Reborn Lord of the Stars

Chapter 338: Too Hard!

Skill, plasma burst!

Skill level 2, attack power 1841%!

However, when this move fell, Zhao Feiyun punched it back.

"too weak!"

The blow was so effective, Zhao Feiyun let out an angry roar, and immediately pursued him.

Zhang Junmo flew upside down, fell in embarrassment, stepped backwards crazily, feeling a little helpless in his heart.

The difference between his current combat power and Zhao Feiyun's is roughly six times!

With Zhao Feiyun's current state, I'm afraid that a level a with the power of will is enough to match the attack power of this skill.

Originally the only advantage was speed, but now the speed advantage has been lost.

What else can I use?


Zhang Junmo almost forgot that he still has a pair of combat boots!

That was the reward given to the champion of the Fuzhou Contest.

The combat boots were taken out of the system backpack and put on directly on the feet. A silver light flashed under Zhang Junmo's feet.

Suddenly, the speed increased by [-]%!

The tiger's claw roared towards him, wrapped in a gust of wind.

Zhang Junmo's figure flashed, but he easily dodged it.

Zhao Feiyun's state at this time is extremely balanced, but his speed is not at the limit. At this moment, Zhang Junmo's speed slightly surpassed the opponent's again, and the agility bonus brought by his profession is not only terrifying in speed, but also makes his body more flexible than ordinary people. .

Therefore, Zhao Feiyun easily dodged the attack.

"Is it a mysterious treasure?"

Looking at the combat boots emerging from Zhang Junmo's feet, Zhao Feiyun looked cold.

In fact, with his ability and family background, it is very easy to obtain the magic weapon.

However, the characteristics of the ability are here, and I really can't find something convenient.

Divine Soldier?

His own hands can change according to the battle situation, and their power is comparable to that of a magic weapon.

Noble Phantasm?

His body shape changes, from big to small, armor and boots, maybe the treasure will be exploded, or his own body will be crushed!

If it wasn't for these reasons that there was no magic weapon booster, Zhao Feiyun would have rubbed Zhang Junmo on the ground long ago.

It seems that after this battle, it is necessary to solve this problem.

Although cultivation is the primary way for practitioners to improve their strength, the treasure of divine weapons is also extremely important. Without this, it is indeed very troublesome.

At least, get some auxiliary treasures.


These thoughts flashed through Zhao Feiyun's mind, but he couldn't dodge in time, and was attacked by Zhang Junmo!

The black cat ninja and Zhang Junmo's attacks fell at the same time.

But it was the same as before.


Zhang Junmo couldn't help but burst into words.

Too hard!

It's like a tortoise shell.

Indeed, although the appearance of combat boots made his speed increase again.

Although it was not as terrifying as when the skill accelerated, it was still slightly faster than Zhao Feiyun.

But the difference in hard power lies here, his attack has no effect, even if Azuna attacks with him, it is useless.

Although Azuna's blood volume is high, but the level difference is here, Azuna, who has all his abilities, cannot copy his skills.

Moreover, the Assassin skill is really not very strong when it is changed, even if it is completely reproduced, it does not make much sense.

no solution anymore.

Career change, Phantom Swordsman!

The short sword in his hand changed again, turning into a long sword engraved with red runes, and the cat ninja beside him also disappeared.

Just after the job change, Zhao Feiyun had already come to him.

Lost the agility bonus,

At the beginning, Zhang Junmo's speed crushing advantage, at this time, has been completely reversed, and it has become Zhao Feiyun's speed crushing!

I saw Zhao Feiyun turned into afterimages, approaching quickly.

Zhang Junmo slashed with his sword, but he didn't even hit a shadow.

When the sword failed, Zhang Junmo sensed the sense of crisis coming from behind!

There was a sharp piercing sound, it was Zhao Feiyun's tiger claws!

He had no doubts that if he was scratched by this claw, he would either die or be disabled!

The absolute difference in levels meant that Zhang Junmo's defense couldn't keep up with such a high-intensity battle.

He can use various skills to head-to-head with the enemy, or compare speed.

But he couldn't use his body to resist the opponent's attack.

This is Zhang Junmo's biggest weakness.

Zhao Feiyun was able to resist Zhang Junmo's previous high-frequency attacks with his speed.

But he may be finished with just one hit.

The will of the sword exploded, and the sword energy swarmed out, vaguely turning into a shield around the body, overlapping with the divine consciousness, forming a powerful sensing area.

Shadow Sword!

