Li Xiangchen raised his hand to loosen his tie, then drank two more sips of water to ease his emotions, and then said, "It's grandma."

Bai Qingluo's complexion changed drastically, "Then what should we do? She heard our words!"

If it's someone else, maybe they can buy it with money, but what can Tang and the others buy?" It's over, we're done Bai Qingluo muttered to himself.

"What are you afraid of? The old man is lying unconscious under the stairs now. I'll deal with the monitoring now. As for you, Li Xiangchen's sinister eyes fell on Bai Qingluo's face" later) l No matter who comes to ask, you will bite to death Just meet grandma. "

Hearing this, Bai Qingluo suddenly found sadly that she was relieved when she heard that Tang Qiong was unconscious.

Then she glanced at the thermos that rolled down at the door of the ward, and closed her eyes tremblingly, after all, she couldn't go back to City S.

Grandma had an accident! When Lu Wanwan heard the news from Zhuang Jing, she immediately looked at Li Jingchen subconsciously! But there was no emotion on his face, or should I say, the pain was severe, but no emotion was revealed up.

3 After all, I can't go back. Under the stagnant atmosphere, Li Jingchen said slowly, "What happened to grandma?"

Zhuang Jing was a little terrified by his gloomy eyes, but she still followed Li Xiangchen's words and said, "Grandma Chen'er accidentally stepped on the air and fell down the stairs when she went to the hospital to see Qingluo, and she is still in iu first aid!"

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan couldn't describe how she felt in her heart. She admitted that she was terrified at this moment! She was afraid that Tang Qiong would not be able to be rescued, and that others would remember this incident on her head. After all, Tang Qiong went to visit Bai Qingluo, who was "pushed off the cliff by her", fell down the stairs! But now, she is more worried about Li Jingchen.

She couldn't help but walked forward, and gently put her hand on his arm, only to find that his muscles were tense.

"Mr. Li, are you okay?"

Li Jingchen looked back at her, his eyes were cloudy, "I have to go to City A."

Lu Wanwan said, "I'll go too!"

"Don't go." Li Jingchen said indifferently, picked up the black coat hanging on the coat rack, and strode towards the door.

Lu Wanwan's heart turned cold. Although he didn't say anything, she knew that he must be blaming her for causing so many disasters. Suddenly, she turned around and found the heirloom jade pendant that Li Yuanzhong gave her, and chased after the door .

Downstairs, the porch.

"Mr. Li!"

Hearing this, Li Jingchen, who had just put on his shoes, turned around and saw a slender figure running towards him, his face full of anxiety.

He couldn't help asking "what's the matter?"

After Lu Wanwan stood still, she spread her palms reluctantly, and said softly, "Give it back to Grandpa for me."

It's the heirloom jade pendant! Li Jingchen's eyes were so cold that they were about to freeze into ice in an instant! The next second, he suddenly raised his hand to take the jade pendant away, and went out without looking back.

Lu Wanwan smiled silently, but tears fell silently.

Rather than waiting for the Li family to come and ask her for it back, she might as well take the initiative to return it.

Zhuang Jing followed at this time, and said sarcastically, "I just said, you are a disaster, and whoever gets involved with you will be unlucky."

Lu Wanwan wiped away her tears and didn't want to pay attention.

But Zhuang Jing refused to let go, "I advise you to be mentally prepared. If something really happens to Mom, the first thing Jing Chen will do when he comes back is to divorce you!"

Day, city a.

Hospital monitoring room.

The surveillance personnel saw that Li Jingchen replayed the video over and over again. Although he knew that he could not extract anything from the processed video, he still broke out in a guilty conscience.

At this time, Li Xiangchen who was next to him took a late look at him, and the monitoring personnel could only bite the bullet and say to Li Jingchen, "Young Master Li, this is the whole process of Mrs. Tang falling down the stairs. 3 I can't go back after all."

While the monitors were talking, Li Jingchen clicked on the replay again.

I saw Tang Qiong in the video, after climbing up to the floor where Bai Qingluo was, suddenly took a step back inexplicably, stepped on the air and fell down the stairs.

After that, the blood spilled from the back of the head, gradually smudged on the tiles.

While observing Li Jingchen's face, the surveillance personnel said cautiously, "Young Master Li, if you have any questions, you can ask them, and we can discuss them together." Li Jingchen said coldly, "I was wondering why grandma still takes the stairs when there is an elevator?"

After the monitoring staff froze, they licked their lips and said, "Maybe it was because there were too many people waiting for the elevator, so Mrs. Tang chose to take the stairs?"

Li Jingchen didn't comment on this, but said, "Copy this video to me."

The surveillance personnel quickly responded with "Yes!"

After Li Jingchen left with the USB flash drive, the surveillance personnel approached Li Xiangchen and said, "Second Young Master Li, I'm risking my life to help you!"

Li Xiangchen raised his hand to press his shoulder, and said with a smile, "I know, the money will be transferred to your account later, pay attention to check."

iu outside the intensive care unit.

"Brother Li!" When Bai Qingluo saw Li Jingchen, she immediately supported the wall with her hands and straightened up from the chair.

Wearing a hospital gown, she dragged her wounded body and waited here. Anyone who saw her would be moved, but she couldn't go back after all.

After Li Jingchen nodded at her, he walked towards Li Yuanzhong who was sitting, "Grandpa."

Li Yuanzhong came back to his senses, and said with some difficulty, "It's Jingchen, sit down. Your grandma just had brain surgery yesterday, so I'm not sure if she can wake up."

Li Jingchen said in a low voice, "I will wake up.

Bai Qing sat on the sidelines, her hands were tightly intertwined, Tang Qiong must not wake up, or she and Li Xiangchen would be finished! At this moment, the door of the intensive care room was opened, and Tang Qiong performed the surgery herself yesterday The dean came out and said, "Good news, Mrs. Tang is awake!"

"What!" Bai Qingluo gasped in shock.

"Yes, Mrs. Tang is awake." The director repeated again, afraid that they would not believe her, "But Mrs. Tang's current state is extremely unstable. Everyone can go in and see her, but don't stay too long."

Hearing this, Li Yuanzhong recovered from the huge surprise, "Jingchen, your grandma is awake!"

"Hmm!" A smile finally appeared on Li Jingchen's cold face.

In the video, when someone found Tang Qiong, she had already lost too much blood. In addition, Tang Qiong was old and injured in the back of her head. One can imagine how difficult it was to rescue.

Therefore, Tang Qiong was able to wake up, which was already a blessing in misfortune.

After Li Yuanzhong took a deep breath, he stood up and said, "Come on, let's go in and see her!"

Only Bai Qing was stunned in place, unable to move.

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