Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1120 Do whatever he asks you to do

Besides, Li Jinshu is so beautiful...

Under his deliberate difficulty, Li Jinshu took off her old-fashioned black-framed glasses and her nun-like overalls, and was forced to change into a low-cut short skirt. reaction!

At this moment, Lu Wanwan's voice sounded: "Brother, what are you thinking? Why are you so lewd?"

"Who's squinting!" Lu Zeyu quickly retorted, but there was a bit of concealment in his frantically flickering eyes.

Lu Wanwan made trouble with him on purpose: "But your face is blushing."

Lu Zeyu stiffened his neck and said, "I'm hot, can't I?"

"It's below zero now."

"..." Annoying!

Lu Wanwan bumped him with her shoulder: "Tell me the truth, are you thinking about Jin Shu? How did you feel when she fell on your chest just now?"

And the bunny is about to jump out?

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"Brother, what are you laughing at?"

Lu Zeyu sat a little further away, as if he could escape his sister's torture: "How can I feel?"

Lu Wanwan thought that Lu Zeyu had no experience in love at all, and was just a pure boy. In order to prevent him from going astray, she decided to guide him: "For example, it looks like a little rabbit is about to pop out of his chest!"

Unexpectedly, Lu Zeyu sneered after hearing this.

This reaction was much more real than a little rabbit jumping in his chest.

Lu Wanwan was stunned for a long time before she realized, "Wow, brother! So you're not honest at all! You know everything!"

Lu Zeyu couldn't help laughing: "Sister Wanwan, I am no longer the fool I used to be, I am a normal man now, and I will pay attention to beautiful women."

Lu Zeyu turned his head, raised the corners of his mouth at her and said, "Sister Wanwan, most men's 'love at first sight' towards women is not based on their heart, but their kidneys."

People are visual creatures, especially men.

When a woman can make him look at it and get an adrenaline rush, there is a natural physiological response in his body.

Can he really start as friends with this woman, Li Jinshu?

At this moment, Lu Wanwan's cell phone rang suddenly.

She took it out and saw that it was Lu Hongye's phone, so she couldn't help saying: "Brother, we've been out for too long, Dad probably called to tell us to go back."

It's just that he never took the initiative because he hadn't let go of the hatred.

Now that night, he took the shackles around his neck with his own hands, and removed his handcuffs and shackles, Lu Zeyu felt unprecedentedly relaxed.


After Lu Wanwan swiped the answer button, she just called out "Dad" when she heard Lu Hongye's excited voice from the other end of the phone.

"Wanwan, it's done! It's done!!!"

Lu Wanwan suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart: "...Dad, what happened?"

Lu Zeyu nodded: "Then you can take it."

Lu Wanwan looked at him worriedly: "Let's talk about it first, let's go back together."

Lu Zeyu put his hands behind his head, leaned on the back of the chair, and said "um".

When she enlightened her elder brother, did dad just recognize Jinshu as his daughter?Don't wait for her to go back with her elder brother to discuss it?

Lu Hongye said happily: "Dad thought about it. The two of them are really not suitable. It was Dad's wishful thinking before, which made everyone unhappy. It won't happen in the future. Doesn't that bastard like that reporter named Song?" ? Then go as much as you like, dad doesn't care!"

What else could Lu Wanwan say, she stammered "Yes", said she would go back soon, and put down the phone.

"That's why I took Xiao Li as my daughter! When you went after that bastard, Xiao Li and I were already in front of the ancestral tablet of the Lu family. We asked her to offer tea, and she also accepted the red envelope I gave her. The key point is to call me godfather again, hahaha, that bastard won’t come back until he comes back, I’m enough with you two daughters!”

Lu Hongye's voice can be said to be undisguised, as if he deliberately shouted to someone.

Lu Wanwan's eyes widened and she asked in shock, "Dad, why are you moving so fast?"

Seeing that Lu Wanwan was back, Lu Hongye immediately greeted him: "Wanwan, you're back! Come here, sit next to Dad, and let's celebrate together. From now on, Xiao Li is a member of our family!"

After the meal, Lu Hongye looked at Lu Zeyu who was one step behind, but he didn't get angry: "You should come together."

Lu Wanwan looked at Li Jinshu who was sitting in the lower right corner of Lu Hongye, and just said, "Dad, Xiao Li, congratulations."

She subconsciously looked at Lu Zeyu, but saw that his originally bright and handsome face had turned livid again!


Lu family, in the kitchen.

Being dragged away by him, Li Jinshu couldn't help but look back at Lu Hongye.

Lu Hongye wanted to stop him, but was gently stopped by Lu Wanwan: "Dad, let them talk alone."

Lu Hongye asked in confusion, "What else do they have to talk about?"

Suddenly, Lu Zeyu rushed forward, grabbed Li Jinshu's wrist, and pulled her up from the chair.

The smile on Lu Hongye's face sank in an instant: "You son of a bitch, what are you doing? I haven't settled the score with you for wronging Xiao Li just now, don't go too far!"

Lu Zeyu didn't care about anything, he pulled Li Jinshu and said, "Come with me!"

Li Jinshu was looking at his room. There was a little innocence in the simplicity, and there was a little dolphin pendant on the bookcase. When she heard his question, she was stunned for a moment.

Seeing her ignorant look, Lu Zeyu couldn't help raising his voice: "Speak!"

Li Jinshu withdrew his scrutinizing gaze, and replied calmly, "Because Boss Lu really treats me well, and I don't want to let him down."


Lu Zeyu dragged Li Jinshu all the way to his room, and locked the door with a snap before letting go.

"Why did you agree?"

Li Jinshu's heart was stabbed, she tried her best to ignore this feeling, and tried to call out according to Lu Hongye's instruction just now: "Brother..."

Hearing this, Lu Zeyu's face turned black.

He gritted his teeth and asked, "What did you call me?"

Lu Zeyu looked at her for a long time before asking: "You said, he treats you well?"

Li Jinshu said: "Yes."

Lu Zeyu smiled: "I thought that a person like you should have no understanding of the world."

Li Jinshu pursed the corners of his lips, and explained: "It's my godfather who asked me to call him that."

The more Lu Zeyu listened, the more annoyed he became, and he asked almost uncontrollably, "Whatever he asked you to do, do what you want? He asked you to be my wife, why didn't you?"

Li Jinshu's mind froze a bit, she didn't know whether Lu Zeyu was mocking her or what, so she could only keep silent.

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