travel on the tip of the tongue

Chapter 241 Warm Twilight, Pure Morning Sun

"It's a fish! It's a big fish! The Whale and Deer is open!" Tutu shouted loudly, and immediately shouted everyone's facts.

"This fish is really big!" Tutu said to Lin Shenlu.

Although Lin Shenlu was fishing in the sea for the first time, he couldn't observe how big and heavy the fish was under the sea pole in his hand from the details, but he could still feel that the fish was not small by the feel of his hand.

"I'm coming!"

Seeing that the sea pole in his hand began to bend into a parabolic arc.

And the fishing line at the end was pulled tightly.

Lin Shenlu bent his body slightly and tried hard.

The bait Lin Shenlu hung was a small live fish.

But I don't know what kind of fish I can catch this time.

This is something everyone on board is looking forward to.

After all, what I look forward to most when going out to sea is the fun of opening blind boxes during sea fishing.

In fact, what Lin Shenlu most wanted to taste was the taste of the legendary flying fish.

Lin Shenlu came here full of expectations.

He wanted to see the warm twilight on the first evening,

He wants to see the pure rising sun at the first dawn.

He wants to encounter fish species he has never seen before, he wants to catch yellowfin tuna, and he wants to see the light of flying fish.

She wants to become a sea sashimi master with a knife, and then remember the names of those fish and the taste of those fish.

Remember the sunrise and twilight of this sea.

It's a really cool thing.

Of course, if I want to accomplish this, I must first have super high fishing skills.

Especially when using sea poles at sea, there are still many methods.

Although it was Lin Shenlu's first time fishing in the sea, fortunately, he learned the methods for a period of time before he came up.

It just came in handy now.

Fishing is originally a kind of enjoyment, a kind of entertainment, of course, it is mainly based on a happy mood.

Fishing only in sea water can be called sea fishing.

What Lin Shenlu is familiar with is boat fishing. He takes a professional sea fishing boat to go out to sea, and directly hangs down the fishing group with the boat fishing rod to fish. There are two ways to fish with fixed anchor or fishing with the tide.

The target fish are deep-bottom fish and near-bottom or migratory fish, such as red kangaroo, grouper, chicken fish, genus fish, sea bream fish, white hairtail fish and tortoise fish, etc.

There is another technique in my memory called trolling, which targets migratory fish on the surface, such as swordfish, tuna, ghost knife, fish and so on.

Take a special trolling boat or fishing boat, and drag fake bait or live bait to the stern at the intersection of the tides to lure predatory migratory fish to the bait.


The fishing spots are usually rocky coasts or breakwaters, and the targets are small and medium-sized benthic fish such as snappers, ichthyogenes and groupers.

However, the technique that is not needed today is beach fishing. This fishing method is also very different from coast to coast. On some coasts, most of the target fish are chrysostasis, crocodidae and bream fish. Chunzi and Wuyu are the bulk.

And some coastal fishing rods are mostly 15 to 35 and 9 feet to 15 feet long beach fishing rods. The fishing group uses upside down or loose tail plus balance, and the bait generally uses sea insects and shrimps, etc.

It can be regarded as the simplest sea fishing method with the least cost, but for beaches that look the same, how to choose fishing spots is a skill that requires more experience.

There is also a technique called heavy beach fishing. Heavy beach fishing generally uses long-range throwing poles above No. 30 or rocky poles above No. 5. The characteristic is that the length of the fishing rod is at least 14 feet or even 21 feet. For pebbles or gravel, the busbar must be raised to prevent the fishing group from being interrupted by rolling stones.

The target fish are Wuzi, Sanya, Snapper and Ginseng. The body of the fish ranges from a few taels to tens of kilograms, so the choice of fishing group depends on the set target fish.

The sixth technique is anti-slope embankment fishing. Breakwater fishing can be subdivided into floating fishing and bottom fishing according to the fishing method.

Floating fishing: closer to floating rock fishing, bottom fishing: slightly different from heavy rock and bottom sinking.

There is also a method called one-piece fishing. This method is mostly used by fishermen on the west coast and in the northeast, and the targets are mostly high economic value fish.

Because there are many rocks, reefs, obstacles or shipwrecks at the bottom, and many fishes such as Yucana and grouper snapper hide here, fishermen cannot get out of the nets, so they use hand-catch or boat fishing rods or rougher fish Pole and so on for fishing.

Finally, what Lin Shenlu knows is lure fishing. The characteristics of this fishing method are more or less overlapping with the aforementioned fishing methods. Lure fishing can be widely used in various occasions.

