travel on the tip of the tongue

Chapter 151 Fairyland Fairy, Fairy Spirit

Several vehicles continued on.

The road ahead is still a beautiful U-shaped highway.

Lin Shenlu was still not driving fast, instead of wasting time because of car repairs, he drove fast.

After all, it is very rare to be able to deeply appreciate this beautiful U-shaped road.

This road...beautiful is not only because the road surface dances with the undulating terrain, nor is it simply because it is a sky road that points directly to the sky, but such a scenery is rarely encountered once in a lifetime.

It would really be a waste of such beauty to just keep moving forward at full speed.

Of course, many beautiful highways in China compare themselves to China's Route 66, including Route 66 in Yinchuan.

In fact, they naturally have the same points as Route 66 in the United States, even worse.

It's just that it may be famous late.

In fact, strictly speaking, this road is not a tourist attraction, but an important road connecting Qinghai and Xinjiang, and even many large trucks pass by it, which can be described as a place with a high risk factor.

But in recent years, people's improvement of aesthetics has made this place popular, so many people stop here in the middle of the road to check in and take pictures, which is actually a very dangerous behavior.

Of course, nothing can change the beauty here.

Lin Shenlu whistled and drove the car, while An Muxi stuck on his sunglasses and admired the scenery outside the window.

He Kuer followed closely behind. On this deserted section of the road, He Kuer would still speed up and overtake Lin Shenlu, then drive for a while to experience the thrill, and then slow down to wait for Lin Shenlu.

After that, he returned to the team.

The newcomer Zumretti loves excitement even more.

Seeing that He Kuer's cyber tank often cheated...she also followed her, and her Grand Cherokee did not lose to He Kuer at all.

Racing together is even more exciting.

Compared with these two people, the three sisters of Naihe are much more stable.

Naihe followed Lin Shenlu quietly, while the other two sisters kept posting on Moments.

On National Highway 315, this place is really extraordinary. At this moment, Lin Shenlu can clearly see the vast Gobi on both sides. The black road surface undulates with the terrain, flying like ribbons. The unique landform of the Qaidam Basin has created this Unique and magnificent natural scenery and cultural landscape.

Lin Shenlu can say this, only those who have really walked on this U-shaped road can have such a feeling.

Poetry and distance lie ahead, and this road...does lead to heaven.

"Mu Xi, did you see it?" Lin Shenlu asked with a smile.

An Muxi nodded slightly, the scenery in front of her could really leave a deep impression on her.

This is a very lonely and straight road.

It seems that only by going forward indomitably can we cross the route that leads to the sky earlier.

"Lu'er... Do you think... will this road lead to the sky?" An Muxi looked at the road ahead and said softly.

In An Muxi's eyes, that clear spot is a road perpendicular to the sky.

Isn't the blue sky at the end of the road?

The surrounding Gobi is vast and lifeless.

There are not even moving objects in sight.

It's like walking in the doomsday.

However, such a beautiful and shocking scenery should not appear in the doomsday.

So Lin Shenlu smiled: "Muxi, what we are doing now is to cross the no-man's land. This National Highway 315 extends from east to west along the Kunlun Mountains, passing Hotan, the Milan site, and crossing the Lop Nur Wild Camel Nature Reserve. , the Altun Mountains, one of the four no-man's lands in our country, will be overturned."

After a pause, Lin Shenlu continued: "After crossing the Qaidam Basin, what we are now stepping on is the boundless yellow sand, the U-shaped road stretching across the vast Gobi, plateaus, lakes, snow-capped mountains, and the Gobi, all of which are completely silent. , lonely, broad, desolate, can be described as majestic!"

Lin Shenlu talked about the feelings in his heart, but also expressed his emotions.

He didn't know how many tourists had traveled through the no-man's land to feel the lonely road, but the feeling that he was able to go with An Muxi at this moment was indescribable.

Do you want to come to An Muxi to feel the same as yourself?

Finally met the vehicle again after driving for a long time!

Not far ahead, Lin Shenlu finally saw the same vehicle passing through here.

It's just that there were almost four or five cars parked on the side of the road, and a dozen people, some standing in the car, some sitting in the middle of the road, punched in and took pictures.

A blue sign next to it clearly stated that the downhill section should slow down, stop and take pictures is prohibited, and offenders will be punished.

The following declaration is made by the Golmud Public Security Bureau...

I want to come here to stop and check in... The public security bureau will not come to punish you with 100 yuan in the vast Gobi...

This road is really beautiful.

Why Road has very strong emotions in people's hearts.

It is because there is a road ahead, so there is hope.

It is because the road is straight, so the mood is smooth.

It is because the road is the distance, the road is the yearning, and the road is hope.

Because there is an endless road in front of you, you know you are always on the road.

The so-called scenery, the end point is nothing more than comforting yourself.

When I really arrive at a place, I seem to find that the scenery I have been pursuing in my dreams is like this, and what really makes me happy is the road I am heading for.

Although the road is long, it will come soon if you walk it. Although things are difficult, you will succeed if you do it. It is a long road, but you will see the dawn. The low water becomes the sea, and the low man is the king.


Even though the road is long, walking will lead to it. Although the book is difficult, learning will surely lead to success. Mountains have peaks, waters have the other side. Slowly travel long distances and eventually turn around. Aftertaste is bitter and sweet.

Therefore, being on the road is what people yearn for.

Lin Shenlu was driving on this seemingly straight road, but in fact it had constant ups and downs.

Looking at the people punching in various poses, he finally looked at An Muxi.

"If one day, when I want to come back here again and continue to walk this U-shaped road, will you still be by my side?" Lin Shenlu asked softly.

"If one day, you stand on the U-shaped road again, I must be by your side, but that time I must be driving, and you must be sitting in my co-pilot!" An Muxi said with a smile.


Continuing on from the U-shaped highway, you will arrive at today's destination, Dongtai Jinel Lake.

This is known as the most beautiful fairyland in the country comparable to the Maldives, with a Tiffany blue lake.

A true wonderland on earth.

Truly a place reserved by God.

It is said that the scenery here is more fairy than Jiuzhaigou, more beautiful than Kanas, the water is particularly clear, and the salt of white flowers is more clean than Chaka Salt Lake.

If you look from a distance, you will find that the sky above the lake is extraordinarily clear and bright, and the blue eyes full of people have a strong visual impact, as if you have come to a paradise on earth.

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