Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1047 Catching Her For Bullying

Lu Wanwan asked angrily: "Li Jingchen, are you going or not?"

Li Jingchen said seriously: "If you don't fill your stomach, how can you have the strength to walk?"

Lu Wanwan frowned: "Am I your mother?"

Hearing this, Li Jingchen straightened up from the sofa, with amazing explosive power hidden in his high-spirited body: "Wanwan, you want me to prove it to you, what do I think you are?"

Lu Wanwan was frightened by his ambiguous words and pushed him.

Li Jingchen fell back on the sofa and said, "You asked me to stay here."

"Let's go first after eating!" After glaring at him, Lu Wanwan turned and walked to the kitchen.

Li Jingchen hooked the corner of his mouth, and not long after, he heard the sound of a stove being lit from the kitchen.

Even accusations are no different from ordinary couples.

Li Jingchen looked at her like a dream.

He leaned back, like thousands of husbands waiting for his wife to make breakfast, he picked up the remote control on the table and turned on the TV, watching the news comfortably.

After a while, Lu Wanwan came out with a spatula and said to him, "Li Jingchen, can you keep your voice down? I have to wake An An up, so I'll blow you out with a broom, shall I?"

After half an hour—

Lu Wanwan came over to urge Li Jingchen to have breakfast. Seeing him staring at the TV, she subconsciously said, "Let's watch it after breakfast."

"Really, why are you in a daze?" Lu Wanwan had no choice but to pick up the remote control and adjust the volume on the TV to a suitable range before continuing to cook.

Looking at her worrying figure, Li Jingchen felt extremely at ease and satisfied.

Wanwan, is this keeping him?

Lu Wanwan hurriedly changed her words: "I mean, don't read, come over for breakfast."

No, what is she talking about?

Lu Wanwan was stunned for a moment, Li Jingchen had already looked at her, his phoenix eyes were burning!

After Li Jingchen said "Oh", he stood up slowly.

When the two passed by An An's room, Li Jingchen suddenly raised his hand and pressed An An's doorknob, and said in a low voice, "Why don't you wake An An up and eat with us."

Sometimes, An An was too devoted to study, and Lu Wanwan would tell him to study after eating.

Just now, it was just a mouthful, and he said something similar to An An to Li Jingchen.

Li Jingchen glanced at the hand tightly held by her, and smirked: "I'm just kidding you."

"Is it fun to play me!" Lu Wanwan twisted her small face angrily, and slammed her casually tied ponytail on Li Jingchen's chest.

"Are you crazy?" Lu Wanwan immediately turned her head and pressed his hand in panic.

She took him in for a night last night. It was already very risky. He still wanted to wake An An up for breakfast. Did he want to ruin this rare weekend?

Li Jingchen stuck up from behind, bit her ear and said, "Don't yell, or An An will hear you."

As he spoke, he pulled her into his arms and played tricks on her.

Li Jingchen's chest felt a numb itching, he looked at the back of her fair neck, couldn't help but bent down, and took a bite on it.

"!" Lu Wanwan, who was attacked by surprise, almost cried out.

On the other hand, Lu Wanwan's cheeks, ears and the back of her neck were all brutally ravaged, and whenever she moved, Li Jingchen would whisper threats in her ear, telling An An to get up.

Lu Wanwan hasn't realized yet, but before she knows it, the suppressed party has become her.

In the end, Lu Wanwan couldn't take it anymore and returned him with an elbow.

"Heh." Li Jingchen chuckled lightly, as if being scratched by his own kitten, his eyes were full of doting.

"Li Jingchen, are endless!" Lu Wanwan was about to cry.

At this moment, Li Jingchen hugged her and sat on the dining table again, bent down, put his face close to her stomach, and listened with his ears.

As long as Li Jingchen mentions An An, she will lose her footing and make compromises.


The fetus is only two months old now, and it's not yet pregnant, but Li Jingchen's behavior is clearly saying - "Look, she's pregnant! My child!"

Li Jingchen listened to and touched her belly for a while, then raised his handsome face, and said tenderly, "Mother, let's eat."

If An An saw this scene, it would be even more difficult to explain!

Lu Wanwan still doesn't know how to tell An An that she is pregnant with a second child.

"What do you want to do again?" Lu Wanwan almost cried because of his teasing.

"Your cotton mop fell off." Li Jingchen said, knelt down, picked up the cotton mop on the ground, and put it on for Lu Wanwan with his own hands.

Why are you calling me so dear!

Lu Wanwan curled her fingers in shame, and was about to get off the table, but Li Jingchen pinched her waist and eyes to prevent her from jumping down: "Wait a minute."

When Lu Wanwan saw him kneeling on one knee, his handsome face immediately turned up, and he was looking at her intently, like a heroic knight loyal to the queen.

However, even if this man is a knight, he is also a dark knight, the kind who specializes in catching people and bullying him!

There is a fluffy little rabbit on the cotton mop, with red eyes as if being bullied, just like Wanwan now.

Li Jingchen felt pity in his heart, and couldn't help raising his eyes to look at Lu Wanwan.

"Have you bullied less?" Lu Wanwan accused.

Li Jingchen pinched her waist, hugged her down, and coaxed: "I'll leave after eating."

"I won't bully you anymore."

Li Jingchen seemed to have the ability to read minds, and said so after straightening up.

After eating the breakfast she made, Li Jingchen said contentedly, "I'm leaving."

Lu Wanwan immediately beamed with joy.

Lu Wanwan breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, nothing happened.

"You're pregnant, I can't make you work too hard." After Li Jingchen finished speaking, he calmly picked up the empty plate and walked to the kitchen.

Lu Wanwan packed up the dishes, followed behind him and said, "Your existence has already made me work hard."

After Li Jingchen noticed it, he added: "But I have to wash the dishes before leaving."

Lu Wanwan said anxiously: "You mean it, right? Let me tell you, An'an usually wakes up at 7 o'clock on weekends, and now it's 6:45. If you don't leave, it will be too late!"

Li Jingchen said: "See if you are being stubborn."

Lu Wanwan's eyes widened, who knows if Li Jingchen's hands are stained with oil: "What are you doing?"

After Li Jingchen put the empty plate into the sink, he turned around and squeezed Lu Wanwan's mouth punishingly.

Lu Wanwan was so angry that she wanted to bite him, Li Jingchen simply rolled up his cuffs and handed her his arm: "Bite, I'll lose if I cry out for pain."

Lu Wanwan looked at his strong forearm, and angrily gave up the idea of ​​biting it.

"If you don't bite, then I'll start." Li Jingchen finished speaking solemnly, turned on the tap, and rinsed the dirty dishes.

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