Whether it is fishing for predatory fish with jig fishing by boat, or fishing for Niugang ghost knife on the rocky reef coast, or fishing for red slot bass in sea fishing, the fishing method and equipment are in a style of their own.

Lin Shenlu kept all the main operating techniques of these methods in mind, and was just waiting for today's big fight.

But I didn't expect to hit the first shot when I got on the boat.

"Oh my God, I saw a fish!" The sea blue whale exclaimed from the side.

It was obvious that when Lin Shenlu was pulling the lever, he saw that a small red fish was churning, occasionally jumping out of the water, but immediately burrowing back.

"It's okay, don't worry, I'll help you!" Tutu said beside Lin Shenlu, and began to skillfully pull up the fish while observing the situation in the sea.

In fact, it is one thing to catch a fish in sea fishing, but it is another thing to successfully catch it.

After the fish bites, it is very important to get it on the boat.

Of course, the fun of sea fishing is really only understood by those who like sea fishing.

When you have worked hard to prepare the fish food, put on the bait, hit the fish food, throw the rod, release the line, wait patiently for the fish to approach you, wait to eat the hook, the fishing rod shakes, the float shakes violently, pull the hook, nice !The fish is up!

This process is a process from labor to harvest. It is also a process of hard work and achievement. It is also a process of looking forward to having a fresh fish dinner at night, which is very exciting.

Fishing in the sea is a special pleasure.

The sea is very pure and the sky is very blue. At this moment, if you are not only in Xisha, such as Sanya, make an appointment with friends, charter a yacht, go to the small sea area, and enjoy the fun of fishing quietly. This is a very beautiful thing.

The yachts fishing in Sanya are all luxury yachts worth more than one million. There are fruit drinks and iced mineral water on board. While enjoying the fun of fishing, you are also enjoying a high-end vacation experience.

Fishing is a job that requires patience. The more patient one is, the easier it is to succeed, and the less patient one is, the easier it is to fail.

If the process of taking up the line is too fast, the fish will be scared away; if the process of taking up the line is too slow, the fish will run away after eating the bait.

Knowing the speed of the line is like controlling the speed of life.

In our life, we will meet many people, many things, and many situations. If we do not handle it well, we will lose everything.

The joy of sea fishing is to test your patience. When you really sink your heart into fishing, the harvest will come naturally.

This is not like love and career in life. When we treat it patiently and seriously, God will give us everything we want fairly.

Soon, Lin Shenlu felt the strength of his body draining rapidly...

Although this fish is not particularly big, it has an advantage in the sea.

It is still difficult to pull it up all at once.

Lin Shenlu and Tutu worked hard together.

They are taking the strength off the fish.

This is a constant battle.

Who is out of strength first.

Whoever loses.

When the fish loses strength, it will be pulled back.

If a person loses strength, he will be escaped by fish.

"Come here!" Tutu yelled loudly.

The whole boat is attracted.

Can this fish take the bait?



The water splashed on the sea surface, and a strange red fish with long arms was pulled up.

Draw a perfect arc in the air, fall on the boat,

"It's one! Dong Xingban! It's really Dong Xingban!" Tutu shouted in surprise.

Hailan Whale also said beside him: "I just said that what I saw was a red fish, and it really is the Eastern Star Spot. I'm lucky today."

Lin Shenlu was very satisfied with the first fish he caught.

Eastern star spot, a fish of the genus Acanthidae.

The bright color of the eastern star spot is very suitable for keeping in the polyculture tank of fierce fish.

Groupers are fierce predators and will devour any fish they can.

Also eats ornamental shrimp and other crustaceans.

Unlike the cannonball fish, the grouper will swallow its prey whole rather than bite.

Will not harass fish they cannot swallow, can be housed with other species of grouper, but will fight with other groupers.

Food includes various sea fish, squid, shellfish and shrimp.

It needs to provide some live food frequently, and enough nutrition can maintain its color.

There are many types of grouper.

The most important thing is... very delicious.

It's a delicacy.

The color of eastern star spot is divided into blue, red, brown and yellow, etc. It is thinner and longer than ordinary grouper, with a smaller head.

There are black pupils in the blue eyes, and the body is covered with fine white dots, resembling the stars in the sky, so they are called "star spots". About one hundred yuan, the restaurant is much higher than this price.

Of course, there is also a similar fish that is confused with Dongxing spot, and this kind of tail-striped nine-thorn perch has a long oval body, flat sides, dark red to reddish-brown body, and darker rear.

The head has many small orange-red spots and irregular reddish-brown mottles.

Sometimes there are tiny pale spots and 6 inconspicuous irregular horizontal bands on the side of the body.

