travel on the tip of the tongue

Chapter 141 Salt Crystal Pavement, Courtyard Wooden House

An Muxi quietly looked at Lin Shenlu under the sun.

Every time when he mentioned his dream about traveling, Lin Shenlu's eyes were full of brilliance.

This is how An Muxi likes Lin Shenlu.

The pursuit of the unattainable scenery, the obsession with all the beauty ahead, this is the most charming moment about this man.

An Muxi always thought that this was the reason for staying by Lin Shenlu's side.

Men and women, always have mutual fascination.

When the charming point becomes ordinary and habitual, then the feelings will gradually fade.

This is a truth that both men and women understand.

So in the life of an adult, there will always be one party who silently contributes and seeks new passion points.

"Let's go, Mu Xi, I'll accompany you to buy scarves. There are many scarves sellers here. Take pictures in the sky and check in. It's beautiful to wear with scarves, and the color is especially red." Lin Shenlu looked down. An Muxi in front of him.

An Muxi shook her head.

"Let's find a place to live first, and then we need to replenish the RV after booking the room, right?" An Muxi said with a smile.

At any time, An Muxi is mature and steady.

Lin Shenlu nodded.

There are many hotels and inns in Chaka Town.

But relatively speaking, the sense of experience and charm are average.

After all, it is not the kind of travel city suitable for long-term living.

This is just a stop on National Highway 315.

So there will not be that kind of beautiful inn suitable for long-term living.

Of course, the suggested travel time in Chaka Town is only a day or two.

Of course, for Lin Shenlu, if he can find a good place to live while traveling, he still has to try it.

In the entire huge Chaka Town, Lin Shenlu only knows one unique homestay.

No matter in terms of price, living environment, or special experience, it can satisfy Lin Shenlu's hobbies.

Of course, Lin Shenlu didn't drive the RV for this part of the journey.

Because the courtyard of this wooden house is very close to Chaka Salt Lake, according to An Muxi, the closer it is to Chaka Salt Lake, the easier it is for a large amount of salt to adhere to the car body.

Anmuxi doesn't matter, just find a quiet, clean and clean place to stay.

According to the address information, Lin Shenlu came to this characteristic wooden house.

If it was a few years ago, this wooden house had not been built yet, and Lin Shenlu only knew of such a newly established petty bourgeoisie and expensive homestay last year.

Yanshang·Chaka Salt Lake Wooden House Courtyard B&B.

The unit price is [-] for a cabin.

Truly a log cabin.

When Lin Shenlu stood at the entrance, he was even more sure of his idea of ​​living here.

It can be said that it is a must-stay place when you come to Chaka Salt Lake.

There are many characteristic restaurants around, which perfectly solves the problem of eating.

Looking towards the interior of this large courtyard.

Lin Shenlu knew he had come to the right place.

"Did you see...the ground is covered with thick Chaka Salt Lake salt..." Lin Shenlu bent down and grabbed the white salt crystals on the ground.

He Ku'er also curiously grabbed a handful and smelled it.

"It's really salt... It feels like walking on a white crystal mine!" He Ku'er said in surprise.

"Then take the notes and talk to the boss here later..." Lin Shenlu reminded He Kuer.

He Kuer was taken aback, what are you talking about?

Record the characteristic things along the way. This is what I know, but what to talk about with the boss?

"Look at your bewildered eyes, isn't your company planning to explore the route of no-man's land this time... In addition to the registration fee and the fee for leading and following the team, shouldn't there be some other expenses?" Lin Shenlu explained. .

"How to expand?" He Ku'er asked.

"I checked the cabins here. The price of a cabin is 2000. It is impossible for these dozens of cabins to be fully occupied at the same time. Among them, there are double-bed rooms for couples and twin-bed rooms. To live with friends, what we need to talk about is to tell the boss that we are the staff of, and we may bring a group to stay in the future. A room here is 2000. If we book the venue, can we get 1500? ?Then the price for the traveler can be increased, so that everyone can earn something... More importantly, it can make the experiencers of this 315 trip experience different feelings, not all tourists can Come to live in a cabin for 2000 nights... Do you understand?" Lin Shenlu asked He Kuer.

He Kuer nodded his head.

Didn't realize there were so many things to say?

Lin Shenlu turned around and looked at the rows of small wooden houses covered with white salt crystal floors.

This visual effect is very timeless.

The neat and orderly rows of log cabins are really unique.

It seems to be a scene that only appears in many foreign science fiction movies.

And the layer of salt on the ground is just right.

The deep color of the cabin contrasts sharply with the white salt crystal floor.

"Let me tell you, if you feel that things are not going well recently, the magnetic field does not match, or the emotional negative energy is too high, you must live here!" Lin Shenlu said mysteriously.

"Oh? Uncle, what's the point?" He Ku'er asked curiously.

"You don't know that, do you? The two magic weapons to purify the magnetic field, the first is crystal, and the second is salt. Come to Chaka Salt Lake. You still live on the salt. Do you think it's comfortable to sleep?" Lin Shen Deer said with a smile.

"Uncle... don't be ridiculous, I know that crystals can ward off evil spirits and change the magnetic field, so when will salt be able to?" He Ku'er was full of disbelief.

"What do you know...salt is also a crystal, and it's natural!" Lin Shenlu snorted softly.

The three of them went to check in.

One double bed room and one twin bed room.

An Muxi naturally lives with He Kuer.

He Ku'er looked at Lin Shenlu in disbelief.

"Uncle, I just found out that you are very strange... You refused to let me stay in a hotel with [-] yuan, but you stayed in a hotel with [-] yuan?" He Ku'er was very curious.

This is completely different from Lin Shenlu who refused to let him stay in a five-star hotel the day before yesterday.

Later, he even slept in the RV the next day... He Ku'er thought Lin Shenlu was poor and picky.

On the third day, go directly to a broken town where you live for two thousand and one nights?

"What do you know... If you have money, I don't care if you live in Shangri-La, but if you don't have money, what are you talking about... I want to live there because I have money! I can't live where I spend my own money?" Lin Shenlu snorted lightly.

"In a place where money has nothing to do with it, well, then traveling to Xining is the starting point. It's useless if you live so expensive. This is our Chaka Salt Lake. I come here with my dreams. I don't care if it's good or bad. Experience It's worth it!" Lin Shenlu said clearly.

He Kuer snorted softly.

None of this matters to me.

Anyway, I know one thing, this damn little deer is rich.

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