Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1386 Not only was he annoying before, but he also deserved a beating

The other two rich girls retreated—

"You have a girlfriend, why didn't you tell me earlier! We Gege have confessed our love to you for a long time here."

"Ge Ge, I think we should forget it, he seems to like his girlfriend quite a bit."

Chen Gege's tattooed chest heaved and heaved, his eyes gleamed with unwilling anger: "So what if you have a girlfriend! I just want you to be my boyfriend!"

When Li Xuyang heard this, he was overjoyed. Since childhood, he was the only one who forced others to compromise. When will it be others' turn to force him?

"I don't want your Miss Chen's face, I don't want your money, what else do you have?"

Chen Gege was so provoked by him, he couldn't help but said angrily: "If you dare to refuse me, my elder brother will not let you go!"

On the other side, Ye Heng, who had just settled down with his girlfriend, came out of the office when he heard the quarrel here, and hurried over and asked, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Li Xuyang asked casually: "Boss, you came just in time, tell me, who is her elder brother?" Could there be his elder brother, Li Jingchen, who is awesome?

When Ye Heng heard this, he quickly whispered into Li Xuyang's ear and said, "Chen Gege's elder brother belongs to the underworld, and he has raised 80 people in his hands. He specializes in helping people collect debts and works as a thug. Did you offend her?"

Li Xuyang gave a soft "hmm".

"Oh my little ancestor! When I'm not around for a while, you're causing trouble!"

In order not to get involved in his car factory, Ye Heng hurriedly said: "How about this, Fourth Young Master Li, we good men don't fight with women, I will give you a step down later, you must follow my words! "

"No need, I'm not you, I can't be their licking dog." Li Xuyang's voice was undisguised, not only Ye Heng heard it, but also Chen Gege and the three of them.

Now it's a hornet's nest——

"Li Xuyang! Do you think you are still the young master of the Li family? Without the Li family, you are nothing!"

"That's right, for an illegitimate child like you, it's your honor to be Ge Ge's real boyfriend! Don't be ashamed!"

"I said Li Xuyang, you don't have the aura of the Li family on you anymore, you only have this face left, if you don't make good use of it, when you grow old in the future, no one will want to sell it cheap!"

The three rich girls began to belittle Li Xuyang in all directions and without any dead ends. Anyway, in the eyes of these rich second generations, if Li Xuyang did not have the Li family to rely on, he would be as inferior as a fallen phoenix. If you beat him up, the Li family won't care about him!

Ye Heng saw that the situation was not good, so he quickly stood in the middle and persuaded: "Everyone, don't be angry! I will teach him a lesson later!"

Just kidding, let these little ancestors continue to quarrel, will he still be in business?

"Go away!" Chen Gege glared at Ye Heng, then asked Li Xuyang to save face: "I'll ask you one last time——"

"No date." Li Xuyang didn't even let her finish talking this time.

"..." Chen Gege almost gritted his teeth.

"Okay, since you don't want to drink a toast, then wait for my elder brother to clean you up!"

Chen Gege finished speaking angrily, and said to the good sisters beside him: "Let's go!"

Before one of the rich girls left, because she was greedy for masculinity, she couldn't help but secretly said to Li Xuyang: "You are finished, Gege, her elder brother is a spoiled girl, you offended her, you will not have a good life, you should pack up quickly , run away."

After finishing speaking, she also hurriedly left.

Leaving Ye Heng sighing: "Fourth Young Master Li, why did you get so stiff with them?"

In a blink of an eye, seeing Li Xuyang staring straight at Chen Gege's back, Ji Heng subconsciously said: "If you regret it, it's too late to catch up and apologize now, I can tell that Chen Gege really wants you,

You probably lost face just now, so she said she wanted her elder brother to deal with you. As long as you catch up and apologize, she will definitely forgive you. "

After all, if he was a woman, he wouldn't want to reject Li Xuyang!Ye Heng thought to himself.

In the end, Li Xuyang said, "I'm not thinking about this."

Ye Heng wondered: "Then why are you looking at him?"

Li Xuyang put his arms around his chest and thought: "I was thinking, was I just like her, also annoying?"

Hearing this, the corner of Ye Heng's mouth twitched: "Do you want to listen to the truth?"

Li Xuyang said: "Yes."

Ye Heng then said: "You used to be not only annoying, but you also deserved to be beaten up. You relied on your mother and your second brother's relationship all day long. We all hoped that one day you would be beaten by your elder brother." die."

Li Xuyang asked: "What about now?"

Ye Heng said: "You are also very annoying now."

Li Xuyang laughed at himself: "It seems that I am no different from before."

"There is a difference." Ye Heng said, "The difference is that I didn't dare to tell you the truth before, but now I dare."

After hearing this, Li Xuyang smiled.

Ye Heng also laughed, and after a while, he said again: "Chen Gege and her elder brother will bring people along, and they will definitely mess up my car factory. Look, should I call the police first, just in case?"

"Don't worry, I'm doing things alone. If they make trouble, I'll take them outside to deal with it."

Li Xuyang was eager to make this matter a big deal, and it would be better if it spread throughout the circle, and even made headlines in the society.

Ye Heng is still more righteous: "Xuyang, today is different from the past. You are destined to suffer a loss when you face a group of people alone. Or, I will give you some money, so you can go back to university to hide?"

Li Xuyang shook his head: "No, I still have relatives here."

"Your third sister?" Ye Heng thought of Li Qingling, she was an amazing woman, not only took over the Li Group through her own efforts, but also married Lin Yue, the underworld prince who killed people without blood. Said it was a legend.

"But didn't you say that your third sister has been on your elder brother's side since she was a child? Would she help you?"

Li Xuyang was noncommittal: "Just wait and see."

What he wanted was not Li Qingling's help, but to get his mother's attention!

When her youngest son is in danger, will Zhuang Jing react?

He waits and sees.

In addition... After school starts, he should give Tang Sui some whitening products, otherwise she will be laughed at wherever she goes, ugly, she doesn't mind, he's tired of hearing it.


At 6 o'clock in the evening, Li's house.

A thin figure was wandering around outside Li Jingchen's study like a dog...

Just when he made up his mind and stretched out his little hand to twist the doorknob, the maid's voice suddenly sounded: "Young master, what are you doing outside the study of the eldest master?"

An An was taken aback, quickly withdrew her hand, and said, "Uh, sister, I want to go put something."

"What is it?"

Since there were some confidential documents of the company in Li Jingchen's study, the maid felt that it would be better to ask clearly, so as not to make a mistake and be held accountable.