Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1555 What I really yearn for is you

When Lu Wanwan heard his proposal, she smiled: "Don't bother, I planted roses in the yard, so that I can enjoy them as soon as I go out. If I go to the mountainous area in the north..."

"Then it's a short trip, can't it?" Li Jingchen interrupted her gently.

"Besides, picking a piece of land to grow roses in the northern mountainous area does not conflict with you opening up a rose field here." Li Jingchen continued.

After being stunned, Lu Wanwan said, "It seems that you are very sure about the mountainous area in the north."

"That's natural." Li Jingchen said: "To be honest, the mountainous area to the north should have been mine." Just like you.

Facing his burning phoenix eyes, Lu Wanwan seemed to understand his implication.

Is this God's will?

It's not enough for Li Jingchen to snatch her away. Now, by accident, Fu Xing has stopped the development of the northern mountain area. The northern mountain area is a hot potato. It is estimated that no one will snatch it from Li Jingchen. In this way, the northern mountain area is a hot potato. Sooner or later the mountains would become his bag.

"Mr. Li... I have something to say, I don't know if I should say it or not."

"Just say what you want."

Lu Wanwan then said: "If you took over the northern mountainous area just to get angry with Fu Xing, then I advise you to think again."

Hearing this, Li Jingchen stopped talking and just looked at her quietly.

After a while, he said, "In your heart, am I such a man with no pattern?"

Lu Wanwan subconsciously said: "No..."

Li Jingchen asked quite seriously: "Leaving aside Fu Xing, let me ask you, did I go to bid for the northern mountainous area at the same time as you?"

Lu Wanwan nodded: "Uh, that's true, but at that time, weren't you trying to compete with Fu's branch?"

"Not exactly." Li Jingchen said honestly: "I do see the development potential of the northern mountainous area. It is a blank sheet of paper. As long as I have enough ability, I can draw a beautiful picture on it."

Lu Wanwan said involuntarily, "Yes, that's what Fu Shuo said back then. Combined with what you said today, it can be seen how farsighted Fu Xing's decision is now."

Li Jingchen went on to say: "Not only that, I also want to use this to make the city government owe me a favor, so as to seek more convenience for the Li Group."

"I see, I thought..." You did it for me.

The latter words are too narcissistic, and Lu Wanwan is too embarrassed to say them directly.


However, Li Jingchen is a straight man who insists on breaking the casserole and asking the end.

Lu Wanwan moved her body, turned to him sideways, and said, "What else can there be?"

Li Jingchen looked at her profile and said, "If you don't tell me, how would I know?"

Unbearable, Lu Wanwan threw away the small hoe, turned her face, and said to him: "Oh! You appeared with me in the northern mountainous area, what do you think I would think?

Of course, I think you put aside the company's affairs to chase me, and chased me to the mountains. At that time, I thought you were being shameless, but now..."

Li Jingchen asked curiously, "Now?"

Lu Wanwan puffed her face: "Now I just think that you sacrificed a lot!"

"How to say?"

"You still ask? Do you want me to read you?" Lu Wanwan stared at him and said, "Okay, then I'll tell you that the son of Secretary Wu was picking medicine on the hillside and accidentally caused a mudslide , in order to save me, you were hit by stones, buried in mud, and later developed a high fever. In the end, you gave me the right to develop and manage the northern mountainous area in front of the villagers! You said... are you stupid? ? What an opportunity you missed, you know?"

At the end of the conversation, Lu Wanwan's nose was a little pantothenic.

If Li Jingchen had given up on the northern mountainous area just to chase her, Lu Wanwan wouldn't feel such a pity.

But after listening to his analysis, Lu Wanwan realized that what Li Jingchen gave up was an opportunity to win the favor of the city government. Maybe this favor cannot be directly exchanged for real money, but it is worth more than money. Want something important.

"If I didn't miss the mountain in the north, I might have missed you." Li Jingchen didn't think it was a big deal: "If you lose, you will gain, right?"

Lu Wanwan lowered her head and said, "Wrong."

Li Jingchen was startled: "What's wrong?"

Lu Wanwan picked up the small shovel, and while shoveling the soil, said sullenly: "You asked me just now, if what you yearn for is poetry and the distance, I want to tell you, you are wrong."

After a meal, she said, "What I really yearn for is you."

Li Jingchen's pupils shrank slightly, and a series of fireworks seemed to explode in his ears.

"Wanwan, I..." Li Jingchen had difficulty expressing his heart in words, so he lowered his head and wanted to kiss her.

"Help me shovel." Unexpectedly, Lu Wanwan stuffed the small shovel into his hand at this moment, then turned her back and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand: "I'm tired, let me take a break."

"..." The kiss fell through, and Li Jingchen was almost hit in the face by a dirty spade.

Forget it, the most important thing is to be happy every night.

As a man, Li Jingchen has strong hands. After a while, he cultivated a rectangular planting belt. Then he turned his head and asked, "Wanwan, where are the seeds?"

Lu Wanwan said: "I haven't bought it yet."

Li Jingchen was taken aback for a moment: "Have you bought it yet?"

Lu Wanwan said melancholy: "Yeah, I didn't expect you to be so fast and finish it all at once."

"You didn't prepare the seeds, so this planting belt can only be left like this? Isn't it ugly." Li Jingchen asked.

Lu Wanwan put her hands on her cheeks, and asked a little cutely: "Are you blaming me now?"

Li Jingchen was defeated by her: "I'm blaming myself, I shouldn't have developed so quickly."

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan showed a triumphant smile: "Hmm, as long as you know."

Li Jingchen shook his head with a smile: "Mrs. Li, you are so arrogant."

Lu Wanwan proudly said, "That's because you spoiled me too."

After all, Lu Wanwan didn't forget the man who loves her family. She picked up the kettle beside her, poured a glass of warm water, and handed it to him: "Drink a glass of water."

"That's about the same." Li Jingchen put down the shovel, then took off his gloves, and was about to pick up water when he heard the phone in his trouser pocket ring.

He turned to take out his mobile phone, and seeing a somewhat unexpected contact flashing on it, Li Jingchen couldn't help but said to Lu Wanwan: "Wanwan, I'll answer the call."

"Okay." Lu Wanwan nodded.

After Li Jingchen entered the room, he slid over the answer button, put the phone to his ear, and said hello.

"Jingchen, it's me."

"I know it's you, Mayor Zhou."

Li Jingchen came to the balcony, where he could see the courtyard, and seeing Lu Wanwan concentrating on drinking water, Li Jingchen said, "I happen to have something to find you."

Mayor Zhou said calmly, "Oh? Then maybe the two of us are going to talk about the same thing?"

Li Jingchen squinted his eyes, and said suddenly: "Maybe there is more than one thing I want to say?"