"Yes, we also have money, why didn't you tell me earlier when you have the goods?"

It was said that the man who brought the four of Lu Wanwan to the restaurant said to the complaining guests, "Because these four beauties are the lucky guests of our resort today, they have the priority to experience."

"What lucky guest? Why haven't I heard of it!" A man with a big arm and a round waist said dissatisfiedly, and looked at the guests at the other table. "Hey, have you heard of it?"

Other guests said one after another, "I have never heard of such a good thing!"

The man said calmly, "I'm sorry, but that only shows that you are not lucky enough. Maybe you can come to our resort a few more times, and you will be able to encounter such a good thing."

Oh, the guests! "Wanwan, leave them alone, let's eat!" Some little sisters couldn't help it.

After all, it is really a torment to leave so many delicious foods untouched.

Another little sister said, "Wait, do you think there is any consumption trap here? For example, let us eat first, and then charge us with a sky-high bill after eating?" No way? Do you wash the dishes here? How long will it take for the restaurant to pay back?"

"By the way, didn't you just draw a reward for dating the boss of the resort for a whole day? Maybe the boss here is a big pervert. He deliberately set a trap and asked us to pay for it. He caught us. It's over!"

Seeing that their words became more and more outrageous, the man wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said, "No way! Everyone, rest assured, I am here. If there are any consumption traps, you can just call the police and take away our entire resort! "

Hearing this, the four of Lu Wanwan started to move with ease.

And here is indeed a restaurant with a Michelin-starred chef! It was so delicious that their tongues melted. When they were full, the man said at the right time, "Now let me lead the four of you to the hot spring pool.

"Okay, let's go!"

Among the four, only Lu Wanwan asked, "Handsome, are you only serving us today?"

The man was afraid of showing his feet, and hurriedly said, "Our resort area is divided into ten areas. I was afraid that you would get lost halfway and waste unnecessary time, so I proposed to take you there."

After Lu Wanwan heard this, she didn't say anything, otherwise she always felt that this person was too warm and considerate to them.

The man took them to the separate hot spring pool, and introduced, "A small hot spring pool like this can usually accommodate 24 people. After you go to the changing room and change your swimsuits, you can come and enjoy it.

After the man finished speaking, he looked at his watch pretendingly, and said, "If you have no questions, I'll go first."

If I stay any longer, I'm afraid it will be revealed.

Lu Wanwan nodded, and said politely, "I'm sorry for your inconvenience all the way."

Caught by him, it's over! The man smiled and said "it's all right", then turned around and returned to Ji Huai.

Lu Wanwan said to the little sister, "You guys go to the changing room first, I came out in a hurry, and I forgot my swimsuit, I have to go to the store over there to buy it."

The little sisters said, "It's okay, we will go with you."

When they arrived at the swimsuit shop, several people asked Lu Wanwan to buy sexy swimsuits, "You are already married, why are you buying such conservative swimsuits?"

"That's right, besides there are only four of us, you won't be caught by outsiders if you wear less clothes!"

At their instigation, Lu Wanwan bought a gauze swimsuit with a v-neck and a hollowed-out back. When she came out of the changing room, the other little sisters whistled.

These long-legged, small-waisted ones, let alone men, even women are drooling.

"Wan Wan, you have such a good figure, why do you always hide it?"

"Yeah, look at your fair skin, I'm too embarrassed to be in the same frame as you."

Lu Wanwan adjusted her swimsuit in the mirror awkwardly, but in the end the little sisters couldn't see it and pushed her out.

In the hot spring pool.

After Lu Wanwan soaked, she felt warm after a while. Even though snowflakes were falling in the courtyard not far away, she didn't feel cold at all.

At this time, a woman in a kimono came over with Japanese drinking utensils. She knelt by Lu Wanwan's hot spring pool, lowered her eyebrows and said, "Guests, we provide free wine service here. "

Lu Wanwan subconsciously said, "So good?"

Caught by him, it's over! The woman in kimono smiled slightly, "Yes, because you are today's lucky guests."

The little sisters on the side couldn't help kicking the water happily, "Drinking sake while soaking in hot springs in winter, I can't think of anything more pleasant than this!"

After the woman in kimono poured a glass of sake, she handed it to Lu Wanwan, "Please try it."

After Lu Wanwan finished drinking, she leaned against the wall of the pool and closed her eyes to rest her mind. Life is so beautiful, why should she be so distressed? Time passed, and when Lu Wanwan opened her eyes again, she saw her three little sisters They were all gone, and replaced by Yi Li, Jing, and Chen, a man she was currently avoiding! At this moment, he was only wearing a pair of trousers, showing his white and lean upper body, staying in the same pool as her.

Different from her bewilderment, the expression on his face is always so strategic, only a pair of eyes are staring at her with burning eyes, which makes Lu Wanwan have the illusion that he is not wearing clothes.

However, in fact, it is true.

At this time, Lu Wanwan was wearing a sexy swimsuit, and every part of her body was eye-catching. Fortunately, there were no other men walking around, otherwise Li Jingchen would have poached their eyeballs! Noticed that his gaze became more and more sinister , Lu Wanwan hurriedly pulled the towel on the side to wrap herself up, but even so, her long white legs were still exposed.

"What are you covering up? I haven't seen your whole body?" Li Jingchen realized that his voice was hoarse as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Shameless!" Lu Wanwan finished angrily, and poured water on his face, scalding him blind! He caught him, it's over! After Li Jingchen turned his head to avoid it, he swam towards her. The long-legged one quickly trapped her between herself and the pool wall.

Lu Wanwan tightly grabbed the towel on her chest to prevent it from slipping, "How do you know I'm here? Did you send someone to follow me again!"

Li Jingchen saw a strand of wet hair sticking to her cheek, and couldn't help but pull it behind her ear." The boss here called me and told me.

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