Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1135 This is the greatest kindness to her

Lu Wanwan listened to Fu Xing and did not expose the positive side between her and Li Jingchen, which was already the greatest kindness to her.

"I only promised to cooperate with you in this scene. I risked being discovered by Li Jingchen and allowed your driver to follow the filming.

When your driver was detained at Li's house, I helped him escape, but you didn't tell me that you wanted me to be on the hot search afterwards,

Fu Xing, you plotted against me, and now you use An An to threaten me, do you think I'm easy to bully? "

Lu Wanwan stared into Fu Xing's eyes and asked every word.

"I have never let my relatives and friends stand up for me in the matter with the Fu family, but if you dare to drag An An into the water, his grandfather, uncle, and uncles and aunts will definitely make you pay the price!"

As time goes by, she will indeed ignore how tough Lu Wanwan's backstage is!

After weighing the pros and cons, Fu Xing turned around and walked towards the Cayenne, and ordered the driver to open the rear door with his hand.

Fu Xing had never seen Lu Wanwan look ruthless.

In my impression, this ex-sibling of hers was polite to everyone, not as arrogant and indulgent as ordinary young ladies. <.97 xiaoshuo. net

After Lu Wanwan looked him up and down, he asked, "Are you okay?"

As soon as the back seat door opened, An An immediately jumped down from it.

After glaring at Fu Xing angrily, he ran towards Lu Wanwan.

Unexpectedly, An An frowned and turned around, growling at Fu Xing: "I won't talk to you anymore! You liar!"

Touching the anger and sadness in An An's eyes, Fu Xing knew that his trust in him had been completely shattered, and he couldn't help but feel a little complicated.

Ann shook her head.

Seeing this, Fu Xing said: "Look, I didn't hurt him."

Fu Xing leaned down and said in a coaxing tone: "An'an, I just want to have a private chat with your mommy. After the chat is over, I will send you home. Besides, I didn't hurt you, right?"

"Hmph!" An An turned her face away angrily. He was not injured, but his young heart was seriously hurt!

This time, without Lu Wanwan asking, An'an babbled and said everything: "Mommy, after she tricked me into getting into the car with Daddy's affairs, she asked the driver to hold me down and not let me get off! "

An An was very wronged, fortunately he risked being scolded by his mommy and got into Fu Xing's car, but she lied to him!

Before in City Y, the aunt's family locked him up once, but now they come to City S and repeat the old trick. The most disgusting thing is that the aunt actually used the things about Daddy as a lure to lure him into the bait!

Fu Xing was really helpless, so he had to say: "Wanwan, Fu Shuo founded the Fu branch company after he separated from my father. If it hadn't been for a sudden car accident, he could have become a more independent entrepreneur. Admiration, the result..."

After Lu Wanwan touched An An's little head, she said meaningfully: "An An is not your real nephew after all, so you can lock him up openly, regardless of his mood."

An An was startled, and suddenly understood the meaning of Mummy's words.

Although Fu Shuo and Shi Yu haven't known each other for a long time, they have reached a high degree of agreement on the issue of "entering the brand in the deep-water harbor", and they are both the type who firmly say no.

It was also from that moment that Fu Shuo began to regard Shi Yu as a friend.

Fu Xing swallowed even more, saying that it was miserable, but there was also a part of showing his true feelings.

After Lu Wanwan looked at her distantly for a while, she suddenly said, "Fu Shuo and Shi Yu are good friends."

Yesterday evening, when she went to Jiuxi Tiandi to find Lu Wanwan, the reason why Lu Wanwan refused to talk to her was because he had plotted against her first.

Fu Xing, who had thought about this clearly, suddenly felt a little ashamed of what he had done.

After Fu Xing was stunned for a moment, she finally realized that Lu Wanwan answered her question.

It can be seen that Wanwan eats soft food but not hard food.

"As for the solution." Lu Wanwan found a small translucent box from her bag, which was filled with all the business cards she had received.

After pulling out one of the cards, Lu Wanwan handed it to Fu Xing, and said coldly, "If Shi Yu doesn't want to supply Fu's branch anymore, then you should switch to another company as soon as possible."

Lu Wanwan continued: "After Fu Shuo's car accident, we lied to everyone that he went abroad to expand his business, and now you have replaced Fu Shuo's position without saying a word, Shi Yu probably felt that he was being tricked, so That's why I got angry."

Fu Xing nodded: "I see."

Fu Xing said solemnly: "I see, thank you, Wanwan."

Lu Wanwan then handed her the business card.

"This is……"

Fu Xing was about to take it, but Lu Wanwan suddenly put away the business card and said with a blank expression, "For Fu Shuo's sake, this is the last time."

At that time, Lu Wanwan left his business card. It was just an unintentional move. Now that Shiyu suddenly cut off the supply of Fu's branch, it would not be too much for Fu to change suppliers.

"Wan..." When Fu Xing raised his head again, Lu Wanwan had already walked away with An An.

After Fu Xing took it, he looked down and saw the contact information of a Taiwanese businessman on the business card, who was also in the business of sandalwood products.

This was exactly the sandalwood exhibition that Shi Yu had brought Lu Wanwan to participate in, and it was organized by a wealthy Taiwanese businessman in city S.

Inside the subway.

An'an and Lu Wanwan were next to each other, resting their chin on Lu Wanwan's elbow holding the handrail, rolling their little faces on it and saying, "Mommy, I won't be fooled by her again, Don't be angry with me, okay?"

Fu Xing only watched her slender and tough back slowly disappearing under the snow.


At this time, it was the rush hour for getting off work, and the expressions of people who had been busy all day were a little numb, but after hearing An An's words, they still couldn't help casting envious glances at Lu Wanwan.

Look at other people's children, not only are they good-looking, they are also very sensible. It's a pity that they have to go home after get off work and be pissed off by the brats!

A pair of grandparents next to him were so cute by his appearance, they took the initiative to ask: "Is your baby tired and acting like a baby with you? If you don't mind, let him sit with us."

"Grandpa and grandma, I'm not tired. I did something wrong. I'm apologizing to Mommy." An An spoke the most serious words in the softest voice.

This is the first time that An An has clearly separated her relationship with the Fu family.

Who let him be fooled by Fu Xing, and made Mommy unhappy!

Lu Wanwan lowered her eyes, and asked him a little seriously: "In the future, will you still get in the Fu family's car?"

"No, no, no!" An An hurriedly said: "Unless Daddy shows up in person, I won't even get in their car!"

An An felt very guilty.

However, Mommy finally answered Fu Xing's question for Daddy's branch. Does this mean that Mommy still has feelings for Daddy?

Should he call his father after he goes back?

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