travel on the tip of the tongue

Chapter 183 Don't pretend to be affectionate, you are scum

"Little Luzi? Why did you remember to call me?" There was a woman's cold voice on the other end of the phone.

"Miss Qingchen, where are you?" Lin Shenlu asked helplessly with a sigh.

"I'm at home……"

"Is it convenient to go, if you haven't slept yet..."

It seemed that from Lin Shenlu's tone, he could hear the helplessness and boredom of his younger brother.

Lin Qingchen said softly, "Come on, I'll wait for you at home... By the way, if you want to drink, bring your own."


Lin Shenlu bought two bottles of red wine. He knew that Lin Qingchen liked to drink red wine.

At this moment, Lin Shenlu's mood has stabilized somewhat, but the stable mood has brought endless grief.

Lin Shenli pressed the elevator button with his hands, and he was even wondering why he was looking for Lin Qingchen?

Seeking comfort or talking?

Is it so unbearable to be alone and lonely?

But the subconscious told me that I must find someone to talk to, otherwise I would be crushed to death by sadness this night.


Lin Shenlu gently rang the doorbell.

Lin Qingchen opened the door in pajamas, and leaned against the door frame to look at the lifeless Lin Shenlu in front of him with a dead face.

Is this still his high-spirited younger brother?

"Come in..." Lin Qingchen gave Lin Shenlu a back view and walked towards the sofa.

She sat on the sofa, took out a thin lady's cigarette from the cigarette case on the coffee table and lit it, then looked at Lin Shenlu quietly...

He casually threw the cigarette to Lin Shenlu.

Lin Qingchen knew that Lin Shenlu smoked.

I don't know why when Lin Qingchen looked at him with such eyes, Lin Shenlu's depression and pain seemed to turn into all the grievances.

"Sister...I..." Lin Shenlu only felt that he hadn't spoken yet, and was about to cry the next moment.

That's right, maybe it's only here in Lin Qingchen that he has let go of all his disguises.

Lin Qingchen in front of me is not so much his former leader, but rather his relatives, his own sister.

Perhaps only family members can tolerate themselves like this.

"Don't cry, little deer, speak slowly..." Lin Qingchen's tone still warmed Lin Shenlu's heart.

Lin Shenlu sighed softly, and lit a cigarette casually: "Sister... Mu Xi left, suddenly left..."

Lin Shenlu was taken aback for a moment, took a puff of cigarette, and frowned slightly: "Why did this happen, what happened..."

Lin Qingchen knew about An Muxi. After He Kuer came back, he reported the whole trip to 315.

Naturally, she knew something about the girl An Muxi who was with her on the road.

Lin Qingchen still cared about the lifelong event of his younger brother.

According to He Ku'er, Lin Qingchen was satisfied with An Muxi.

But why did he leave suddenly?

"I don't know's just..." Lin Shenlu needs to vent now, and needs to spit out what's in his heart.

Talking and listening are what Lin Shenlu needs most now.

"I heard that Ku'er told me about your Anmuxi... and about a girl named Hailanjing... In fact, every man will meet two different girls in his life..." Lin Qingchen said Said it stopped abruptly here.

She seemed to remember something.

In that man's life, the role I played.

Are you qualified to teach others?

"But I'm not reconciled, obviously I'm one step away...I really like her." Lin Shenlu extinguished his cigarette and said sadly to Lin Qingchen.

"Little Luer, you are wrong, you told me that you like An Muxi, you also like Sea Blue Whale, and you even like more people... But since you promised yourself to be with An Muxi, you can't Like others... But how can one person like two people?"

After a pause, Lin Qingchen continued: "When you like the second person, that's when you no longer like the first person..."


Lin Qingchen looked at Lin Shenlu seriously, and said to Lin Shenlu clearly with emotion, "So don't talk about being affectionate, why should you contact me if you don't like it? If you don't like it, you can't bear it. Why should one contact the second one? With the second one, why can’t you forget the first one? So, don’t pretend to be affectionate, you are a fucking scum..."

Lin Shenlu took a sip of red wine abruptly.

Are you scumbag?

Is it really scum?

Is it yourself?

"Let's go and leave, don't be affectionate, are you the most affectionate? Are you the most uncomfortable? Is your plot the most exciting? It's not like that in the end!" Lin Qingchen also drank a sip of red wine and said coldly.

In a sense, Lin Qingchen seemed to recall the time when he was educating a subordinate like Lin Shenlu in the company.

Whether it is a subordinate or a younger brother... Maybe my words will be useful to him!


Late at night.

Lin Shenlu drank too much.

Rarely drank too much.

Lin Qingchen threw a blanket on the sleeping Lin Shenlu on the sofa.

Then a person quietly raised his wine glass and walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Outside the window is the feasting night of Chengdu.

It is the intoxication of the city that never sleeps.

It is also my own memory from many years ago.

At that time, I was walking by the Erhai Lake in Dali alone.

The man told himself that he liked himself.

Then say sorry.

Lin Qingchen couldn't tell if he was a winner or a loser.

But so many years have passed.

never mind.

Now is not our time.

There are also those young people who are going towards love one after another.

No one can stop it, and no one can replace it.

They can only hit the south wall and become sheep.

A step to go through.

I am like this, and so is Lin Shenlu today.

Looking at Lin Shenlu who was sleeping naively on the bed.

"Don't worry, little deer, everything will come just need to wait slowly, all roads have only one direction, and all directions are a circle, and those who get lost will come back..."

"It's just that you always have to make a choice..."


An Muxi left.

She took nothing with her.

Only wears a necklace.

A necklace given to her by Lin Shenlu.

Once, Lin Shenlu tore off her Van Cleef & Arpels.

He said to himself that he would make it up to her.

Later, he repaired it, but An Muxi didn't want it.

Afterwards, Lin Shenlu gave An Muxi a new necklace.

An Muxi always took it with her.

Have carried it till now.

Even if they are not together, even if they are separated... I still have to wear this necklace.

If there is no new necklace to accompany me in the future, then I will wear this necklace for the rest of my life.

"Goodbye, Lin Shenlu, she's right, I'm really not the right person for you, no matter in which aspect... It's better to give you freedom instead of this..."

In the car, what An Muxi listened to in his earphones was the gentleness of Mayday.

She was thanking and saying goodbye to Lin Shenlu for her tenderness.

But what she heard was the gentle return to your free version.

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