At the moment when the tiger's claws fell, Zhang Junmo turned into afterimages and dissipated, as if he had never appeared before.

The tiger claw fell into the air, but afterimages gathered from all directions, holding a long sword, or chopping, or chopping, or stabbing...

Zhao Feiyun snorted coldly, and waved his claws around in a circle, tearing the afterimages apart.

And the next moment, Zhang Junmo's figure condensed on the top of Zhao Feiyun's head, and a sword stabbed straight at his head.

As for Zhao Feiyun, he didn't seem to notice anything, his eyes swept across, and he didn't find Zhang Junmo's figure.

"Are you going to succeed?"

The people watching the battle nervously watched this scene, realizing that Zhao Feiyun didn't seem to notice Zhang Junmo's figure.

Could it be that this blow will decide the outcome?

If the long sword stabs the head, it must be over!

However, it is counterproductive.

Just when the phantom sword was about to pierce Zhao Feiyun's Tianling Gai, he suddenly took a step back, then raised his head, with a sneer on his lips, and grabbed Zhang Junmo's sword firmly!


The phantom sword trembled wildly, and the sword energy rushed out, trying to smash this palm!

However, Zhao Feiyun's palms that turned into tiger claws are extremely powerful and sharp, and he is not afraid of the terrifying sword energy!

"What? This is all your strength?"

Zhao Feiyun tightly grasped the blade of the phantom sword, ignoring the sharp sword energy, and threw Zhang Junmo into the air, then smashed it hard towards the ground!


Zhang Junmo forcibly twisted his body, adjusted in the air, regained his balance, and landed on both feet.

The ground under his feet cracked, and there was a sharp pain!


Zhao Feiyun's strength is too strong, this kind of swing, and the shock under his feet when he landed almost crippled his legs.

This is the huge gap in hard power. If there is no powerful attack ratio brought by skills, it is really hard for Zhang Junmo to imagine how to bridge this gap.

Skill, Dark Night Bash!

Zhang Junmo's expression froze, and he punched out.

A phantom of a silver dragon's head emerged and hit Zhao Feiyun's tiger claw.

The power burst out, but it was difficult to cause any harm to Zhao Feiyun.

But it made his tiger claws loosen a little.

Although he only let go a little bit, he seized the opportunity to draw out the long sword suddenly, and then cut out two sword lights.

Zhao Feiyun raised the tiger's claws to resist, the long sword slashed on the tiger's claws, sparks flew everywhere, but it failed to cause the slightest damage.

But Zhang Junmo didn't give up, he was gathering his own strength!

Dark Night Bash successfully hits, gaining 2 points of ego power.

The next moment, Zhang Junmo kept moving, and slashed three times with the phantom sword in his hand.

Skill, impact sword!

Skill level 3, attack power 2346%!

Three sword shadows fell, knocking Zhao Feiyun back a few steps.

Ego power +1.

Skill, swing the sky whip!

Skill level 5, attack power 2274%!

The sword light was like a whip, and it was thrown at Zhao Feiyun's body, but it only cut off a thick hair like a steel needle.

Ego power +1.

Other than that, no wounds were left.

Zhao Feiyun roared angrily, swung the tiger's claws, Zhang Junmo rolled to dodge, and stood still for a moment, the whole person jumped up, raised the long sword, and the sword light emerged.

Skills, high-altitude collision!

Skill, comet dive!

Skill duo.

But it was blocked by Zhao Feiyun.

A terrifying air wave swept across, denting the ground.

But Zhao Feiyun was still unharmed.

The hearts of the audience who saw this scene tugged.

Even if most of them are ordinary people, they all understand.

It turned out that Zhang Junmo's moves were completely useless to Zhao Feiyun!

The sarcasm on Zhao Feiyun's face became more intense.

Until, Zhang Junmo rushed over again.

Skill, sudden attack and sudden slash!

Skill, shock wave!

Another skill duo.

Self power +2!

But this wave is weaker than the previous two-stroke combo!

Zhao Feiyun seemed to have completely lost interest.

On his tiger claws, there was a faint glint of light.

"It seems that you are at the end of your wits?"

"I thought you would bring me some surprises."

"what a pity."

"Okay, it's time to send you away."

After the words fell, Zhao Feiyun's claws shone even brighter!

The corners of Zhang Junmo's mouth also curled up.


"There really is one!"

The next moment, Zhang Junmo raised his sword.

A huge silver halo enveloped Zhao Feiyun, and a long silver dragon emerged, roaring loudly!

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