Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1103 Have you laughed enough?

And you said it wasn't Mr. Ye who loves dragons?

Li Jingchen hugged Lu Wanwan who was frightened into a quail, and laughed.

Feeling the vibration from her chest, Lu Wanwan opened her eyes.

After looking at it, I found that Li Jingchen was smiling happily, as if she had done something to please him?

She waited and saw that he was still smiling, and she couldn't help raising her hand to flatten the corner of his mouth: "Li Jingchen, have you laughed enough?"

The corners of Li Jingchen's mouth were pulled into a straight line, but his eyes were still covered with a smile: "The robots here all have the function of life detection, and it is impossible to hurt people."

Lu Wanwan let out an "oh", put down her hands, and said, "You said it earlier, wouldn't I be relieved if I said it earlier?"

How does a 10-meter-high "giant" turn into a car?

While Lu Wanwan was puzzled, she suddenly saw the scarlet mobile suit bent down, hugged its feet with its hands, and then knelt down on its knees, curling itself into a ball.

Li Jingchen said dotingly: "Well, blame me."

&nf-x62d, turn me into a car! "

Lu Wanwan couldn't say anything except shouting "666".

Once accepting this setting, Lu Wanwan also said to a white mobile suit next to her, "You can also turn into a car and show me."

It's not over yet, its two huge eyes have become the headlights of the car, a car rear wing is stretched out from the position of the buttocks, and there are four small tires on the legs kneeling on the ground. A red sports car!

However, it does not have the manned function.

Li Jingchen couldn't bear to see her blushing and thick neck, so after a snicker, he reminded: "Wanwan, as I said just now, every mobile suit has different transformation forms."

In other words, the same instruction cannot be repeated?

As a result, the white mobile suit stood tall, motionless.

Lu Wanwan thought her voice was too low, so she couldn't help but raised her head and shouted, "Change it for me!" <Country Music of the Country.

Seeing how flexible this 10-meter-tall "white giant" could be, Lu Wanwan couldn't help applauding at the end with a handsome floor move.

&ns-02p-9, dancing. "

Li Jingchen took advantage of the situation and said, "Well, I also brought a helper."

"Helper?" The staff found Lu Wanwan next to him, and after a flash of surprise flashed across his face, he asked politely, "Is this the lady?"

Isn't this more fun than going to an amusement park?

Just when Lu Wanwan was enjoying it, two staff members rushed over and said to Li Jingchen, "President Li, are you here to check the new polygraph?"

Lu Wanwan asked casually, "What kind of reward?"

The staff said: "A set of the latest lie detector!"

Upon hearing this, Lu Wanwan hurriedly said, "No, I just passed by."

Seeing Li Jingchen nodded at them, the staff immediately said sincerely: "Ma'am, it's like this, as long as you participate in our testing activities, you can get a generous reward."

Under their hard work, Lu Wanwan reluctantly said goodbye to the "white giant" and walked towards the polygraph test room.

At this time, there was already a long queue outside the testing room, and Lu Wanwan couldn't help asking, "Is this product so popular?"

"..." What about you and my baby?

Li Jingchen coaxed: "It's okay if you don't know what to expect. Let's go and have a look."

Li Jingchen's face froze beside him, and he couldn't help but look at her more.

After getting Lu Wanwan's approval, the staff made the introduction even more vigorously: "So we suggest that you always have a polygraph at home, so that people can be less routine and more sincere. In other words, it is a guarantee of safety!"

While leading the way, the staff explained: "It's like this. Couples want to test each other's sincerity before they get married. After all, in today's society, there are too many people who pretend to be in love, but actually seek wealth and death."

Lu Wanwan didn't know what to think of, and responded: "Well, it's true."

On the other hand, Lu Wanwan said to save face: "I want to buy a set."

The staff immediately said to the people in line: "Give way to all troubles, our leader is here."

Li Jingchen stared at him coldly: "I don't know how to introduce, so I don't need to introduce."

The staff was taken aback by his fierce eyes, thinking what happened to Mr. Li?

The polygraph looks like a small transmitter with two lights, one red and one green.

The staff picked up the two small clips connected to the polygraph and said to Lu Wanwan, "Please stretch out your hand."

Hearing this, the couples waiting for the test made way for a passage.

This way, they sent Lu Wanwan directly to the front of the lie detector.

Lu Wanwan said: "Even if it costs money, I will..." I can afford it.

The last three words automatically disappeared from Lu Wanwan's mouth after seeing the 10 yuan marked on the price card.

Lu Wanwan frowned: "I didn't say to test it."

The staff tried their best to persuade: "Didn't you just say that you want to get a set? As long as you participate in our test, we will give you a set for free!"

Under everyone's booing, Lu Wanwan looked at Li Jingchen: "Li Jingchen, there are so many people, don't ask questions later."

Li Jingchen said solemnly: "Don't worry, I have a measure."

"Beauty, just test it."

"Yeah, let's see the effect!"

Because the clamp is soft, it didn't hurt Lu Wanwan, but the fingertips were numb, which should be due to the current.

The staff then said to Li Jingchen: "President Li, you can start asking."

Just like that, Lu Wanwan stretched out her hand after being chased away.

The staff put two clips on the index fingers of her two hands respectively.

"Wanwan, do you love me?"

This... the moment he opened his mouth, he was Wang Zha! ! !

Li Jingchen raised his eyelids, and saw that Lu Wanwan's face was expressionless, but there was a trace of tension in his eyes.

The corners of his mouth hooked slightly, thinking that she had finally fallen into his hands!

"I don't know, the old house is on fire, it's always like this... right?"

Under the whispers of the crowd, Lu Wanwan obviously felt her ears burning.

The staff next to it and the backbone of the technology research and development department were all stunned——

"We, President Li, are we so in love with brains?"

She glanced at Li Jingchen complainingly, what about the "proportion" she agreed to?fraud!

"Answer me, Wanwan." Standing opposite her, Li Jingchen asked again slowly: "Do you love me?"

Lu Wanwan lowered her voice, and half-coaxed and half-deceived: "Let's talk about this in private, you can ask something else first, okay?"

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