, live broadcasting nature: starting from the discovery of the white tiger mother

Chen Yuan took a few steps back and found that the albino bear was still walking towards him.

Chen Yuan was a little surprised, I'm sorry, this is a fight with me, right?

Chen Yuan really doesn't seem to have any conflict with the albino bear, after all, from a certain point of view, he is protecting animals.

But Chen Yuan found that the bear had stopped. It turned out that he had found a snake.

That's a white-headed viper.

The Shennongjia Nature Reserve has always been a place rich in animal and plant resources in my country. There are many rare birds and animals in the Shennongjia area, and the mysterious white-headed viper is one of them.

A fresh and intact white-headed viper was displayed in front of everyone.

Present to the world the mysterious beauty of the cold-blooded messenger of nature.

The white-headed viper can be said to be the most troublesome venomous snake in the world. It can be said that the white-headed viper is too hypocritical and eventually made itself an endangered animal.

The white-headed viper discovered by the white bear is about 60 cm long. The back of this snake is dark brown with vermilion horizontal spots, and the color of its abdomen is olive gray with white spots scattered in it. Its head and neck It is light yellowish white with dark brown markings, and the head of the snake is arrow-triangular like a venomous snake.

The white-headed viper is a kind of venomous snake belonging to the viper family. It is extremely rare in Shennongjia, and it is even a rare species in the whole country.Not to mention living bodies, even specimens are very rare. At present, Shennongjia Nature Reserve only has specimens made by deceased individuals preserved in the scientific research institute of the reserve.

Speaking of the white-headed viper, it was first discovered in the Kara Mountains in northern Myanmar in 1888, and this poisonous snake was discovered in Sichuan in 1932.

The white-headed viper belongs to the Viperidae family and is a highly venomous snake. The body length of this poisonous snake is between 06 meters and 08 meters. There are yellow and white markings on the top.

It mainly lives in hilly areas between 300 meters and 2000 meters above sea level. This snake mainly feeds on rodents and insectivores.The distribution range of the white-headed viper is mainly concentrated in the southern region and foreign countries in Southeast Asia, and in northern Myanmar and other Southeast Asian regions, the number of Huaxia distribution accounts for 80% of the global distribution of the white-headed viper.

How venomous are white-headed vipers?

Someone once did an experiment to confirm that the intravenous injection data of its venom toxicity is ld50052g/kg, which shows that the toxicity of the white-headed viper is stronger than that of the five-step snake.

Although the toxicity of the white-headed viper is very strong, it is still inferior to the most poisonous coral snake on land in my country. The intravenous injection data of the coral snake is ld50003-011g/kg.Compared with the toxicity of the Corona snake, the toxicity of the White-headed Viper can be said to be insignificant.Even though the toxicity is stronger than that of the five-step snake, the lethality is still much weaker than that of the five-step snake. The reason is that the venom secretion of the five-step snake is much larger than that of the white-headed viper. The venom secretion of the five-step snake is about 150-250 mg. , while the white-headed viper's venom secretion is only about 18 mg, such a low detoxification really reduces their lethality.

The venom of the white-headed viper is a mixed toxin. After being bitten by the white-headed viper, there will be severe wound pain, swelling and a small amount of bleeding. At the same time, symptoms such as dizziness, vertigo, blurred vision, drooping eyelids and difficulty swallowing .

A few years ago, an old man was bitten by a white-headed viper on the mountain road home. Because there was no special antivenom and he was sent to the hospital too late for treatment, even though the old man was injected with anti-viper venom Did not save his life.So the deadliest thing about white-headed vipers is that there is no special antivenom to treat the injured.

In the eyes of water friends, the white-headed viper is the most troublesome snake.

But they don't know why.

The reason why the white-headed viper is considered the most troublesome snake in the world is mainly because this kind of snake cannot be raised artificially. After being raised by humans, it will generally refuse to eat.

Even if they survive by chance, they cannot reproduce. This is the most troublesome problem. Moreover, they have relatively high requirements for the living environment, like areas with higher altitudes, and are more picky about food sources. They like to eat rare animals such as musk deer and musk deer.

Such a high survival requirement directly leads to the verge of extinction of this snake, so it is said that excessive hypocrisy has made the white-headed viper an endangered animal.

