Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1041 Let them find their own way

Faced with their questioning, Lu Wanwan asked in confusion: "You said, my garbage bag leaked?"

The leading man pointed his thumb behind him, and said in a harsh tone, "That's right, come out and see if the corridor is dirty."

After Lu Wanwan came out, she closed the door smoothly so that An An would not follow her out.

Immediately, she smelled a strange smell.

Lu Wanwan turned her head to look, and saw a hole in the garbage bag in the corner next to it, and a puddle of dirty water seeped out.

Tonight, she made fish for An An. The fish's internal organs and scales had a strong fishy smell, which shocked the sense of smell of everyone present.

The leading man turned around and stared at Lu Wanwan: "Miss Lu, we didn't wrong you, did we?"

The leading man said: "My name is Han Nian, and I am the property manager here. I am in charge of all affairs in the community.

We inspected the entire community tonight, and your garbage bags dirty the corridors. If you don’t clean up quickly, it will not only affect the residents going up and down the stairs, but also affect the sanitation evaluation of our community! "

This man is the property manager?

Lu Wanwan asked back: "I just moved here a few days ago, how do you know this garbage bag is mine? Someone told you?"

The leading man affirmed: "Miao Tao is not at home tonight, this bag of garbage is not yours, who else could it be?"

When Lu Wanwan heard the words, she suddenly asked, "I don't know what your name is?"

"The cleaning aunt of this building has asked for leave tonight, and it all depends on your residents' self-consciousness!" Han Nian's eyes froze, almost threatening: "Miss Lu, I heard that you rented this house? If you don't clean it up, we will You can only find the landlord to negotiate with you."

From his attitude, Lu Wanwan became more and more sure that these properties came to trouble her on purpose.

In this way, whether her garbage bag was broken by herself or was punctured is open to question.

Lu Wanwan suddenly remembered that in the elevator in the morning, she heard those aunts who went downstairs to buy vegetables say that Miao Tao was having an affair with the property manager.

Could it be that they came to find fault on purpose?

Lu Wanwan asked calmly: "Director Han, even if my trash bag leaks, there will still be cleaning lady to deal with it, won't it?"

Lu Wanwan said: "Since there are no rats, how could my garbage bag have such a big hole? Could it be that someone was hungry and crazy and secretly bit it?"

After Han Nian's eyes drifted away, he said firmly again: "Miss Lu, are you questioning the daily management of our community!"

Lu Wanwan straightened up and smiled at them: "I'm just discussing a common sense with you, you don't need to get excited."

"Excuse me." After Lu Wanwan passed through several properties, she glanced at the hole in the garbage bag, which was as big as the palm of her hand.

She turned around and asked, "Director Han, are there any mice in the community?"

Han Nian said without thinking, "Of course not! Jiuxi Tiandi is rated as an excellent community every year, how could there be mice?"

Mopping the floor is a small matter, but being wronged is a major matter.

Lu Wanwan scanned her surroundings, but it was a pity that there was no monitoring in the corridor, otherwise it would be possible to restore whether she was wronged or not.

Just then, the elevator door opened.

The few property owners behind Han Nian had stopped at some point.

Lu Wanwan is undoubtedly beautiful, and even though she is alone and rents a room with a child, her demeanor is still generous, not in a hurry or in a hurry, which makes people feel good about her.

Han Nian stuck his neck and said, "Are you mopping the floor? If not, we will announce the list of littering in the community tomorrow! By the way, there are photos!"

But the man came straight to Lu Wanwan: "Miss Lu, what happened?"

Seeing this, Han Nian opened his mouth in shock.

Lu Wanwan said indifferently: "It's okay, this supervisor Han said that my garbage bag leaked, and asked me to clean up the corridor. If I don't drag it, I will publish the list and photos of my littering in the community tomorrow. "

A gentle and handsome man, humming a song, came out of the elevator carrying two bags.

After seeing the scene in front of him clearly, the man slowly frowned, and asked aloud, "What are you guys doing around Miss Lu?"

Looking back, Han Nian's original domineering expression suddenly changed: "Oh, it's you! Why are you here?"

Li Jingchen's secretary rolled his eyes and tried not to say, this is his boss wife!

He immediately lowered his head, looked at the garbage bag with a big hole in it and the pool of dirty water around him, and asked, "Han Nian, when will it be the residents' turn to clean the corridor?"

Han Nian put his hands in front of him, and said very cautiously: "The cleaning lady of this building is on leave tonight, and the residents have to take the garbage to the trash can downstairs."

Considering that the property owners behind Han Nian didn't make much noise, Lu Wanwan didn't take them with him.

Han Nian asked cautiously, "You two... know each other?"

More than knowing!

Now that Lu Wanwan is pregnant, if he gets scared out of his wits, how should he explain to President Li? !

"You four big men gave birth to eight hands, so no one is willing to do a favor, take down this bag of garbage and throw it away? Don't you think that tenants are not human beings, and they don't deserve the same benefits as landlords? treatment?"

Don't think he doesn't know, the cleaning aunts here all adopt the "two shifts" system, one asks for leave, and there is another one tomorrow morning, there is no reason for the residents to go downstairs to take out the garbage in person.

The secretary squinted his eyes: "Oh? My father-in-law's family has lived here for several years, but I have never heard that the residents' names and photos can be pasted privately on the bulletin board of the community. Are you trying to invade privacy? Or are you trying to What about human rights violations?"

"Well... I was worried that Ms. Lu would not cooperate, so I deliberately said something serious to scare her." Han Nian tried hard to explain.

Hearing this, the secretary became even more angry.

"I come!"

"let me!"

"give me!"

Don't look at the secretary who is usually talkative, that's only for the superiors, but he has always been strict and unambiguous when dealing with the subordinates who need him to convey Li Jingchen's orders!

After a long time, the employees of Li's Group would call him "Smiling Tiger" behind his back.

The three property owners behind Han Nian, after looking at each other awkwardly, stood up one after another and said——

Han Nian's shoulder hurt from being hit by them.

As a result, the three property owners competed for each other, the opening of the garbage bag became bigger and bigger, and the garbage fell all over the floor.

Seeing this, the secretary laughed lightly: "You guys dropped it by yourself, you clean it up yourself."

Lu Wanwan said: "I'll go get a new bag."

"Don't go." The secretary raised his hand, stopped her and said, "Let them figure out their own way! Clean it up now, or I will tell your boss what happened tonight tomorrow."

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