Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1578 Who loses and who wins, I don't know yet

"Since it doesn't work, what do you want to do? Take Xiao Mian to find Zong Qi?" Li Jingchen listed another possibility.

With tears in his eyes, Zhou Mo softly denied: "That's even worse, Zong Qi even hides it from me as an adult, let alone Xiao Mian is still a child, if I take Xiao Mian to find him, he will definitely pissed off by me."

Li Jingchen crossed his hands, put them on his knees, and said soberly: "Since you don't want to return Xiao Mian to the psychological treatment center, and you don't want to take Xiao Mian to find Zong Qi, then what else do you have to do now?"

Zhou Mo's face showed obvious fragility: "I don't know... Maybe, I should go to my parents and ask them to help me take care of Xiao Mian for a while?"

It's no wonder Zhou Mo thought so. Before falling in love with Zong Qi, her parents had always been the harbor of her heart. She would discuss anything with them, so in her mind, Zong Qi had such a serious illness. No matter how angry you are, you should open up.

But in Li Jingchen's view, this is a bit whimsical. Let alone Jiang Man introduced a blind date to his daughter when Ming Zhizong was ill. Even Mayor Zhou, who understands righteousness, wanted to use his mouth Tell Zhou Mo about Zong Qi's illness.


Li Jingchen lowered his eyes and thought, he only promised Mayor Zhou to tell Zhou Mo the truth, and the rest was beyond the scope of his promise.

However, he still reminded him friendly: "Do you want Xiao Mian to live in the mayor's mansion?"

Zhou Mo nodded: "Yes! Xiao Mian has met my mother, and more than once, Xiao Mian also clearly knows that we are mother and daughter.

So I brought her back to the mayor's mansion, which was equivalent to taking her back to her grandparents' house. At this time, I was going to the hospital to take care of Zong Qi. I believe Xiao Mian would not think that we were going to abandon her. "

Li Jingchen asked meaningfully: "Are you sure Mayor Zhou and the others can accept this child?"

"I think they will. Although my mother has always opposed me being with Zong Qi, she has been engaged in charity work before.

When Dean Xie was alive, she often went to the psychotherapy center to visit the teachers and children there, so I believe that after she knew my difficulties, she would forgive me and help me. "

The more Zhou Mo said, the more he felt that this idea was feasible, and he couldn't help saying to himself: "After I settle down with Xiao Mian, I will go to the hospital to accompany Zong Qi."

In this regard, Li Jingchen just picked up the water glass, lowered his head, blown away the tea leaves floating on it, and then took a sip slowly, without commenting.

Seeing his silence, Zhou Mo felt inexplicably uneasy. After biting her lower lip lightly, she said, "Li Jingchen, don't keep silent. I know you've always had big ideas. What do you think of my idea?"

Honestly, it sucks.

Mayor Zhou and his wife wanted to break up Zhou Mo and Zong Qi, but Zhou Mo actually wanted to seek their help?

But after thinking about it, with Zhou Mo's temper, he could meet Mayor Zhou and his wife. After all, as Zhou Mo said, Mayor Zhou and his wife are her biological parents. My dear daughter, once there is a dispute, it is still unknown who will win.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Li Jingchen said: "I'm just a person in charge of speaking, and I have no right to interfere with your decision."

"Stop pretending! You were here just now to analyze and weigh the pros and cons with me. Why do you have 'no right to interfere' when you mention my parents? Is it because they are the mayor and the mayor's wife? Li Jingchen, what are you doing?" Time has become so hesitant?" Zhou Mo complained.

After Li Jingchen put down his teacup, Shi Shiran said: "Your aggressive method is useless to me, so whatever you say, I'm going back."

"You!" Zhou Mo wanted to stop him and not let him go, but who was Li Jingchen?Except for Wanwan, who can get him?

With this distraction, Li Jingchen already passed her, and Zhou Mo turned around and shouted angrily, "It's a shame that you are still my god-brother-in-law, and you don't talk about friendship at all! Big deal, big deal, I'll find Wanwan to discuss it!"

Li Jingchen had already walked to the door, but after hearing her words, he stopped, turned his handsome side face, and said expressionlessly——

"Wanwan is pregnant. It's been more than seven months now. It's really not worth worrying about. That's why I came to look for you on her behalf. I'll give you Zong Qi's address. You just wait for my news, okay?"

Zhou Mo is not an idiot either, and immediately heard Li Jingchen's overtones telling her not to look for Wanwan: "Okay! I just want Zong Qi's address!"


Li Zhai, 7:[-] p.m.

The dinner table.

After absent-mindedly eating his meal, An An raised her small face and asked Lu Wanwan who was sitting opposite him: "Mommy, why hasn't he come back?"

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan showed a gentle smile, and said, "I sent a text message to him just now, and he said that he was already on his way back. He was afraid that you would be hungry, so let me take you to eat first."

As she said that, Lu Wanwan put a piece of braised pork in An An's bowl, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, let's eat."

"Oh." After An An answered, she concentrated on eating.

Lu Wanwan wanted to wait for Li Jingchen, so she took a bite and paused. When An An finished a bowl of rice, she only ate half of the bowl.

With a "click", An An put down the chopsticks, wiped her mouth, and said to Lu Wanwan, "Mummy, I'm full."

"Well, let's take a shower." Lu Wanwan said.

"Then..." An An subconsciously wanted to ask something.

Lu Wanwan said clearly: "After you take a shower, maybe he will come back, huh?"

An An, who had her worries exposed, yelled "I won't tell Mommy" in embarrassment, and then ran to take a bath.

Another 10 minutes passed.

There was a sound of opening the door, and with the greetings of "the young master is back" from the maids, Lu Wanwan couldn't help raising a smile, got up, and walked towards the living room.

At this time, Li Jingchen was standing in the porch changing shoes, and while changing, he didn't forget to ask the maid: "Miss, have they eaten?"

Unexpectedly, the maid did not say anything.

Li Jingchen said impatiently, "I'm asking you something."

The next second, a soft female voice sounded: "An'an ate it, I haven't yet."

Li Jingchen was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look, and saw Lu Wanwan leaning against the wall, looking at him with a smile.

After a meal, Lu Wanwan continued: "Also, don't blame her for not answering your question. She didn't interrupt because she saw me coming."

Finally, Lu Wan went to him at night and asked him, "Did you delay on the way?"

Because of Lu Wanwan's gentle expression, Li Jingchen could infer that Zhou Mo hadn't contacted her, otherwise it would never be possible to face him so easily.

Therefore, he said: "Well, the company suddenly has an emergency meeting to hold, so it's late, why haven't you eaten yet?"

Lu Wanwan said bluntly: "Because I want to wait for you, but don't worry, I have already finished eating with An'an, and I didn't let your precious son go hungry."

Li Jingchen said in a gentle but disapproving tone: "I also hope that you and the baby in your belly are not hungry."

"No, I actually ate a little just now, so I'll pad my stomach, let's go." Lu Wanwan said, holding out her hand to him.

Li Jingchen stretched out his hand and shook it, hoping that Wanwan would not blame him for making his own decisions after learning what happened today.