But in addition, Chen Yuan also found several snakes that did not belong to Shennongjia.

"It is estimated that these were released."

Chen Yuan had known to those from the Forestry Bureau that they seized more than 200 wild snakes from people who illegally captured and sold wild animals and released them in Shennongjia.

These snakes include cobras, black-headed snakes, king snakes, etc. Among them, cobras are highly venomous snakes. They are not only venomous, but also inject a large amount of venom in a single injection.

Since there are many poisonous snakes in this batch of snakes, why should they be released?

Water friends do not understand.

These people are out of their minds.

Why release snakes?

That's a really good question,

Many people are afraid of snakes, and many people wish that there would be no snakes in the world, but being afraid of snakes is not a reason for us to harm snakes. They are actually a very important part of nature.

Chen Yuan said, "First of all, snakes are a key species in the ecological chain. The target of snakes is not human beings. They mainly prey on mice, birds, bird eggs, various insects, etc. Some snakes will also eat snakes, such as : King Cobra likes to prey on snakes the most.

The survival of snakes can control the number of local rodents, and rodents have an anti-sky skill that makes them very easy to flood, that is; strong reproductive ability.Take mice as an example, they can mate and reproduce all year round, each gestation period is 21 days, 6-8 litters are born every year, and each litter has 5-10 little mice, and the little mice will grow up when they are 2 or 3 months old. Breeding offspring, one female mouse can produce thousands of offspring every year, and the population size is very scary.

The survival of rats will destroy the natural environment. When the number of rats is out of control, they will destroy grasslands and forest farms, cause land production to decrease, and even wild animals will suffer from famine.Not only that, rats also carry a variety of infectious diseases, such as: plague, which is a zoonotic disease. The Black Death in the Middle Ages was plague, which caused the death of 1/3 of Europeans.

In the summer of this year, a rat plague broke out in Australia. After the rat disaster, not only the farm production was reduced, but some people's eyeballs were even eaten by rats. One can imagine how terrible it is.

The reason why rats are not rampant in our country is because there are many natural enemies of them in our country, among which snakes are their main natural enemies.

On the other hand, snakes are also food for other animals.

Non-venomous snakes, even adult snakes, may become food for raptors, while poisonous snakes are not very poisonous when they are young, and they will also become food for local carnivores. Their existence is also conducive to the survival of other local wild animals.

Because snakes are crucial to the ecological chain, many snakes are listed as protected animals, and sometimes experts will release a batch of snakes according to relevant circumstances. "

Of course, releasing snakes is very particular, you can't release all kinds of snakes, Chen Yuan said that those who release snakes casually must have a brain!

Blindly releasing snakes will not do good deeds, but will actually kill them.Someone released a large number of poisonous snakes in Shennongjia before. After the poisonous snakes scattered and escaped, a local villager Wan was bitten by the released poisonous snakes and died. The expert team immediately rushed to the local area to investigate. "Report", thus releasing poisonous snakes in many places, including the Shennongjia area, and eventually

The two were administratively punished by the Forestry Department for illegally releasing snakes, and the families of the victims also filed a civil lawsuit in the court.

Some people even released more than 300 snakes in other forests. Although these snakes are all cauliflower snakes and are not poisonous, they still frightened the local villagers and brought panic to the local area. The relevant local departments spent a lot of manpower and material resources And time, search and catch these snakes.

Although releasing snakes seems to some people to be "benevolent", experts say it is "killing", because the cauliflower snakes released are all artificially raised snakes in farms, and they do not have the ability to survive in the wild. They may die in winter. More than 90% of the snakes died, which means releasing them will accelerate the death of these cauliflower snakes.

So these people's brains are not brain-tangles.

No, old Chen, ordinary people can't let go of snakes, why experts can.

Yes, Lao Chen, you will not favor those experts, will you?

Chen Yuan was speechless,

"Do you understand the difference between releasing animals by experts and folks?

Most of the folks who release animals don’t understand the life rules of snakes, and they release them indiscriminately, such as: releasing artificially raised snakes into the wild; releasing land snakes into the sea; releasing snakes from the south to the north; and going to places where human activities are dense. release.

