Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1558 The chapter of thanks, let's talk about it later

After contemplating for a long time, Mayor Zhou finally said, "Then please, Jing Chen, just treat it as if I owe you a favor."

Li Jingchen said calmly: "Uncle Zhou, I just try to find a solution that satisfies everyone."

"Well, as for the mountainous area in the north, please tell Wanwan, we've already discussed it, and it's my fault that I didn't answer her call last time."

This is equivalent to admitting a mistake. Speaking from other people, it seems common, but for a mayor, the weight is quite heavy!

After Li Jingchen was sure again that he had not trusted the wrong person, he said, "I will convey it on my behalf."


When there was a figure in front of her, Lu Wanwan, who was basking comfortably in the sun, couldn't help turning her face, looked at the man standing behind her, and asked, "Did you finish the call?"

Li Jingchen said in a good mood: "Well, do you want to guess who called me?"

Unexpectedly, Lu Wanwan didn't cooperate: "I don't want to guess."

Li Jingchen couldn't help asking: "Why?"

"You deliberately went back to the house to answer the call, which means you don't want me to know who it is." After Lu Wanwan finished speaking, she turned her face away and continued to bask in the sun with her pretty face up.

Even in the morning, there is plenty of sunshine in summer, and within a short while, Lu Wanwan's face was flushed red, as if she had her own blush, and she squinted her eyes like a cat, falling on the In Li Jingchen's eyes, it was as cute and playful as a cat.

Li Jingchen sat next to her and explained to himself impatiently: "It's Mayor Zhou's call."

"Oh?" Lu Wanwan immediately opened her eyes and looked at him: "Is there a solution to the problem in the northern mountains!"

Seeing that she was so impatient, Li Jingchen didn't hold back anymore: "Yes."

Lu Wanwan asked impatiently: "Then tell me quickly! What good idea did he think of?"

Li Jingchen pointed to himself.

"You?" Lu Wanwan blinked and quickly realized: "You mean, Mayor Zhou's solution is to ask you for help?"

Li Jingchen nodded: "Well, he thinks the same as me. Letting me take over the northern mountainous area is the fastest way to solve this problem."

"Then Fu Xing..."

"For Fu Xing's breach of contract, he will naturally have to pay the price, but it has nothing to do with me. I have asked Mayor Zhou to come forward on his behalf to get Fu Xing's transfer contract."

After hearing this, Lu Wanwan smiled and said, "Since Mayor Zhou also has this intention, then you don't have to be polite."

"Well." Li Jingchen looked at her smiling face, with the joy of getting the project for him, and couldn't help but feel that everything he did for her was worthwhile.

He raised his hand, held Lu Wanwan's hand on his knee, and said, "Also, Mayor Zhou wants me to tell you that he wants to apologize for not answering your call last time."

Lu Wanwan asked in surprise, "He apologized to me?"

Li Jingchen said softly: "Well, he said he was busy last time and didn't have time to answer your call, so he asked his secretary to answer it for him."

"I know that, and I'm surprised that he would apologize to me?"

After pursing her lips in a complicated manner, Lu Wanwan asked, "Then did he mention anything else to you? For example, the matter between Sister Mo and Zong Qi?"

Li Jingchen's eyes flashed, and he said, "No."

Lu Wanwan believed in his words: "Could it be... I really misunderstood him? He didn't answer my call because he was busy?"

Li Jingchen said: "I said it a long time ago, you think too much. He is the mayor, and it is his duty to serve the people."

Lu Wanwan stuck out the tip of her tongue and said, "Okay, it seems that I misunderstood him. You are right. He is a mighty mayor, how could he care about me?"

After a meal, Lu Wanwan patted her chest and said, "Anyway, it will be great if the matter in the northern mountainous area can be resolved satisfactorily! Thank you, Mr. Li!"

After Li Jingchen raised his eyebrows, he held up her hand, pressed his thin lips against the back of her fair hand, and said in an ambiguous voice: "Thank you, let's wait until the evening."

When he was talking, his thin lips moved on the back of her hand, and the warm breath sprayed out made Lu Wanwan's flushed face even redder: "Old hooligan, it's only three seconds to be serious!"

The next second, she said "Ah!"

It turned out that Li Jingchen showed his fangs and bit the back of her hand.

Red marks immediately appeared on Lu Wanwan's delicate skin.

"You, you bit me?"

Lu Wanwan wanted to pull her hand back, but Li Jingchen held it firmly and put it on her lips, as if she would take another sip at any moment: "Who told you that I'm old?"

"It's just..." Old.

The last word, in Li Jingchen's half-smile eyes, was swallowed bitterly by Lu Wanwan.

She couldn't speak against Li Jingchen, let alone beat Li Jingchen, so she could only vent her anger by calling "old man" twice in her heart.

Unexpectedly, Li Jingchen asked abruptly, "Are you scolding me in your heart?"


As a result of Lu Wanwan's mouth being faster than her brain, the skin from the back of her hand to her forearm was loved by Li Jingchen.

Looking at her arm with red marks, Lu Wanwan was furious: "How can I see people like this!"

"It's not you who went to hold a parent-teacher meeting for your son." Li Jingchen was proud of his "work".

Lu Wanwan looked at his proud face and got childish: "I'm going to tell An An now that I can take him to the parent meeting!"

After all, Lu Wanwan didn't seem to stand up.

It can be seen that it is just a mouthful.

Li Jingchen said leisurely: "Okay, let's go to his son's parent meeting together, just to let his classmates and parents know that you and I are a couple."

Lu Wanwan's face puffed up, rather than being angry, it was more like being coquettish: "Who wants to go to the parent meeting with you!"

"Pfft." Li Jingchen couldn't help laughing.

Lu Wanwan stared at him without any threat: "What are you laughing at?"

Li Jingchen said truthfully: "It's nothing, it's just that you are so cute, I can't help it."

Lu Wanwan was stunned for a moment, and a suspicious blush appeared on her face: "Don't say it nicely, and I will forgive you for biting me so many times!"

Li Jingchen looked at her with a smile: "Then what will Mrs. Li do to forgive me?"

Lu Wanwan thought for a while: "Unless, you let me bite back."

A tooth for a tooth, how relieved!

Li Jingchen said meaningfully: "No problem, as long as you can talk."

"Don't worry, I'll have to go!"

Lu Wanwan gritted her teeth, thinking that even if his hand was made of stone, she would still dig a hole.

So, Li Jingchen raised his big hand, approached her mouth generously, and said, "Come on, bite."

Lu Wanwan's pretty face changed when she saw the mud on his fingertips!

She suddenly remembered that Li Jingchen was helping her shovel the soil just now, and it was normal to have soil in her fingertips.

Now, let alone biting, she just wants to drag Li Jingchen to the bathroom and wash her hands!

Seeing her frozen in place, Li Jingchen asked slowly, "Why don't you bite?"

"You asked knowingly, your hands are full of mud, if I bite, don't you just eat a mouthful of dirt?"

"Oh, it's because you don't want to bite, but it's not that I don't give you a chance." After Li Jingchen finished speaking calmly, he took his hand back.

"..." Lu Wanwan: You're so angry, but you still have to keep smiling.