In addition, its dorsal and anal fins have many small orange-red spots and the fin membrane has orange edges.

Pelvic fins orange with blue margins.

Therefore, it is slightly different from Dong Xingban's body.

Ninethorn perch is a small and medium-sized grouper, not the main economic fish species, and is usually caught by trawling or boat fishing.

It is both edible and ornamental, and it tastes good when eaten in soup.

As for the East Star Spot, there are also grades.

First-class product: the whole body is light red, or red patches, called Hongdong.

Second-class product: red with black, darker color, called Aodong.

Third-class product: slightly pink, called Yangdong.

Fourth-class product: the whole body is black or black spots, called Heidong.

Lin Shenlu looked at the East Star Spot caught by the boat, which was obviously first-class.

Of course, Dongxingban is really delicious.

The meat of Dongxingban is white, whether it is steamed, sashimi, stewed or stewed, the dishes made are very delicious and delicious.

Generally, steaming is the best cooking method in order to retain the nutrients and excellent taste.

Lin Shenlu didn't know if the boat could support steaming.

If not, sashimi is also very delicious.

Lin Shenlu really wanted to show off his talents.

Make a delicious Dongxingban with your own hand.

The fish is half-opened from the side of the belly, and then opened to the middle of the body with a bone knife.

Then cut the slices with the knife at an angle on each side, and the steamed fish slices will stand upright.

Put 1000 grams of oil in the pot and heat it up to 160c, then put in the starched Dongxingban, change to low heat and fry for 3-4 minutes until the fish body is golden brown, take out the oil and put it in a tin foil plate.

Put shredded green onion, shredded ginger, and shredded shallot on the plate first, then place the cooked fish skeleton on top of them, then spread the blanched fish slices on the fish skeleton, and then pour the soy sauce Put it on the fish fillet, and then sprinkle the chopped green onion evenly.

Of course, steaming is also the best cooking method.

Steaming method, wash the fish and put it on the plate, and put the green onion and ginger on the bottom of the plate.

Then steam in a steamer on high heat for 8 to 10 minutes.

Then take it out, put green onion and ginger on top of the fish, burn some hot oil and pour it down, then add some steamed fish soy sauce to the plate.

Add appropriate amount of water and dark soy sauce to the starch and mix well to form a thickened sauce for later use.

Heat oil in a pan, add sliced ​​ginger, shredded shallots and garlic and sauté until fragrant.

Add fish pieces and fry till fragrant.

Add water, cover the fish body, add the ingredients, cover the pot and simmer for about 15 minutes, add seasoning and finally add some embellishment, if there is no pepper, you can add a pepper to improve the level of fish soup.

Put the clean pot on the fire, put in the salad oil and heat it up, add sliced ​​ginger and scallion until fragrant, cook in Shaoxing wine, mix it with the soup, put in the remaining wolfberry, red dates, and American ginseng slices, cook for a while, add refined salt, Chicken powder, monosodium glutamate, pepper powder to taste, minced garlic, bean paste, cooking wine, sesame oil, fried bean curd, add steamed fish soy sauce, etc., put tomato or cabbage in the bottom of the sauce bowl, put the fish fillet Put it into the soup and blanch until it is broken, put it in a bowl, and then pour in the lobster soup.

Put shredded scallions threaded with millet pepper on the fish, pour over steamed fish soy sauce, then burn some hot oil, and pour over the fish to stimulate the fragrance of scallions...

Lin Shenlu was already drooling looking at the fish.

This is really a trophy, a gift from the Paracel Islands.

It is the most beautiful gift of the sea.

Tutu squatted on one side and took the fish down.

This live and fresh fish is still gurgling and bubbling.

Bai Qinghuan came over and clapped her hands.

"Brother Tutu is awesome!" Bai Qinghuan said.

"It's Lin Zi who caught it, it's really good, brother, tonight is really lucky! Wait..."

Tutu was taken aback?

Bai Qinghuan is here, what about the sea pole?

Before he came over, he handed the stick to Bai Qinghuan.

Tutu hurried to look.

This Bai Qinghuan easily put the stick on one side.

"Ah, ancestor!"

If the fish is caught, the fish will not only be gone.

The fishing rod is gone too.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Brother Tutu, have you forgotten? You won't blame him, will you?" Bai Qinghuan said aggrievedly.

"Brother Lin, please speak nice words for me..." Bai Qinghuan looked at Lin Shenlu aggrievedly and tried to grab Lin Shenlu's sleeve.

"Fuck, what do you want to do with me?" Lin Shenlu felt the unfriendly eyes of the sea blue whale on this side.

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