Before releasing snakes, experts will conduct corresponding research on the released snakes and the places where they are released. Only wild snakes will release them, and they will be released according to their living habits. There will be no land snakes released to the wild. In the sea, alien snakes are released into our country and so on.

Secondly, the place of release is not chosen at random, but in areas rich in food for snakes and places far away from human activities, which will not affect humans. "

"For example, the Biodiversity Center of the Forestry Bureau next door to us released the three uninhabited woodlands of the Guabangshan Forest Farm. Not only is there enough space here, but there is also a lot of food for snakes to survive, and it has no impact on humans. .

Finally, I would like to say that releasing animals is actually a professional knowledge, and successful things cannot be done with enthusiasm. If you really want to do charity, not releasing animals will do more charity than releasing animals. "

So Chen Yuan can be regarded as a warning to netizens.

But when Chen Yuan was about to leave this place of right and wrong, a golden monkey actually blocked his way.

What are you doing?

Chen Yuan was a little confused.

The golden snub-nosed monkey came over shyly, rubbed its head against its body, and touched its stomach.

Good guy, I'm hungry...

Chen Yuan couldn't help but want to laugh out loud, the guy with feelings actually wanted to find something to eat.

Chen Yuan was not the kind of person who buttoned and swished, he just pulled it out of his pocket.

In fact, the golden monkey knew from the beginning that there was food in Chen Yuan, but it never snatched it, which surprised the water friends.

In the past, water friends saw a very popular video. A tourist accidentally found a golden monkey crossing the road on the side of the road. Like friends who haven't seen each other for a long time, they looked at each other quietly.

The tourist handed it an apple, and the golden monkey took it gracefully, and ran away to eat it slowly.

Tourists said: "This golden monkey is very elegant and does not grab things."

What you need to know is that it is also a monkey, but people's evaluation of macaques is much worse. Many people directly call macaques "splash monkeys". Many cities around the world have been attacked by macaques.

For example, because of religious reasons, Yindu has always been very kind to macaques, but instead of being grateful, the macaques made trouble.Not only did they run to human residences to grab food, they even pushed people off the balcony, and what was even worse was that they would attack children and even cause them to die.

During this time, Fuso Yamaguchi City was also troubled by macaques. People found that local macaques began to attack humans frequently, even children. A girl who was only 10 months old was killed while playing at home. The macaque who broke into the house scratched and left many scars.

Monkeys in Mount Emei in my country and monkeys in Qianling Mountain Park also frequently make trouble, even attacking tourists, snatching tourists' backpacks and food, bringing bad experience to tourists.

Both are monkeys, why is there such a big difference between golden monkeys and macaques?

The water friends were puzzled.

Why do macaques become splash monkeys?

This question is indeed a good question, does Chen Yuan know, yes.

"In fact, macaques in the wild are more afraid of people and will actively avoid people. They prefer to travel freely in the forest.

However, many places in uureading are faced with the destruction of macaque habitats, and macaques are forced to be close to human settlements. After long-term coexistence with humans in an environment, macaques will gradually become less afraid of people. At this time, their destructive side will be revealed. coming.

Macaques have strong adaptability and are social animals. They show joy, anger, sorrow and joy, and they will hurt people when they are emotionally agitated.Moreover, there will still be monkey kings in the monkey group. The election of the monkey king is through fierce fighting. Only by defeating the challenger can you become a new generation of monkey king. permanently disabled.

However, once you become the monkey king, you can enjoy the privileges in the monkey group, such as: female mating rights, and eating priorities, etc. "

Chen Yuan was right.

Macaques are already lively and curious. When they come near human settlements, they will not take long to get used to getting along with humans, and even break into human residences for food.

I remember that I encountered a group of uninvited guests in Nan Province. These monkeys not only broke into the houses, but also ate potato chips, turned on the gas, and even defecated in the owner's house.

Finally, these naughty monkeys were "captured and brought back to the eucalyptus", and the local residents returned to their original peaceful life.

And another factor that causes macaques to hurt people is that they are fed by humans.

Wild macaques have their own means of foraging. They mainly look for wild plants, but in some places with more tourists, people will feed macaques, which makes macaques too close to humans.

But monkeys are monkeys after all. After getting used to human feeding and human friendliness, macaques gradually became bolder and began to act recklessly, not only intercepting tourists, but even hurting people.

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