Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1087 I just want her to live happily

The next day, Friday.Yaobo Company.

During Lu Wanwan's lunch break, she suddenly received a call telling her to go to the top floor.

"Top floor?"

"Well, Vice President Liu is looking for you, hurry up!" After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone roughly.

Vice President Liu?

Lu Wanwan raised her eyebrows and looked towards Liu Chun's position.

Liu Chun didn't come to work today.

Xiao Shan brought a message for her, saying that she had a cold, and Lu Wanwan made a cross on the attendance sheet as usual. Counting the previous two days, Liu Chun hadn't worked hard for three days, so it should be recorded once.

Thinking of this, Lu Wanwan put down the microphone and walked towards the door.



After Lu Wanwan got out of the elevator on the top floor, she saw a man in a suit and leather shoes standing outside impatiently. She thought he was waiting for the elevator, so she walked past him.

The man said arrogantly "Yes", and said, "I'm Vice President Liu's secretary. Do you know why Vice President Liu asked you to come up?"

Lu Wanwan said: "Isn't it just to get to know me?"

Unexpectedly, the man said "Hello" in a familiar voice: "Are you the new director of the planning department?"

Lu Wanwan stood still, turned around and asked, "Are you the one who called me just now?"

"Let's go, you, a small supervisor, should be honored to be interviewed by Vice President Liu in person."

However, the other party's schadenfreude seemed to be telling about Lu Wanwan's next misfortune.

The secretary snorted coldly: "You have a really big face. Who are you, and you also know Vice President Liu?"

Lu Wanwan's heart sank slightly. There is a boss who can be as subordinate as he is. From the looks of it, Deputy Liu is always a bad guy?

The secretary led Lu Wanwan into the office, and said to Liu Yihui inside, "President Liu, she's here."

Liu Yihui was admiring the calligraphy and painting hanging above his head, but he didn't turn around when he heard this.

Lu Wanwan followed without changing her expression.

After a while.

Lu Wanwan saw his whole appearance clearly. Liu Yihui was born mature and handsome, dressed in a personable manner, and he didn't look greasy like a middle-aged man at all.

He took a deep look at Lu Wanwan and asked, "You made my daughter cry?"

From Lu Wanwan's perspective, all she could see was her tall back and her meticulously combed hairstyle.

I don't know how long it took before Liu Yihui turned around slowly as if he remembered Lu Wanwan.

It turned out that he came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime.

Lu Wanwan stood there calmly and reservedly: "I don't know if Vice President Liu has a clear understanding of the ins and outs of the matter? Do you need me to repeat it to you?"

Lu Wanwan didn't expect him to be so straightforward: "Your daughter?"

"My surname is Liu, and I'm Liu Chun's father." Liu Yihui said, and sat down in front of the office chair, looking at Lu Wanwan alienatedly: "These two days, my daughter has been in a bad mood. It’s making things difficult, so I asked you to come up and have a talk.”

A trace of surprise flashed across Liu Yihui's face: "What did you say?"

Lu Wanwan looked at him and said, "If every father can love his daughter as much as you do, then many human tragedies can be avoided, right?"

Liu Yihui defended himself and said: "It's not important. What's important is that my wife passed away early, leaving me with only one daughter. I put her in my company because I don't want her to suffer any grievances."

"That's great." Lu Wanwan said suddenly.

After Lu Wanwan smiled, she suddenly said, "Mr. Liu, can you lend me a ballpoint pen?"

Liu Yihui's secretary asked, "What do you want a ballpoint pen for?"

Liu Yihui's secretary rolled his eyes at her. It's too late to try to please Mr. Liu now!

Liu Yihui squinted his eyes: "I don't care if you are pandering to me or mocking me, for the sake of your career, I hope you will be more tolerant of Chun'er in the future."

Liu Yihui and his secretary were waiting to see what tricks Lu Wanwan wanted to play.

Lu Wanwan placed the spring on Liu Yihui's desk, pressed the spring heavily with her index finger, then let it go, and the spring jumped up high.

Liu Yihui raised his hand and said, "Yes."

Lu Wanwan then picked out a ballpoint pen from the pen container, turned the cap down, and pulled out a section of spring from inside.

Lu Wanwan's smile remained unchanged: "That's a pity, I'm like this spring, the more someone suppresses me, the stronger I rebound."

Hearing this, Liu Yihui's face darkened.

Lu Wanwan continued to look at Liu Yihui, and said with a smile: "I haven't finished what I said just now, besides Yimei's love, sometimes the pressure parents put on their children can also be converted into motivation. If Vice President Liu wants you to If your daughter has made progress, why not give it a try?"

But Liu Yihui didn't buy it: "What if I just want Chun'er to live happily?"

The corners of Liu Yihui's eyes twitched, and he said to Lu Wanwan in a deep voice, "I hope Director Lu's ability to work is as good as your mouth."

Lu Wanwan nodded and said, "I and the department's think tank will definitely not disappoint you."

Lu Wanwan saw the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes, and couldn't help joking: "Don't be angry, boss, you'll get wrinkles."

Liu Yihui's secretary's eyes widened. How dare this new supervisor speak to Mr. Liu like that!

When she reached the door, Lu Wanwan suddenly stopped and said, "By the way, Vice President Liu, the calligraphy and painting above your head seems to be a fake."

Liu Yihui's voice tightened: "What did you say?"

After Liu Yihui looked at Lu Wanwan for a few seconds, he waved to her, indicating that she could leave.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Liu Yihui's complexion was very bad, but Lu Wanwan didn't forget to put the ballpoint pen back in the pen holder before leaving.

Liu Yihui's lips were tightly pressed, and he didn't speak for a long time.

Yes, what insight can a small supervisor have?Especially in the collection of antique calligraphy and paintings!

"The real thing was auctioned off at a charity auction six years ago. The bidder was a real estate owner who spent 1 million yuan in one go. However, maybe it's because he regards you as a confidant. Give it to you voluntarily?" After Lu Wanwan looked back, she opened the door and left.

After Liu Yihui's secretary was shocked, he hurriedly said: "Liu, Mr. Liu...she's talking nonsense, what kind of insight does a small supervisor have?"

The present one is nothing more than a forgery made by him, and it was just delivered this morning.

He just stood there admiring it for a long time, and he couldn't pick out any flaws, and when he was satisfied that it could be used to confuse the real one, Lu Wanwan saw through it!

However, she was right.

As far as he knew, the authentic calligraphy and painting above his head had already been auctioned off at a high price.

"Yes, I'll go right away."

Liu Yihui's heart was full of gloom, he couldn't express it, so he said to the secretary: "Go and show me her resume."

This woman must not be as innocent as she appears on the surface!


Lu Wanwan didn't pay much attention to Liu Yihui's subsequent actions.

She returned to the department, made herself a cup of wolfberry tea, opened her notebook and started working.

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