travel on the tip of the tongue

Chapter 104 I Like Passivity

Lin Shenlu was serious this time.

After all, this coat is more uncomfortable to wear on the body.

The sweater can be left on, but the jacket is definitely not.

Out of consideration for the sleep quality of the sea blue whale, this matter is more urgent.

Lin Shenlu's hands also moved from the buttons of his jeans to the top of his jacket.

It's just that this kind of coat is not elastic, so it is difficult for the sea blue whale lying on the front to press it tightly.

Lin Shenlu tugged down on his coat, and it got stuck on Seablue Whale's shoulder.

I didn't take it off four or five times back and forth.

Suddenly... the sea blue whale flipped its shoulders lightly, and one end of the coat fell off.

Ok?Is it my own illusion?

Is it a coincidence?

Or did the sea blue whale do it on purpose?

Lin Shenlu was a little dazed...

It would be a bit embarrassing to test yourself if you didn't sleep.

Lin Shenlu deliberated and decided to try again, and the other side of the coat also needed to be taken off.

The same is stuck at the shoulder.

Lin Shenlu tugged a few still couldn't be pulled off, unless it would be easier to pull the sea blue whale up and sit on the bed.

But that won't wake her up, will it?

From Lin Shenlu's experience, it is more interesting to do this kind of thing privately.

As long as the other side is awake, there will be less stimulation.


Lin Shenlu let go of his hand...coincidence?

The other shoulder of the sea blue whale moved again, just in time to take off its coat.

This is amazing.

Lin Shenlu frowned tightly.

Is it true or not?

Are you asleep?

Lin Shenlu put his hand under the nose of the sea blue whale.

Breathing is normal, and there is no large-scale movement of the eyeballs in the eyelids.

Should be asleep?

Could it be that I was working too hard?

There was already a fine layer of beads of sweat on Lin Shenlu's forehead.

The air conditioner is not turned on in this room, so it is inevitable that it will be a little hot.

Go wash your face!

Lin Shenlu put the sea blue whale's coat aside, and then went to the bathroom to wash his face.

After washing, Lin Shenlu seemed to be much more awake.

Returning to the bed and looking at the sea blue whale still sleeping in that position, Lin Shenlu sighed.

Or forget it.

If you take off your jacket, you have to take off your sweater, and you can't get away with your jeans.

What's left in there...

Even tighter underwear and panties...

For Lin Shenlu, who is a bit of a perfectionist, having OCD is not that uncomfortable.

The perfect quality of sleep must not leave Victoria's Secret with a row of buttons behind it!

Wearing this thing to sleep is the greatest disrespect to the body.

Lin Shenlu sighed... If you don't consider the difference between men and women, you can take off completely, and the quality of sleep is guaranteed... But this body smells of alcohol and sweat... Shouldn't you go to the bathroom and take a hot shower?

It is comfortable to sleep after washing and warming...

I don't even have the hobby of rubbing my back!

Forget it...the follow-up matters are too troublesome... Lin Shenlu should stop the loss in time.

Because of the quality of sleep, I have to help her take a bath in the end, which is not worth it.

Just sleep like that.

Lin Shenlu stood up straight.

Gently cover the sea blue whale with the quilt, all covered!Out of sight out of mind.

"Hmm... I want to..." Sea Blue Whale stretched out his hand and stretched out the quilt on his body... and continued to murmur.

"Don't ask for it, you want to fly higher!" Lin Shenlu murmured.

"You still want to become the angel you love in the fairy tale... You still want beautiful clothes, don't you?" Lin Shenlu covered the sea blue whale with the quilt again.

Time was quiet for ten seconds.

Lin Shenlu lit a cigarette and gently exhaled the smoke ring.

"Actually, whether you are asleep or not... nothing will happen today." Lin Shenlu lowered his head and said softly, smoking a cigarette.

"If you are sober, maybe I really can't control it. There is one thing you might not know..." Lin Shenlu chuckled to himself.

"I am... I like to be passive..."


Lin Shenlu lives next door to Sea Blue Whale tonight.

Next door to Windmill Jasmine is Tulip.

Five or six tulips are blooming in the flower mound surrounded by stones at the door.

There are pink and white ones and orange ones.

Very colorful.

Pushing open the door and entering, there is an orange and red tulip in another vase on the bedside table.

Know something about Hualin Shenlu.

Fresh cut flowers of this tulip are actually very difficult to survive in a vase.

Even if the water is changed every day and the roots are cut every two days, it will still wither and the petals will scatter after a little more than a week.

Therefore, compared with the flowers in other rooms, the fresh-cut flowers of tulips have a short flowering period.

But this can't stop Lin Shenlu from liking this kind of flower.

Lin Shenlu put the cigarette butts in the ashtray and was about to take a bath. It was really uncomfortable for a perfectionist not to take off his clothes and wash before going to bed.

Lin Shenlu's habit has always been like this.

After all, I did not escape the fate of spending the night at the Whale Deer Inn... After all, I and the sea blue whale were the first people to check in on the first night.


Windmill Jasmine.

The room of the sea blue whale.

The lights are off and the air conditioner is on.

The temperature is 24 degrees.


for a long time.

"This fucking..."


The next day is dawn.

When Lin Shenlu woke up, it was already daylight.

This is Lin Shenlu's fault.

Waking up the next day after a night of drinking is sure to lengthen the biological clock.

Alcohol paralysis is part of the reason, the bed is too soft is another reason.

The bed here is not comparable to the small yard rented.

The bath water here is also more reliable than the small yard.

The small yard is the kind... wait!

Lin Shenlu seems to have forgotten something...

The small yard...was there someone else last night?

Su Baoer?

Still spending the night alone in the yard?

Should be fine, right?

But if Su Baoer is not stupid, he knows to go to Teacher Xiaoshou's house next door for a meal.

It's a pity...a batch of Su Baoer's melons...

Lin Shenlu couldn't imagine that Su Baoer, who was hungry and crazy, wouldn't eat mushrooms all over the wall, right?

After a while, I hurried home to have a look, and took a breakfast or something.

Stretch and get off the bed.

Lin Shenlu found that the outside was already busy.

Groups of workers brought a large number of canvas easels and brushes and paints.

Although most painters have their own tools, in case there are many people coming, it is good to be well prepared.

I don't know when the place started to get busy.

The table where we drank last night has been cleared.

And a lot of banners and kt boards are all arranged.

Looking outside again, Lu Zhaoxi and Sea Blue Whale are arranging something in a large open space at the gate.

When did these two get up to work?

Didn't the sea blue whale drink too much, more drunk than himself?

How long did you sleep for?

Lin Shenlu was a little embarrassed.


"When I came to deliver things in the morning, I met many painters and tourists on the road. Everyone was discussing today's affairs, and many of them have already brought their things and are ready to come. Don't worry..." Lu Zhaoxi said to the sea blue whale.

"That's good. The time we set is nine o'clock. I took a look at the open space outside the door and the yard. It's no problem to accommodate 200 people to paint..." Sea Blue Whale said seriously.

"Don't worry, I'm in charge of everything... By the way, how was last night?" Lu Zhaoxi asked with a smile.

At this time, the sea blue whale just saw Lin Shenlu who was looking around with his head stretched out.

"Lin Shenlu! Come here! Look at what you've done!" Sea Blue Whale shouted at Lin Shenlu at the other end.

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