travel on the tip of the tongue

Chapter 185 I am meeting a blue whale, come pick me up

Lin Shenlu still couldn't wait for An Muxi's reply.

This seems destined to be a sad story.

Lin Shenlu sighed and turned off the phone.

Time will give us the answer.

On the third day of Su Baoer's hospitalization, it was also the second day after An Muxi left.

Lin Shenlu from day to night.

I can't stand it anymore.

After going upstairs and explaining to the nurse, Lin Shenlu walked home slowly by himself.

It was raining in Chengdu at night, and Lin Shenlu walked through the city.

The icy rain is still ravaging the city, and Lin Shenlu's pants have been completely wet by the rain, and the bone-chilling chill makes Lin Shenlu's teeth chatter...

Lin Shenlu took a deep breath to face the wind and rain, and walked faster.

Home is not far away.

Although you can take a taxi, Lin Shenlu prefers to be washed away by the rain.

Both body and soul.

Ha ha ha.

Lin Shenlu.

You should be uncomfortable in the rain.

Why are you not stained with dust?

Why are you so clean and white?

Why do you stay out of the storm?

Out of water and fire again?

Don't be a high platform, you will fall down.

You are such a nice person!It should be as bad as the world...


At home in the evening, Lin Shenlu crawled under the quilt with heat all over his body under the baptism of the cold wind and torrential rain.

A cup of hot water was just poured by the bedside.

It's a pity that before he had time to take a sip, Lin Shenlu found that his brain was getting more and more dizzy, and his whole body was dizzy...

I'm afraid I'm sick!

Lin Shenlu struggled to get up from the bed.

He wants to go to the hospital.

He can't fall yet.

There are dim street lights outside the window.

Lin Shenlu lowered his head, his eyes blurred.

He looked at his own shadow on the window.

That was a lonely guy.

A guy who is alone in the world.


Finally stumbled to the hospital.

The needle entered the skin of Lin Shenlu's arm, and the liquid in the bottle was like sleeping pills, slowly emptying Lin Shenlu's mind.

Lin Shenlu was tired.

In a daze, he closed his eyes.

Lin Shenlu seemed to have had a dream.

In the dream is a world without all troubles.

no life.

no love.

Nothing trivial.

In the dream, I will laugh.

Even when I wake up, I wake up with a smile.

After waking up, Lin Shenlu helplessly continued to face the hospital full of potion and the pale walls. He was very sad. To him, the reality was an unbreakable bondage, loss to seek, suppressed anger, nothing to do. The pain of answering.....

A slight vibration of the phone brought Lin Shenlu back to his senses. Lin Shenlu pulled the phone out of his pocket reflexively. He slowly looked at the screen. Is it An Muxi's?Lin Shenlu could feel his own heartbeat.

It's... Sea Blue Whale, it's Sea Blue Whale's information, not Anmuxi's...

"Lin Shenlu, how is Bao'er?"

Lin Shenlu sighed and frowned.

He didn't know how he should face the sea blue whale.

I said such unfeeling words before, but how can I get along with him calmly now?

But what qualifications do I have not to tell Seablue Whale about Su Baoer?

Seablue Whale helped Su Baoer a lot.

The bank card in my hand is from Sea Blue Whale.

That was her wish for Su Baoer.

"Not yet awake."

Lin Shenlu replied.

After thinking about it, Lin Shenlu added another sentence.

"But out of danger."

"Really, that's okay. I'm going to see Bao'er in Chengdu tomorrow. You can pick me up and go to the hospital together..." Sea Blue Whale quickly replied to Lin Shenlu's message.

"Yes." Lin Shenlu sighed and chose to agree.

It's just that this girl came so far from Kanas?

She must know something...

Did I blame her by myself?

never mind.

Things have come to this point, it's wrong to be wrong.

It is good that we can never be the kind of good friends again.

After pausing for a while, Sea Blue Whale replied again: "That's it, I'll send it to you on the flight tomorrow, and I'll wait for you at the airport!"

"See you tomorrow." Lin Shenlu sent the last message.

It's strange that the sea blue whale contacted him by text message.

Not WeChat or phone calls.

After yesterday, she probably thought she was blocked...


It was already midnight when Lin Shenlu finished hitting the bottle and went home.

At two o'clock in the morning at night, Chengdu is still bright.

Occasionally, a trace of singing can be heard in a certain tavern in the deep alley.

Back home, Lin Shenlu sighed.

He hated being alone in the dark.

Especially alone.

This kind of loneliness is not the loneliness of only one person in reality.

It's the loneliness of having no one in my heart.

Tasting the dark night alone, Lin Shenlu lit a cigarette and lay on the sofa, but his thoughts drifted to the moon outside the window.

Good night.


At dawn the next day, Lin Shenlu got up early.

He simply swallowed a few mouthfuls of porridge and went to the hospital.

If you don't eat, your body will force yourself to standby.

Eat even if you don't have an appetite.

Lin Shenlu thought about it all night.

But he also had some ideas in his mind.

Things have to go on, and life has to go on.

Life cannot be disrupted by anything.

When I went to the hospital, I saw that all indicators were normal and Su Baoer was recovering one after another.

Lin Shenlu felt relieved.

Maybe Su Baoer has really experienced too much in these years.

The body has long been honed out.

It's amazing to be able to slowly recover after experiencing such a big thing.

"Bao'er, wake up quickly, Lu Wazi is about to collapse..." Lin Shenlu sat beside the hospital bed and looked at Su Baoer whose face was covered with gauze.


The only response to Lin Shenlu was the voice on the instrument, her heart must be beating faster...


At around ten o'clock in the morning, Lin Shenlu received a WeChat message from Sea Blue Whale.

That's a screenshot.

Screenshot of the flight.

She really came.

Arrive in Chengdu at two o'clock in the afternoon.

Lin Shenlu checked the time and prepared to pick up the blue whale at the airport after lunch.

In the afternoon, Lin Shenlu set off on time.

At that time, I left in a hurry, and my car was still left at Chengdu Airport.

When I came back, I was in a hurry and didn't have time to drive, so I took a taxi directly to the hospital.

Now I think about it.

In addition to the RV, I also have a scooter when I go to work in Chengdu.

After taking a taxi to the airport, Lin Shenlu stood expressionlessly in the crowd and waited for the sea blue whale to come out.

After almost half an hour, a beautiful figure not far away attracted everyone's attention.

Tall figure, beautiful hair, delicate and small face, sexy curves and slender legs are crossing and moving forward.

No matter where it is, sea blue whales are always so eye-catching.

The sea blue whale gently pushed the sunglasses stuck on his eyes.

It felt like a star just got off the plane.

Lin Shenlu didn't move, didn't step forward, and didn't say hello.

Just standing quietly in the crowd, watching her.

The sea blue whale seems to have spotted the Linshen deer among the crowd.

Indeed...among many people, Lin Shenlu is still very recognizable.

Whether it's height or looks.

As if this meeting was prepared for two people.

The sea blue whale walked straight to Lin Shenlu.


The two stared at each other.

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