sea ​​situation

Chapter 622 Refusal to hand over

Lu Ming dared to directly disobey Dai Li's order. First, he was angry. Second, he was not afraid. He was not afraid of being dismissed. It would not hurt him. He was not afraid of being arrested. If he was arrested, Sheng You It is very likely that Mr. De and Mr. Wang will confront Mr. Jiang that night.

Don't look at the fact that Sheng Youde didn't show up when Lu Ming was brought under house arrest in Nanjing by the Military Law Office, it was because he knew that Lu Ming was not in danger, but he just locked himself in a small black room for a few days.

Later, the Japanese chaebol and some followers in Shanghai sold Sheng’s stock short, which gave Sheng Youde a good chance to win the financial war.

Sheng Youde decided to let Lu Ming stay in Nanjing to confuse his opponents. Sure enough, the Shanghai financial battlefield was full of flames and the confrontation was fierce.

Sheng Youde mobilized a huge amount of overseas funds to fight back. In less than a month, he repelled the consortium that shorted Sheng's stocks in one fell swoop and won a major victory.

Sheng Youde made a report to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of China on the violent fluctuations in the Shanghai financial market, and the condensed board of this report was sent to the desks of Mr. Jiang and Mr. Wang.

After reading the report, Mr. Jiang was both surprised and delighted. To his surprise, Sheng Youde was so terrific that he actually took advantage of him to order the Military Law Department to take away Lu Ming as an opportunity to win a financial defense battle.

The good news is that Sheng's Group, as the pocketbook of the government of the Republic of China, dared to fight the Japanese consortium with real swords and guns, and won an absolute victory.

Mr. Wang is also mixed.The good news is that he was not mistaken about Lu Ming, a young talent. He will be the actual successor of the Sheng Group in the future. If he can win over him by his side, he may play a huge role in the future.

What is worrying is that the Sheng family has a bad relationship with the Japanese consortium, and the Japanese ambassador to China has sent him a secret document from the Japanese government, hoping that he will communicate with Sheng Youde at an appropriate time to avoid unnecessary harm.

Mr. Wang has always been committed to the goodwill and friendship between China and Japan, and even advocated making partial compromises with Japan.

His reason is that Japan is ahead of China in terms of industrial civilization and weapons manufacturing. Once a conflict occurs, it may be a huge disaster for China.

Whether it is the Nanjing government, the military of the Republic of China government, or the intellectual class, there are many people who support Mr. Wang's views.

The friendship between China and Japan was once a strong voice in the political circles of the Republic of China, but Sheng Youde firmly stood by Mr. Jiang's side on this point.

Sino-Japanese relations must be established on the basis of mutual respect and mutual equality. Without this basis, nothing can be discussed.

But in actual operation, Mr. Jiang is not monolithic. Once encountering issues related to the Communist Party, Mr. Jiang would rather give up his principled position on Japan.

This is also the fundamental reason why Sheng Youde often resisted Mr. Jiang. Sheng Youde agreed with Mr. Jiang's policy towards Japan, but he could not accept his attitude of comprehensively anti-communist and anti-communist.

Now Ning Xiner's case happens to be an intersection point, behind which stand the Republic of China government, the Japanese military, the CCP and other forces that check and balance each other.

For Lu Ming, this has become a fire pit, and he is already in the pit.

Appointing him to hand over the case did not mean pulling him out of the fire pit, but knowing that he had always been tough and would not obey orders at all.Instead of wasting time with him, it's better to find another place.

If the case went to the Shanghai Police Headquarters, of course he would not be able to find someone as tough as him, but the police chief is not a vegetarian either.

The police station pushed Zhang Ziyang out because he was not pleasing to the eye. He was originally the detective who was in charge of investigating Ning Xin'er's case.

If the case is really handled like the above, the person who undertakes the case will definitely be called a traitor by the people of the country. Once the situation changes in a few years, the undertaker of this case may be arrested and brought to justice to quell public anger, and he will inevitably be a traitor Tag of.

Even if Zhang Ziyang was not accepted by the police station, Lu Ming would not hand over the case. Doing so would be tantamount to abandoning Ning Xiner completely.

This is a huge injustice to Ning Xiner, even worse than Dou E's injustice. Now that the matter involves Zhang Ziyang, it is possible that Zhang Ziyang will be roasted on the fire, and Lu Ming will not agree to handle the handover procedures.

Lu Ming said what he meant, and Zhang Ziyang couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that he could escape this disaster, but he was also worried for Lu Ming.

"Brother, can you really stand it? This is no small matter."

"You're wrong, of course I can't stand it myself, but the people behind me will help me resist it." Lu Ming laughed, as if nothing happened.

Just as Sheng Youde was angry with him, he was also full of anger towards Sheng Youde. If Sheng Youde had done his best, the case would have been solved long ago, and there would be no need for this trouble to come to this point.

Because Sheng Youde was angry with him and was even dissatisfied with the Cao Gang, so he did not work hard on Ning Xiner's matter.

However, if Lu Ming got himself into it, Sheng Youde might not be able to hide his face anymore.

"Brother, if you do this, you will save me." Zhang Ziyang said gratefully.

Zhang Ziyang knew very well, if he took over the case and followed the instructions from above, what would be the end for him?Within five years, not only may he be dismissed from office, but he will also be cast aside by thousands of people.

