travel on the tip of the tongue

Chapter 107 Blue of Wangyou, Blue of Good Night

There are many kinds of colors, whether it is the various blues in the paint or the blues after blending, the main purpose is to present different blues in nature.

Sky blue, sea blue, lake blue, water blue, dark blue, light blue, dark blue... Too many blues can show different brilliance.

As a painter, Nana is very familiar with these.

But the blue that Lin Shenlu made on the palette just now did not belong to any common blue.

It even said that it was blue that I had never seen before.

It's obviously that familiar color...why is there a special emotion in my heart?

Lin Shenlu didn't notice that Qinai was looking at him curiously.

And apply the blue that has been prepared to the canvas.

Layer by layer, this special blue color occupies the entire space of the canvas.

When the color was interpreted on the canvas, Qinai's eyes became more complicated.

The emotion presented by this blue on the canvas is more intense.

Especially when Lin Shenlu painted the entire canvas with color, Lin Shenlu had a smile on his face, and his eyes were full of joy and satisfaction.

When Qinai's eyes looked at the canvas again, the whole canvas revealed emotions from the colors.

full of emotions.

Nana smiled involuntarily.

Nana was taken aback.

I actually laughed along with the color.

Blue that inspires inner joy.

This is unreasonable!

Blue is originally a cool color.

It is one of the three primary colors and four psychological colors of light.

Although it represents the color of the sky.

But never heard that blue can stimulate people's pleasure.

Because blue is a symbol of eternity and represents the tone of melancholy.

Each shade of blue has a different meaning.

But no matter it is general blue, indigo blue, blue blue, dark blue, navy blue, royal blue, dark blue, bright blue...

Youlan, azure blue, cobalt blue, tile blue, peacock blue, sapphire blue... and Klein blue...

These blues are different from those of Lin Shenlu.

As the coldest color among cool tones, it is absolutely impossible to reveal such warm and gentle emotions.

Qinai really couldn't hide her curiosity.

"That..." Qi Nai said to Lin Shenlu.

"Huh?" Lin Shenlu was stunned, and just spread this blue color that he had prepared on the canvas as the background color.

While waiting to do something, Lin Shenlu looked at Qinai strangely?

Could it be that she lacks something?

"You blue... I've never seen it before... Do you have a name?" Qi Nai pursed her lips and asked out her curiosity.

"This?" Lin Shenlu pointed to the drawing board in front of him.

Nana nodded.

But the eyes can't leave the color of this painting.

"Here's a color I recently tried to configure...I call this blue color..."

Lin Shenlu paused and glanced at his blue color.


When you look at it, you will forget your troubles, and the gentleness will naturally overflow from the corners of your mouth. That is the color of joy.

"The reason why this blue color is formulated is because of a word."

Lin Shenlu continued: "There is nothing in the sky, but it can comfort me." Lin Shenlu said with a smile.

"Do you like it? I like to tell you how to configure it after the exhibition is over." Lin Shenlu nodded.

Nana also nodded slightly.

But his eyes couldn't move away from Lin Shenlu's canvas.

But the black paint that was squeezed out of her palette made Qinai hesitate.

The scraper in my hand just wanted to use this black as the main tone.

But looking at Lin Shenlu's drawing board again, Qinai nodded slightly.

It seems to be agreeing to Lin Shenlu's words, and it seems to be telling himself.

Lin Shenlu suddenly continued: "A long time ago, when I was playing in the painting circle, I saw a work, which was also a blue work, but it was a kind of blue mixed with pink. The sky in that painting, The ocean, the lake, the universe...all have a strong sense of ambiguity, although I don't know who that senior is, but that is called the ambiguous Goodnight Blue."

"When I saw that blue color for the first time, there was a trace of endless joy in the color stained on the canvas. I seemed to see the love in my heart in everything in the world..."

"So at that time, I knew that besides what should exist in this color, there are also things that we don't know but also exist." Lin Shenlu said with a smile.

"The colors we recognize are because we can only see these colors... In fact, there may be more colors in this world that we cannot see... So the colors are not fixed, as long as they can stimulate different emotions, then Just the right color..."

"My Wangyoulan... I have been debugging since that time, but I have never been particularly satisfied. Later, I saw that sentence, there is nothing in the sky, but it can give me comfort."

"This sentence... the purest blue is the color of the sky, it shouldn't be the coldest color, it should be the warmest color, a color that coexists with gentleness and joy... Nana, I told you , Whether it is a painting or a text, they are all extensions of the artist, and what we have in our hearts will be strongly presented in the work...Are you right?"

Lin Shenlu's words made Qinai seem to understand something.

Staring blankly at the black on the palette, Nana suddenly scraped off a large piece of black paint with a scraper...

"Come on, Qinai, it's a pity that it's such a big piece..."

It seems to be able to see through the thoughts in Qi Nai's heart.

Lin Shenlu continued: "I never said that black is a representative of melancholy, deep darkness...not all blacks are generalized."

"Although black does not have so many distinctions, I think black is the end point of all colors, and the color that returns to the end is black..." Lin Shenlu said.

"But... black can't draw happiness and warmth." Qinai shook her head.

"Trust me, Nana, just use this black as the base tone, and put the color you want in it..."

After a pause, Lin Shenlu continued: "In the end, you will definitely be able to adjust the black that you are most satisfied with... Black is not wrong, the black in our hearts is the direction that determines the problem..."

Lin Shenlu gently reached out to put the black on the scraper back on Qinai's palette.

"But no matter what color is added to black, it is still black, it can absorb all colors..." Qinai shook her head.

"I thought... color is never seen with the eyes, but with the heart..."

"Emotions are not seen by the eyes, but felt by the heart...isn't it?" Lin Shenlu said with a smile.

While Lin Shenlu was talking, a girl walked around not far away, and was looking around after receiving a set of palette painter's paints at the door.

"Look at that girl, what we saw was very pretty, but she looked like everyone owed him 800 million... But we had no contact, who knew what was going on in her heart..." Lin Shenlu smiled Say.

As if hearing Lin Shenlu's words, the girl went straight to Lin Shenlu and sat down.

"Look, she doesn't even look at me with black eyes...all white eyes..." Lin Shenlu whispered to Qinai.

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