Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1116 She Shouldn't Come

Facing Lin Yue's gloomy eyes, Li Jingchen said slowly: "Since you and Qing Ling are married, you should do some legal business, don't lick blood on the tip of the knife all day long, in case you bring it to her and the child in the future I am afraid that you will regret the disaster of killing yourself."

Lin Yue squinted his eyes, and asked provocatively, "Is this your experience?"

Li Jingchen smiled, and said: "Even Wei Yu's nightclub has been legalized, as long as you want to, you can make changes, unless Qingling doesn't hold enough weight in your mind."

Li Qingling instantly cast a wave of death at Lin Yue: "Brother is right! Wei Yu can change the business model for his wife and daughter, can't you also think about me and our future children?"

Looking at his little wife's satisfied smiling face, Lin Yue actually began to think about the issue of industrial transformation.


at the same time.

"..." Lin Yue.

After a long time, he glanced down and said slowly, "I'll think about it."

"Hmm!" Whether it was true or not, Li Qingling couldn't help but feel happy, and she finally let go of her arms around her chest, took the initiative to wrap her arms around Lin Yue's shoulders, and rubbed her little head the crest of his neck. <.97 xiaoshuo. net

"Yes." The servant hurriedly opened the door.

Seeing this, Li Jinshu quickly put away his phone and got out of the car.

After Li Jinshu changed into a red knee-length skirt in the room, he put on a light-colored windbreaker, then covered the half-eaten takeaway box, turned around and put it in the refrigerator before going out.

40 minutes later--

When Li Jinshu arrived at Lu's house and was about to take out his mobile phone to call Lu Hongye, Lu Wanwan noticed her coming first.

If Li Jinshu is an iceberg, then the red dress she is wearing today is like a sea of ​​fire burning under the glacier, extremely beautiful.

Li Jinshu explained: "Today is a holiday, I want to dress festively."

"Indeed." Lu Wanwan greeted with a smile, "Come on, follow me into the house."

Lu Wanwan smiled and approached her: "Jin Shu, you are here."

Secretary Li nodded and said respectfully, "Miss Lu."

Lu Wanwan looked at her and said, "You are so beautiful tonight!"

In the next second, Lu Wanwan shielded Lu Zeyu from her gaze with her body, and smiled at her, "Jin Shu, don't stand still, change your shoes."

After a daze, Li Jinshu said, "Miss Lu, I..."

"what happened?"

Li Jinshu followed behind her, and when he entered the room, he immediately saw Lu Zeyu sitting on the sofa.

Seeing her coming, Lu Zeyu's eyes immediately changed, they were fierce, exactly the same as when he saw her standing in front of President Li that day.

Li Jinshu's hand holding on to the wall tightened slightly, shouldn't she be here?

"Leave him alone." Lu Wanwan said: "My dad invited you here tonight because he has a very important matter to discuss with you. If you leave, he will be very sad! Do you have the heart?"

Hearing this, Li Jinshu nodded and said, "Okay, I understand."

After waiting for her to change her shoes, Lu Wanwan led her to the living room.

"Or I'd better go."

Lu Wanwan said: "My dad will be very sad if you leave."

Li Jinshu calmly stated another fact: "But if I stay, Xiao Lu will always be unhappy."

Seeing that they were silent, Lu Wanwan turned on the TV for them to ease their embarrassment, and then went upstairs.

At this time, the second floor.

Lu Hongye was still choosing the right clothes, while An An stood beside him, blowing rainbow farts.

"Jin Shu, sit down first, I'll ask my dad to go downstairs." After a meal, Lu Wanwan said to Lu Zeyu who was sitting not far away: "Brother, please entertain Jin Shu for me."

Lu Zeyu moved his knuckles, smiled coldly, entertain?Wow, he must treat this woman well!

Li Jinshu met Lu Zeyu's cold gaze and sat sideways to avoid direct eye contact with him.

"Stylish too!"

When Lu Wanwan opened the door and entered, she saw that Lu Hongye's bed and carpet were already piled up with clothes and trousers. She couldn't help saying, "Dad, don't pick anything, Xiao Li is here."

Lu Hongye was so frightened that the clothes in his hands fell off: "What? So fast!"

"An'an, what do you think of grandpa wearing this suit?"

An An praised: "Handsome!"

"What about this set?"

Lu Hongye's heart warmed up when he heard the words, and he couldn't help asking: "Wan Wan, Dad wants to recognize Xiao Li as his daughter, do you feel wronged?"

After all, it is possible that the goddaughter will divide his estate in the future.

Lu Wanwan laughed and said: "Dad, I suggested this matter, do you think I will be wronged?"

"Hurry up, you are too slow." Lu Wanwan walked in, looked at him and said, "Isn't the suit on you very energetic?"

"Really?" Lu Hongye looked at himself in the mirror, for fear that something was wrong: "Xiao Li has high requirements on appearance, since Dad wants to recognize her as a goddaughter, he can't be too casual, otherwise it will look useless. sincerity."

Lu Wanwan helped him tuck the hem of his shirt into his trouser waist, and then said: "I know, you really treat Xiao Li as your own family, and I believe she can feel it too."

If the eldest brother is not interested in Li Jinshu, then he will fulfill his father's wish and recognize this goddaughter.

With Lu Wanwan's words, Lu Hongye's heart sank completely: "Okay, then it's decided!"

Lu Wanwan smiled slightly: "Well, let's go downstairs."

Besides, recognizing Li Jinshu as his father's goddaughter was only secondary.

What she really wanted to try was her eldest brother's sincerity.

If the eldest brother is interested in Li Jinshu, then he will never let his father recognize him as his goddaughter.

Lu Wanwan raised her eyebrows, thinking that her elder brother really wanted to make trouble.

Lu Hongye's hand holding the red envelope trembled, his eyes widened slowly, and he asked incredulously, "You, what are you doing?!"

Lu Zeyu looked at the woman imprisoned in front of him, a head of black hair curled around his chest, and his neck became more slender because he looked up at the person, as if it would break if he folded it lightly .


However, when they got downstairs, they found that Li Jinshu was pressing Lu Zeyu under him, and the two of them fell on the sofa together, showing a posture of rubbing ears and temples, and entangled limbs.

"Oh!" An An called softly.

At this time, Lu Hongye had already rushed to them, and after seeing their overlapping postures clearly, he cursed angrily: "Lu Zeyu, you bastard, are you taking advantage of Xiao Li?"

"Are you asking me?" Lu Zeyu slowly moved away the big hand that was pressing on Li Jinshu's red skirt, and instead supported the armrest, he slowly straightened up and said, "Dad, Wanwan, she seduced me."

So, this godmother, I can't recognize her.

"Xiao Li seduced you?!" Lu Hongye looked at Li Jinshu in astonishment.

On the other side of the sofa, Li Jinshu slowly sat up straight, raised his face, and explained anxiously: "Boss Lu, I don't."

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