Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1107 Is He That Important To You?

"Are you acting with me for Fu Shuo's sake? Looking for someone to follow?"

Li Jingchen's heart felt like falling into an ice cave. He spent a few days of waiting in exchange for half a day of happiness, but it turned out to be fake?

The roses and dolls on the table were arranged neatly, silently reminding him how stupid he had done.

Li Jingchen's forehead twitched, he let go of Lu Wanwan abruptly, and took a step back.

"Eldest young master, are you alright?" Seeing that the situation was wrong, the servant hurriedly stepped forward to support him.

Li Jingchen swung the servant away with force.

His black pupils stared deeply at Lu Wanwan, not letting go of any change in her expression, and asked stubbornly, "Wanwan, tell me, is everything today fake?"

It turns out...he knew!

Facing Shang Lu Wanwan's complicated eyes, Li Jingchen said word by word: "It's strange why I know? Because at that time, Wei Yu and Ye Fei were by my side."

Lu Wanwan explained: "If it's fake, then I'll directly ask you to meet here, take two more photos and leave."

"Who knows." Li Jingchen clutched his sore forehead and smiled nervously: "You have been lying to me since the night of An'an's art performance. I endured it for so many days and didn't harass your mother and son. Are you Are you happy?"

Could it be that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get back to Wanwan's original appearance?

In that memory, the girl who would always blush when kissed by him, can now accept his roses with affectionate eyebrows for another man, stand on tiptoe and kiss his cheek, and even respond to his kiss without blinking an eye?

He was confused by the authorities, couldn't understand Wan Wan's strategy, and even sneered at Wei Yu and Ye Fei's saying that "Wan Wan is fooling you", but now it seems that Wei Yu and Ye Fei did not guess wrong, Wan Wan is coaxing him!

Li Jingchen felt chills when she thought of her clear eyes all the time, seeing him alone in a daze.

The servant anxiously made a gesture of crossing his hands at her, signaling her not to provoke Li Jingchen.

Then, the servant pointed to his head again and told her secretly that Li Jingchen's mind is not clear now.

He stared at her, as if he wanted to pierce her heart open, to see who was dancing for her inside: "Fu that important to you?"

Seeing the veins on his forehead, and his whole body showing a strange feeling, Lu Wanwan couldn't help but look at the nearby servants.

Even if the people around knew who caused Li Jingchen's head pain, they couldn't give him any treatment.

If it doesn't work, it will intensify the stimulation to him.

Six years ago, Li Jingchen suffered from a chronic illness in his head. Whenever he thought of Lu Wanwan, he would have a splitting headache. He could only relieve it by taking medicine and psychological counseling.

But later, as he stopped going to Lanqin's psychological clinic, the only professional who had insight into Li Jingchen's mental illness disappeared.

After Lu Wanwan considered her words, she said, "Li Jingchen, I admit that I shouldn't have allowed Fu Xing's people to follow us without saying a word.

But I really don't want to owe Fu Shuo any more favors, and I don't want him to delay treatment because of me, so I agreed to Fu Xing's request. If this makes you feel uncomfortable, you can scold me, but please Don't hurt yourself, okay? "

Therefore, the servants all adhere to the principle of "talk less, make less mistakes" and dare not provoke Li Jingchen.

At this time, Li Jingchen's fists were clenched tightly, his eyes seemed to have lost their luster, and were filled with darkness. Lu Wanwan could hear the sound of him gnashing his molars. Was it to relieve the headache?

Lu Wanwan's complexion changed slightly.

She resented that he had a cinnabar mole in his heart, and he misunderstood that she had a white moonlight in her heart.

Li Jingchen stared at her for a long time, with some scrutiny, but now he was so angry that he couldn't calm down at all: "You once cared about Bai Qingluo's existence."

After a pause, he continued, "But compared to Fu Shuo, what is Bai Qingluo?"

This means that Li Jingchen can't find a way to slander Fu Shuo's image in Lu Wanwan's mind.

Such a rival in love, how can he not be afraid?

Lu Wanwan had suffered so much with Bai Qingluo back then, and now Li Jingchen has suffered so much with Fu Shuo.

The difference is that Bai Qingluo is a woman who will do anything for her superiority, while Fu Shuo is a gentleman.

After finishing speaking, he turned around stiffly and walked towards the stairs.

Lu Wanwan bit her lip and took a step forward subconsciously.

"Make some food for the eldest young mistress, don't let her go hungry."

Even though he was full of anger and dizzy, Li Jingchen still told his servant not to make Lu Wanwan hungry.

The servant thought for a while and said: "It stands to reason that there is still medicine in the young master's room, but he hasn't taken it for a long time, and we don't know very well."

"I see." Lu Wanwan glanced at the door that closed with a "bang", and asked again: "How long does it usually take for him to come out?"

But the servant stopped her and whispered his experience: "Eldest young mistress, I advise you not to go, the eldest young master is already trying to restrain himself, if he loses control and hurts you, he will regret it!"

After standing still, Lu Wanwan asked as calmly as possible: "Is there any medicine at home?"

The servant glanced at her and said: "At that time you just fell into the sea, the eldest young master was heartbroken and wanted to go with you."

Lu Wanwan was touched a bit, she looked up at Li Jingchen's room upstairs, thought for a while, and said, "I see, go get busy."

The servant showed a frightened expression, and said: "The longest time for the young master, he hadn't come out for five days. At that time, he didn't even have a drop of water in him. When we broke in, he was already gone."

Lu Wanwan frowned: "So angry?"

After all, they survived the days when there was no eldest mistress, not to mention that the eldest mistress is back now, she must be able to find a way to solve it.

Lu Wanwan took out her mobile phone and called Chu Mo.

"Yes." The servant answered and went to work in the kitchen.

For some reason, they were not very worried.

"I'll talk about Fu Shuo's situation later, Chu Mo, it's like this..."

Lu Wanwan told Chu Mo about Li Jingchen's situation, and wanted to ask him if there was anything he could do.

After a while, the call was connected.

Chu Mo's voice came: "Hey, call me to ask me about Fu Shuo's situation?"

Chu Mo said, "I didn't deal with him back then."

"I know, but now the situation is special, so I can only ask you, you are a genius doctor, what difficult and miscellaneous diseases are here with you, can't they be solved easily?" Lu Wanwan said politely.

Chu Mo snorted and said, "Okay, I suggest you sacrifice your appearance in front of him."

Lu Wanwan had black lines all over her hair: "Stop making trouble, I'm pregnant..."

Chu Mo smiled and said, "You mean, if you weren't pregnant, you would be willing to sacrifice yourself, right?"

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