Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1596 It's just a lost dog

"come in."

After glancing at Li Xuyang, the male servant said in a low voice.

"En." Li Xuyang walked into the door after answering.

In the next second, the male servant said, "Raise your hands."

"What?" Li Xuyang was taken aback.

The male servant said sternly: "Raise your hand, I want to check if you are carrying any suspicious items."

Li Xuyang smiled and said: "Didn't you just check it when I came in last night? I didn't change my clothes, it's still the same as last night, so I don't need to check it?"

As he said that, Li Xuyang wanted to pass the male servant.

Unexpectedly, the servant suddenly reached out and clasped his shoulder!The speed was so fast that Li Xuyang, who often played basketball, had no time to dodge.

Regarding this, Li Xuyang roughly had a spectrum in his mind.

It seems that this male servant is not just as simple as having muscles, but also has good skills.

At the same time, the male servant stared into Li Xuyang's eyes, and repeated coldly: "I'll say it again, raise your hand."

Li Xuyang glanced at his deformed shoulder, suppressed his anger, and said, "I can raise my hand, but the premise is that you let me go first."

The servant slowly let go.

Li Xuyang then patted himself on the shoulder, with the expression that the other party had stained his clothes.

The male servant didn't respond to this, but just stared at Li Xuyang's every move with a cold face.

After a few more seconds, Li Xuyang slowly raised his arms and asked the servant to search him.

The manservant's body search was not gentle, even a little rough, especially when Li Xuyang turned around, he pushed and shoved, and Li Xuyang's temper suddenly came up: "I said, can't you be more polite? "

The male servant ignored him, and searched his waist from behind, and even pulled Li Xuyang's clothes from the waistband for convenience.

Li Xuyang inexplicably had the illusion that he was going to be stripped naked and spanked.

He hurriedly clutched his lower back, not letting the servant continue to be presumptuous.

The male servant stood behind him and said coldly, "I haven't finished the inspection yet."

Li Xuyang turned around, stared at him and said, "Just check, why are you touching and pinching me? I don't know, I thought you liked me!"

The male servant automatically filtered Li Xuyang's nonsense, and said in a deep voice, "Don't force me to be rough on you."

Li Xuyang said displeased: "You are already very rude! Since I was a child, I have never been stripped of my clothes by a man! You have goosebumps on my skin!"

The male servant said blankly, "I'm here for inspection."

Li Xuyang looked at him with suspicious eyes: "How can there be such an inspection? I think you are a glutton!"

The male servant's forehead bulged, and he wished he could just draw his gun and kill this rambunctious bastard!

Noticing the slight movement of the servant raising his hand, instead of shutting up, Li Xuyang shouted loudly: "Also, Mr. Shi personally agreed to my coming here.

I'm not a wild cat or dog on the side of the road. You don't have to look at me with the look that I will dirty your house. I'm doing things for your Mr. Shi, not for you. You'd better be polite to me. point! "

The male servant said mercilessly: "Last night, didn't you beg our husband to keep you? Why put on airs and put yourself up now?"

"You!" While rolling up his sleeves, Li Xuyang made a gesture to challenge him one-on-one: "What are you? How dare you talk to me like that!"

The servant looked at him coldly, and his words seemed poisoned: "What are you? You're just a lost dog."

"Shut up!" Li Xuyang suddenly became furious as if his tail had been stepped on.

But the male servant ignored him and said, "My husband is kind and gave you a place to stay. Don't think this is the Li family."

"I tell you to shut up!" Li Xuyang couldn't bear to lift his neckline, his eyes were tearing and said: "Believe it or not, I'll beat you down!"

Hearing this, the male servant just looked away, completely ignoring Li Xuyang's threats.

It can be said that Li Xuyang was ignored to the extreme.

Li Xuyang's fists were clenched and creaked, and the corners of his eyes were stained red with anger.

At this moment, Zhuang Jing who heard the commotion hurriedly opened the door and walked out of the house.

Seeing that Li Xuyang was not only holding the dead man by his collar, but also shaking his fist at him, Zhuang Jing was frightened to death!

"Xuyang!" Zhuang Jing screamed tremblingly, clutching her chest.

Li Xuyang called subconsciously: "Mom?"

"Let go of him!" Zhuang Jing said nervously, clutching her heart.

Li Xuyang raised his chin, stared at the servant in front of him, and said, "But he searched me and called me a lost dog. I'm going to challenge him one-on-one!"

Zhuang Jing stomped anxiously: "Why are you fighting him one-on-one!"

The one standing in front of Xuyang is a great killer in the world. He has a hundred ways to kill Xuyang without repetition, and Xuyang is still foolish to provoke others!

As a last resort, Zhuang Jing had no choice but to go forward and pull Li Xuyang's hand that was still hanging on his collar, and said, "Okay, let go, let outsiders see what it looks like?"

At this moment, Li Xuyang was wronged like a child: "Mom—but, this person insulted me just now!"

For the sake of her son's safety, Zhuang Jing tried to smooth things over: "Mom didn't hear it. Besides, everyone works for Mr. Shi. In theory, they are a family. Even if he said a few words to you, you don't need to do anything."

"Mom, you're biased." Li Xuyang complained, but under Zhuang Jing's influence, he let go.

After Zhuang Jing breathed a sigh of relief, she pulled Li Xuyang aside, and searched Li Xuyang's body carefully and gently in front of the dead man.

Immediately, Zhuang Jing said to the dead man: "You see, he didn't bring anything suspicious. Can I take him in? Mr. Shi is waiting for him."

"Yes." The servant then agreed.

Zhuang Jing immediately took Li Xuyang's hand and led him into the house.

Li Xuyang turned his head and gave the servant a middle finger with his other hand.

The servant narrowed his eyes, but didn't respond.

Zhuang Jing brought him into the house, and did not forget to whisper: "Xuyang, Mom told you, don't cause trouble here. Mr. Shi hates troublemakers the most. If he knows that you are here today, he will beat him." people, you must be driven away by him."

"Mom, I got it." Li Xuyang said indifferently while lowering his head to change his shoes.

"Not only do you need to know, but you also need to remember it firmly!" Zhuang Jing exhorted worriedly.

After Li Xuyang finished changing his shoes, he gave her a comforting look: "Okay, don't worry, I'll listen to you."

"That's good." Zhuang Jing then smiled.

Li Xuyang then asked: "Mom, didn't you say that Mr. Shi is waiting for me?"

Zhuang Jing smiled slightly: "Well, come with me."

Li Xuyang nodded: "OK."

At this moment, how can he still have a trace of rage?The whole person is as calm as a different person.