Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1553 Who are you looking through me?

Under Li Jingchen's accusing eyes, Lu Wanwan was defeated: "Okay, then what do you think of me?"

Li Jingchen took a deep look at her and said, "close your eyes and feel me."

Lu Wanwan's pretty face flushed, and she closed her eyes cooperatively, feeling his endless favor and love.

When Li Jingchen's warm kiss fell again, Lu Wanwan couldn't help moaning, two white lotus arms clung up to Li Jingchen's neck, and crossed together behind.

Who says women don't have desires?

They just haven't met the man who hasn't made them blush and heartbeat.

When Li Jingchen let go of her again, he saw that the little girl under him had misty eyes and an expression of not knowing what was going on.

This greatly satisfies his machismo because he makes his woman comfortable!

Immediately, he patted Lu Wanwan's cheek lightly with the palm of his hand, and said, "I've recovered."

After Lu Wanwan blinked slowly, she met Li Jingchen's smiling eyes, and she couldn't help but blush.

As everyone knows, the shyer she is, the more Li Jingchen wants to tease her: "Are you comfortable with my husband serving you?"

Lu Wanwan had to admit: "Comfortable."

"Then do you want it next time?" Li Jingchen asked again.

Lu Wanwan squirmed her red lips, feeling a little ashamed.

Li Jingchen reckoned that she was about to reach her psychological limit, so she thoughtfully said, "Okay, get up."

Lu Wanwan's arms were still around his neck. Seeing that he wanted to get up, she subconsciously pulled him down and asked, "Will you stop sleeping?"

Li Jingchen was surprised by her enthusiasm, but luckily it didn't press her stomach. He held her arm and said, "No, I still need to check my son's calligraphy and play tennis with him."

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan let go of him, and said with emotion: "It's really rare that the two of you persisted."

If Lu Wanwan had imagined it from the beginning, how long could the father and son last for this kind of interaction?Lu Wanwan must have guessed for no more than a month. Who made the father and son have such stinky and stubborn personalities?

But as the days passed, Lu Wanwan witnessed with her own eyes that An An either brought the fonts she practiced whenever she had time into Li Jingchen's study every night, or waited until the early morning of the day, and then handed them to Li Jingchen to read and ask him to give pointers.

And every weekend, their father and son would go to the tennis room on the top floor to play tennis together.

Now Lu Wanwan was counting the time and found that a month had passed, and these two events had become part of their daily life.

It was also in the back and forth guidance and competition that An An's strangeness towards Li Jingchen gradually faded away. In terms of learning, Li Jingchen can be his teacher, and in sports, Li Jingchen can be his opponent, no matter where he comes from. On the other hand, An An can learn a lot of knowledge.

Of course, learning is only one aspect.

On the other hand, by exercising together with Li Jingchen, An An also invisibly shortened the distance between them.

Li Jingchen's status as both a teacher and a friend has benefited An An a lot, and at the same time, she is no longer afraid of Li Jingchen.

After Li Jingchen turned over and got out of Wenrouxiang, he put on his home shoes and asked, "Do you think we are the kind of people who like to give up easily?"

Lu Wanwan said: "No, you father and son are sometimes very stubborn, and you don't want to give up on what you decide."

Li Jingchen felt weird after hearing this, so he couldn't help but turn around and asked, "Is this a compliment?"

Lu Wanwan said: "Let's talk about the score."

Li Jingchen asked for leave humbly: "Then do you think my son and I belong to that situation?"

"Of course you are the good ones." Lu Wanwan said helplessly, "Are you satisfied now?"

"Well, I'm satisfied." After Li Jingchen nodded, he got up and went to the bathroom.

After a while, I only heard the sound of "哗哗" coming from inside.

Ever since Lu Wanwan moved in to sleep with him, taking a shower every day seems to have become part of Li Jingchen's life.

As for the reason, Lu Wanwan knew without thinking.


When Li Jingchen appeared again, he was in the tennis room on the top floor.

At this time, An An was already waiting for him.

He is always on time.

On time, sometimes even Li Jingchen has to admire.

Li Jingchen has only seen such strong self-control and self-discipline at such a young age in the Li Group.

But who are the people who work in Li's Group?

First of all they are adults.

Secondly, they are all top students.

For the employees of the Li Group, self-control and self-discipline are necessary, but what about An An?He is only a 7-year-old child, and he has completely willful reasons, just like Li Xuyang did back then.

At this time, An An's voice sounded from the opposite side: "What are you thinking?"

Li Jingchen followed the sound and looked.

I saw An An was carrying a tennis racket on his shoulders, looking at people with his chin raised, very dragged and untrained.

In Li Jingchen's eyes, it was inexplicably more like Li Xuyang's childhood.

Seeing Li Jingchen staring at him without speaking, An An squinted her eyes in displeasure: "Are you thinking of others through me?"

For some reason, An An had such a strong premonition!It's not him that Li Jingchen is looking at now!But someone else!

who's that person? !

An An thought a little unhappy.

Li Jingchen's eyes were heavy, and he said after a while: "When did you become so sharp?"

"Kindness? That is to say, I guessed it right?" An'an puffed up her face, with a kind of cuteness similar to Lu Wanwan's.

Now, Li Jingchen could no longer associate him with Li Xuyang.

But at the same time, he lost interest in playing.

"I won't play golf today, sit with me." After a meal, Li Jingchen's tone softened: "Is that okay?"

An An couldn't resist his tenderness. After all, most of the time, Li Jingchen had a serious expression.

Hearing what he said at this time, An An walked over, sat on the same bench with him, put the tennis racket on her lap and asked, "Why don't you play with me?"

Hearing the disappointment in his tone, Li Jingchen explained: "It's not that I don't want to play with you, it's that I don't have the energy."

"Why do you have no energy?" An An looked at him, unconsciously concerned: "Are you sick?"

"No." Li Jingchen shook his head.

"Is that a fight with Mommy?"

"Not at all."

"That's not it, that's not it, what's the matter?" An An asked depressed and worried.

Although Li Jingchen was worried about Li Xuyang's safety at this time, but considering that An An was still young and not deeply involved in the world, he was afraid that once he said that Li Xuyang was going undercover, An An would call Li Xuyang in the next second.

Thinking of this, Li Jingchen forbearance said: "Don't ask, I just need you to sit with me."

An An frowned, and asked with some uncertainty: "I'll sit with you for a while, will your mood improve?"

If not, then he might as well ask Mommy to accompany Li Jingchen.

"How do you know if you don't try?" Li Jingchen smiled slightly.

An An heard the words, and nodded generously: "Yes, then I will sit with you for a while."