Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1092 He Will Not Be Alone Soon

Lu Wanwan told Li Jingchen everything that happened just now: "I made an appointment with An'an, but now it's the opposite...I'm really sorry for him."

After pondering for a moment, Li Jingchen said softly, "Don't worry, he won't be alone soon."

"???" Lu Wanwan.

Li Jingchen smiled slightly: "Because, I will go to accompany him."

"!!!" Lu Wanwan.


Treatment center.

Lu Wanwan gently pushed open the fence door tied with colorful balloons, and when she walked into the yard, she found that the gift boxes around the Christmas tree had been removed. Through the window, she saw the children sitting around the fire and exchanging gifts. Gift.

Inside the room, a little girl raised her head and accidentally saw Lu Wanwan. She immediately yelled at the teacher and pointed out the window.

Lu Wanwan was taken aback for a moment and stopped.

Is it to crusade her?

The round-faced teacher came over, and after seeing Lu Wanwan, he trotted to open the door for her immediately: "Wanwan, you are finally here."

Just as Lu Wanwan was about to walk up the steps, the round-faced teacher stopped her with a serious expression: "Wait a minute, you can't come in yet!"

It turned out to be the case.

Lu Wanwan relaxed, turned around and picked a red envelope from the Christmas tree, and asked, "Is this okay?"

The round-faced teacher stared at Lu Wanwan for a few seconds, then smiled and said, "Haha, did you scare me? Who made you late!"

After the meal, the round-faced teacher continued: "But before you come in, you have to pick a red envelope from the Christmas tree first, to ask for auspicious luck."

The children looked back and saw that it was Lu Wanwan who came, and immediately couldn't sit still: "Sister Dean!!"

With a "crash", they came to Lu Wanwan's side, forgetting Ding Nuo who was hosting.

"Well, come in!" The round-faced teacher took Lu Wanwan's arm and enthusiastically pulled her into the room.

"Look, everyone, who is here?"

The children chattered in unison——

"Sister dean, our yard is so beautiful, will there be Christmas every year in the future?"

Ding Nuo looked at Lu Wanwan in surprise.

Lu Wanwan smiled and nodded at her.

"Let me tell you! Dean, people have been coming to our place to take pictures these days, asking if we have tutors here, and saying that they will put their children in foster care during the winter vacation."

"Sister Dean..."

Lu Wanwan felt sad, Christmas has always been there, but there is no chance for them to do it properly.

"Sister Lu, the rabbit is so cute, it's exactly the same as the wish I made to Santa Claus!"

Surrounded by happiness, Lu Wanwan suddenly understood An An's decision.

Who would be willing to let these cute little angels down?

The children seemed to have endless things to say, and Lu Wanwan couldn't answer them at all.

They were so happy, because Lu Wanwan organized this Christmas for them.

Ding Nuo is more thoughtful and has a temper. He even questioned Xie Rou's decision to hand over the treatment center to Lu Wanwan.

But Lu Wanwan didn't intend to engage in "talking together", on the contrary, she was very happy to have a tough person like Ding Nuo around, so that even if she was not around, the children would not be bullied.

At this time, Ding Nuo stepped forward and said to Lu Wanwan, "I'm sorry, Dean, I didn't control my emotions on the phone just now."

Lu Wanwan shook her head: "I didn't discuss it with you first."

Ding Nuo said, "Didn't you send someone to bring it together?"

The treatment center was burned to the ground, how could Lu Wanwan send the stove?

Ding Nuo immediately smiled and said, "Anyway, it's good that you're here, come and enjoy the fire."

Lu Wanwan walked over with the children together, looked at the stove with flames constantly dancing, and asked, "This stove..."

"Yeah, Wanwan has always been thoughtful."

Lu Wanwan was so praised that she felt guilty in her heart. Impulsively, she was about to reveal the real planner: "Actually, these are all..."

But her teacher said——

"But with this, it's even more Christmassy!"

"Who's here?"

While guessing, everyone went to open the door.

Ding dong, ding dong.

The bell outside the yard interrupted Lu Wanwan's unfinished words.

"Good guy, I thought I was abroad now."

It took a while for Zhou Mo to come back to his senses, and said, "Wanwan actually has time to arrange the yard so well!"

It turned out to be everyone's old acquaintances, Zhou Mo and Zong Qi.

They brought a carload of gifts to the children for Christmas, but they were shocked speechless by the festive atmosphere of the yard.

"Wanwan!" Zhou Mo immediately beamed with joy when he saw her: "Long time no see, what have you been up to these two months?"

"It's a long story." Lu Wanwan looked at her and asked with concern, "What will your godfather and godmother do if you ran out on Christmas?"

Zong Qi was busy moving presents from the trunk. He was not in good health, but when he thought of bringing his girlfriend out for the festival, it was as if he had inexhaustible strength.

At this time, Lu Wanwan came out with two teachers: "Sister Mo, Mr. Zong, we are also here to help."

Zhou Mo seemed to be recalling bad memories, and her pretty face sank slightly: "So what if I know? The person I recognize, others are not qualified to make irresponsible remarks!"

"Yes, yes." Lu Wanwan replied in a good voice, but she was a little worried in her heart. She was the one who introduced Zong Qi and Sister Mo. If the godfather and godmother were not satisfied with Zong Qi, she might have to face the two of them directly. 's angry.

Zhou Mo's complexion changed slightly, and he forced a smile and said, "My brother is with them."

Seeing this, Lu Wanwan lowered her voice and asked, "Did your godfather know about your relationship with Mr. Zong?"


On the other side, Nankai Primary School.


"It's such a beautiful day, why are you sighing?" Zhou Mo poked Xia Lu Wanwan's shoulder with his fingertips, and said, "Hurry up, take your things and enter the room, I'm freezing to death!"

But because he was the first in the grade, the seat was arranged in the first row, which caused other students to look at him curiously when they passed by him, and even asked: "Student Fu, what are you doing?" Why are you sitting alone? Where are your parents?"

The teacher in charge was afraid of his embarrassment, and asked Lu Wanwan about the situation, so he took the initiative to sit next to An An to help him out.

Below the stage, in the second grade queue, the other children and their parents took their places.

Except for An An, the seat next to him was empty.

Li Xiuqi sat behind An An, and Wen Zhong sat next to him. The old man was blown by the cold wind and coughed from time to time.

Li Xiuqi turned his face away and said worriedly: "Grandpa Wen, if you are not feeling well, you should go back first."

Wen Zhong slowly put down the handkerchief covering his mouth, and said kindly: "It's okay, the master told me to come tonight to be the parent of Young Master Xiuqi."

After finishing speaking, Wen Zhong looked at An An who was sitting in front, and after hesitating for a while, he stepped forward and asked respectfully: "Master Huai'an, the master asked me to ask you, when will you go to play chess with him again?"

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