Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1573 You will be a serious couple by then

After calming down, Li Xiuqi turned around and said as usual: "Huai'an, thank you just now for helping me out in front of the head teacher, otherwise I might have done something stupid."

"You mean about the golden card?" An An asked.

Li Xiuqi nodded: "Well, actually, why I want to give up the golden card is because I don't need it, and I can complete my homework well, but I forgot that this is a gift specially prepared for us by the head teacher, and I refuse If you lose it, it's like hitting the class teacher in the face, and she will definitely not be happy."

An An comforted him and said: "You are right, but the teacher is an adult, she won't care about us like us."

After Li Xiuqi gave a soft "um", he apologized, "Again, it's you and Uncle, I was busy giving up the golden card, but I forgot that this is a victory we won together, I should discuss it with you .”

An An said calmly: "It's okay, I know, in your subconscious mind, I am also someone who can complete homework without a golden card, so you made the same decision for me, right?"

Hearing this, Li Xiuqi showed a faint smile: "Huai'an, you still know me well. In my opinion, homework is one part of review. If we use the 'homework-free card', that day's There is a risk of missing homework, and the embankment of the Qianli River collapsed in an ant's nest, and our grades are hard-won, so I don't want this privilege card."

An'an said thoughtfully: "So, when Nian Nian winked at you and asked you to give her the golden card, would you ignore her on purpose, even if she wouldn't give it? Because you don't want her to lag behind others ?”

"En." Li Xiuqi nodded.

An An couldn't help laughing and said, "Let me just say, you have always doted on Nian Nian, but today you deliberately ignored her, there must be something inside."

Li Xiuqi was very happy that he could understand him: "Hui'an, I'm sorry, I will discuss with you first before making a decision about anything in the future."

An An took advantage of the situation: "Then we have agreed, and you can no longer feel guilty about any decisions we make together in the future."

Li Xiuqi was touched and said, "Okay."


When they returned the same way, they saw Li Jingchen surrounded by several parents.

An An was nervous at first, but when he got closer, he realized that the parents were discussing raising children with him.

In this regard, Li Jingchen was very patient throughout the whole process, almost answering whatever the parents asked, without any sense of distance.

In the back, not only the mothers smiled like flowers, but even the fathers were happy. They even wanted to elect Li Jingchen as the president to coordinate and manage the parents.

Li Jingchen declined with a smile: "You don't need to choose me as the president. I'm a man, and I'm not as patient as a woman."

A parent said excitedly: "Then choose your wife to be the president! If there is a party between our parents in the future, we can ask your wife to help organize it."

This group of parents did not have any malicious intentions, it was just that Fu Huai'an had good grades in school, a good family background, and two responsible parents. If Li Jingchen or Lu Wanwan were to be the president, their words would be more powerful and convincing.

Li Jingchen said lightly: "My wife is pregnant with a second child and is recuperating at home. I'm afraid there is nothing I can do."

Hearing this, although the parents felt a little regretful, they still understood: "That's it, let's wait for another two years, when your wife recovers, and let's discuss this matter."

Li Jingchen raised the corner of his lips: "Okay."

Li Xiuqi, who was standing outside the crowd, said in surprise: "Huai'an, have you noticed that Uncle has changed into a different person?"

An An looked at Li Jingchen, who was surrounded by more and more parents, and seemed to be the most popular parent in the class. The embarrassing and embarrassing situation he had imagined did not happen at all. The parents gathered together happily, chatting, She even wanted to elect Li Jingchen as the president!

Withdrawing her thoughts, An An said softly: "...Well, I feel that he is much easier to talk than usual, but after listening carefully, he didn't agree to anything."

Li Xiuqi analyzed: "Uncle, this is called 'playing Tai Chi', right? You don't want to offend others, and you didn't agree to their request."

"Probably, but even so, it's surprising enough." An An thought he knew Li Jingchen very well, but when he saw him today, he realized that he didn't know enough.

At this moment, a small hand appeared on each of their shoulders, holding them tightly and saying, "Hey! What are you two doing here?"

Li Xiuqi showed a familiar smile and said, "Nian Nian, we are watching uncle chatting with someone."

"Oh." Wei Nian followed and found that Li Jingchen was taller than the surrounding parents, and this comparison made his appearance even more outstanding. The little girl couldn't help but let out an intoxicated voice: "Uncle Li is so handsome!"

Li Xiuqi, who knew Wei Nian's nature well, couldn't help teasing her: "Nian Nian, your hada is about to flow out."

Wei Nian raised his hand subconsciously, and after realizing that he had been deceived, he chased Li Xiuqi and started fighting: "I hate it! Why do you like making fun of me like my mother?"

While hiding, Li Xiuqi ran away, occasionally turning his head to see where Wei Nian had gone.

An An took the initiative to sneak into the crowd and stood beside Li Jingchen.

Want to ask him how he feels right now?Nature is peaceful and blissful.


on the way back.

Li Jingchen noticed that An An looked at the "golden card" he got from Li Xiuqi, with a bright face, and couldn't help asking: "I am very happy to get three opportunities to be upright and not have to do homework?"

An An nodded and said, "Well, happy!"

Li Jingchen smiled, he didn't have such "fancy" rewards when he was a child, thanks to An An's head teacher who figured it out.

After putting the "golden card" back into the sachet, An An raised her head and said, "By the way, are you happy today?"

Li Jingchen was slightly taken aback: "Are you asking me?"

An An tentatively asked: "Well, will it be hard to deal with so many unfamiliar parents?"

Li Jingchen said: "No, most of them are responsible people."

"Then... next time, if you have time, would you like to come to my parent-teacher meeting with my mommy?"

Seeing Li Jingchen looking at him suddenly, An An stirred her fingers, and said a little embarrassedly: "Didn't you say it yourself? After my mommy gave birth to a child, I will give her a wedding.

At that time, you will be a serious couple, and come together to attend my parent meeting, lest other people mistake you for my daddy, you, what do you think? "

How could Li Jingchen disagree with An An's proposal?

"Okay, your next parent meeting, I will definitely attend with your mommy."