element of anger in it, he actually called him in front of many guests.

It seems that the child who was proud and unruly in front of him has already bowed his head to him in his heart, with a bit of loneliness and sadness unwilling to be ignored.

Li Jingchen then asked, "What do you want to eat?"

An An blurted out: "Same as you!"

Li Jingchen glanced at the little cake that he took a bite of, and said, "My little cake tastes like coffee, and it's very bitter."

An An insisted inexplicably: "I want to be like you!"

After Li Jingchen raised his eyebrows, he picked out a small cake that was exactly the same for him, handed it to him, and asked, "Is this okay?"

"I want a glass of juice!" An An's voice was split!

Seeing that the surrounding guests were all looking at them jokingly, Li Jingchen said softly, "Don't be too delicate."

An An sniffled and said in a milky voice, "If it was my own father, he would definitely satisfy me."


This kid is too good at acting like a baby!

The guests around looked at An An's reddened eyes, accompanied by small movements of sobbing, they were obviously about to cry, and they wanted to talk "ruthless words" to the adult opposite, they felt their hearts were almost empty!

"Oh, how did you become a father? You refused to satisfy him even such a simple request?" An elderly aunt couldn't help but said harshly to Jingchen.

The people next to her hurriedly reminded her: "Stop talking, he is Li Jingchen, the helm of the Li Group and Deepwater Harbor!"

The aunt asked dubiously: "He is Li... Li Jingchen?! Then why did he dress like this and come to Boss Ye's wedding? Aren't they good friends for many years?"

The person next to him shrugged: "Who knows, maybe the stronger their relationship is, the more casual they will be?"

The aunt was in a cold sweat, and she hurriedly made amends to Li Jingchen: "Mr. Li, I just saw that your child made people feel distressed, so I couldn't help but say a few words, wait... When will you have a child?" Already?!"

The person next to her looked at her with the eyes of a mentally retarded person, thinking that this is what she should ask?

The romantic debts of this wealthy family are so muddled, isn't it too small?