"It's not about saving you, I just want Miss Ning to go home smoothly, and now it's just the last step." Lu Ming said.

"Did you find any new evidence?" Zhang Ziyang said after taking a sip of his wine.

The two had been drinking, and the dishes on the table had hardly moved, and they both felt unappetizing, maybe it was because of the hot weather.

Lu Ming nodded: "Now there is no need to look for evidence anymore, the evidence is conclusive! I have already released the winning hand, and the big shot behind me has also made a move. Don't worry, if everything goes well, it will only take a few days."

"That's great." Zhang Ziyang said in surprise.

He was pleasantly surprised not only that there was hope for Ning Xiner's rescue, but also that he was finally able to get rid of this damn case.

After Lu Ming returned to the office, he accidentally saw He Zhonghan sitting in his office waiting for him.

"Mr. He, when did you arrive? Why don't I know?" Lu Ming was very surprised.

"Brother Lu, I just arrived too." He Zhonghan came up to shake hands with him warmly.

"Why don't you let me know first, so that I can cleanse you up." Lu Ming laughed.

"I come and go often, why do I need to notify, I come whenever I want to." He Zhonghan said heartily.

Lu Ming already understood a little bit in his heart. Everyone in the party, government and military circles of the Republic of China knew that He Zhonghan was best at doing political and ideological work for others. He came directly to his office this time, and he should be here to do his ideological work.

Lu Ming asked Liu Qiwen to bring a few bottles of Coke that had been chilled in ice cubes, handed a bottle to He Zhonghan, and then said with a smile, "Brother He, have you had lunch yet? Do you want to find a place?"

"Forget it, let's wait until night, I just took a bite on the way, and I'm not hungry now." He Zhonghan said after taking a big sip of Coke.

"Then at night, let's go to Huamao Hotel. I will also invite Yunong along the way. He has been in Shanghai for a long time, and he has been so busy that he can't find time to invite him." Lu Ming laughed.

"Brother Lu, isn't it right? I'm afraid you are too busy to spare time?" He Zhonghan said with a smile.

The two chatted for a while, and He Zhonghan naturally brought up the topic of Ning Xin'er's case, meaning that he should hand it over.

"Brother, I also know that this matter is unfair to this Miss Ning, but what else can we do? If we do this, at least the Japanese can let go, and we can also save them. Regarding the loss of Miss Ning, the government Can you try to make up for it?" He Zhonghan said seriously.

"Brother He, if it's just for Miss Ning, you don't have to come to Shanghai yourself?" Lu Ming sneered.

"Yes, the most serious thing now is that Shanghai's industrial production and commercial trade have been greatly affected. Foreign governments have great opinions. They are also putting pressure on Nanjing every day to let us restore public order and business exchanges in Shanghai as soon as possible. " He Zhonghan said with some anxiety.

"It also depends on who did the bad thing. The so-called grievances and debts should be fully borne by the Japanese. It is useless for foreigners to rush, we still have to wait for us to clarify the truth." Lu Mingzao Just finished the draft, if He Zhonghan doesn't show up today, someone else will come forward to lobby tomorrow.

"Not only are they anxious, but we are even more anxious. If the situation in Shanghai is delayed for one day, our losses will be tens of millions. We really can't afford to lose." He Zhonghan smacked his lips repeatedly.

"So Brother He thinks that the damage to a citizen's reputation and personal rights is insignificant in comparison?" Lu Ming said with a sneer.

"No, that's not what I mean. Besides, I don't have the power to decide such a big matter. It's all the meaning of the upper echelons of the government. Do you understand?" He Zhonghan said with a wry smile.

"I understand, not only do I understand, but I can deeply understand the painstaking efforts of the upper class to worry about the country and the people. So, since a citizen's personal rights, his right to life and his right to reputation must be sacrificed, then I will do it." Lu Ming said resolutely.

"Brother, what nonsense are you talking about? What does this have to do with you? You just investigated a case. Now you can just hand over the case to the police station." He Zhonghan said in shock.

"Brother He, this matter really has something to do with me. Didn't the Japanese want to investigate the major suspects in the arms robbery case? I am, and I was the one who sponsored and planned the arms robbery case, but Miss Ning is really innocent , she doesn't know anything. I can't watch an innocent person who has a deep relationship with me take the blame for me." Lu Ming said firmly.

"Brother, you..." He Zhonghan opened his eyes wide and was speechless.

Lu Ming sponsored Jin Jiu's 2 yuan activity fund to support the North Koreans in hijacking the Japanese arsenal. He Zhonghan knew about this, and the committee also knew about it. Lu Ming never concealed it.

He Zhonghan didn't think that Lu Ming did something wrong, and never thought of handing Lu Ming over to appease the anger of the Japanese, because Lu Ming was not only his own, but also did this thing very chicly and beautifully.

But the problem was that this batch of munitions ended up in the hands of the communist army, and it was precisely this last point that the commissioner was dissatisfied with, so he ordered Dai Li to investigate the truth of the matter.

"What I said is true. If the higher authorities must sacrifice Ms. Ning, I will never sit idly by. In that case, I will surrender myself to the Japanese Consulate General in Shanghai." Lu Ming stood up and said.

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