"Then do you know who the top secret agent who broke into the Communist Party is?" Lu Ming asked with a grin.

"I know, not only know but also know. There are only five people in the government who know about this matter, and I am one of the five people." Sheng Youde said lightly.

"Isn't it you who sent it?" Lu Ming suddenly thought of a possibility.

"I didn't send it, but he did borrow my channel to break into the Communist Party. It's not bad, he succeeded. There were 12 people who went with him, and only he survived." Sheng Youde said.

"I said, old man, I'm not interested in those things. I'm only concerned about Ning Xiner's kidnapping right now."

Lu Ming didn't want to continue the chat, and he didn't want to find out who the agent who broke into the Communist Party was, and how to dig him out and get rid of him. That was a matter within the Communist Party and had nothing to do with him.

Before that, he had stopped providing any information to Mr. Dong, and he was only responsible for the safety of Mr. Dong and An Yi.

In fact, he also knew that even if he wanted to know who the agent who broke into the Communist Party was, Sheng Youde would not tell him.

"Didn't you handle the matter of Miss Ning very well? You mobilized all the forces in Shanghai and used newspapers to put pressure on the Japanese. This trick is also effective." Sheng Youde said lightly.

"It's not enough. Now we need the US government and the British government to put pressure on the Japanese government to solve the problem fundamentally." Lu Ming said.

He explained the deadlocked situation and his own analysis, obviously hoping that Sheng Youde could help him at the critical moment.

"The Japanese are still as good-faced as ever. If you don't show evidence this time, they won't admit it even if you kill them. Even though the lie has been exposed, they still refuse to let you go. This is to save face and suffer." Sheng Youde sneered.

"The one who suffers now is Ning Xiner, not the Japanese." Lu Ming reminded.

"The sufferings of the Japanese are not small. The expats in Shanghai are now unable to buy food and drink. Japanese-funded enterprises are forced to suspend work and production, and all commerce and trade are suspended. They have to suffer huge losses every day. Isn't this suffering?"

Sheng Youde rejected several waves of help groups from Japanese business organizations in the past two days, saying that he could not help the current difficulties encountered by Japanese-funded enterprises.

Sheng Youde advised them that if they want to solve the problem completely, everyone should contribute people, money and strength, and each should show their talents, forcing the Japanese military to order the release of the people.

"This is not enough, I want Japan's international reputation to plummet." Lu Ming said bitterly.

"It's impossible. Don't underestimate Japan. Not only is their comprehensive national strength many times stronger than ours, but their international reputation is also much stronger than that of the Republic of China government. Fortunately, Ning Xiner's incident happened in Shanghai, and it triggered a commercial crisis. The chaos of order made the British and American ambassadors come forward to speak out. If this happened in an ordinary city, the British and American ambassadors would not pay attention at all."

Lu Ming nodded depressedly. Although he felt very uncomfortable, he had to admit that Sheng Youde was right.

No matter what happened to Ning Xiner, it was just a kidnapping case. Even if it was done by an official organization like Manchurian Railway, and the kidnapped was a Shanghai celebrity, at most it would make the press lively for a while, trying to attract high-level European and American governments. attention is impossible.

Lu Ming wrote articles for The Washington Post and sent telegrams to ask Frank for help, but there was nothing he could do.

Now that the Japanese side refuses to let people go, it means that the pressure is not enough. Just having evidence is not enough, so it can only give them greater and stronger pressure.

Internationally, apart from the British and American governments, no one can put more pressure on Japan.

"I will communicate with the British side and ask them to work with the US government to put pressure on the Japanese side. They should be able to force them to release people. The Japanese government will not be unhappy with the British and American governments over a civilian." Sheng Youde said.

"That's great. As long as you show up, there's nothing we can't do." Lu Ming stood up again excitedly.

Sheng Youde shrugged his shoulders, and accepted Lu Ming's compliment indifferently. Perhaps in his opinion, this was not a compliment, but the truth.

"Remember one thing, if someone from the Communist Party asks you for help in the future, you must resolutely refuse. Do you understand?" Sheng Youde asked.

"Old man, I understand." Lu Ming nodded repeatedly in agreement.

Dai Li has been out of his mind these days, feeling like he is sitting on the crater of a volcano, maybe when the volcano erupts, he will be reduced to ashes.

The matter has completely gotten out of control, the kidnapping of Ning Xiner was indeed proposed by him, Man Tiexia's hands, but at that time it was agreed by him, Japanese military officer Takeo Takata, Seigoro Ozawa, and Yu Yinger.

This team represents the four departments of China and Japan. Now Dai Li is trying to urge the Japanese to release the people. Takeo Takata is also using various methods to put pressure on Seigoro Ozawa. Yu Yinger is also persuading in every possible way, but there is still no follow-up.

Ning Xin'er's mental problems have already appeared, and if she continues to be imprisoned like this, her condition will become more serious. Once she passes the critical point, she may no longer be able to treat her.

The best way to treat this disease is to stay with relatives, at least someone the patient can trust, strangers, or even enemies. It is like a poison that will make the disease worse until it cannot be reversed.

But Ozawa did not listen to anyone's advice, and lost his mind like a wounded bullfighting bull. Relying on the support of the garrison gendarmerie, he resolutely refused to let him go.

In the current situation, Dai Li can't openly teach Ozawa, so he can only let the situation develop, and there is nothing he can do.

If he had known today, he would never have attacked Ning Xiner, he had been busy for a while, not only did he fail to find out the suspicion on Lu Ming, but he caused a lot of trouble, and it is hard to say what the consequences of this trouble will be. , may be fatal.

These days, Dai Li has also been avoiding Lu Ming. Fortunately, Lu Ming rarely comes to the Fuxingshe Building, so he doesn't have to bother too much to avoid it.

Early this morning, Dai Li received an order from Nanjing to persuade Lu Ming to back down on the kidnapping case and restore life and business order in Shanghai as soon as possible. He had no choice but to call Lu Ming to come to Fuxingshe Building for a meeting

Lu Ming didn't know what Dai Li wanted him for, but he guessed a little bit. He also received a call from Mr. Wang, advising him to focus on the overall situation of Sino-Japanese friendship, to give in to the Japanese, and not to lose the big because of the small.

Lu Ming couldn't refuse Mr. Wang face to face, he just said that he would think about it and thanked Mr. Wang for his kindness.

Now that Dai Li is looking for him, it should be Mr. Jiang's intention. Mr. Jiang is so embarrassing. It is probably too embarrassing to call him directly for such a shameful thing, so Dai Li conveyed it tactfully.

Lu Ming came to Dai Li's office, which was formerly Weng Bailing's office.

Dai Li first stood up to greet him with a smirk, then asked the secretary to make tea, and then sat on the sofa next to Lu Ming, showing that the two were very close.

Seeing this situation, Secretary Dai Li and the adjutant retreated.

"Yunong, why are you looking for me? You still make it mysterious." Lu Ming laughed.

"Mr. Lu, you have been busy with Ning Xiner's kidnapping case for a while, and you have been running around. It has been very hard, so I have not dared to disturb you. I received a call from the committee last night. We can't try to stabilize the order in Shanghai as soon as possible." Dai Li laughed.

"Yunong, what do you mean by this? You don't think I have the ability to influence the public order in Shanghai, you can call the wind and rain in Shanghai, right?" Lu Ming asked in surprise.

"No, I definitely don't mean that, and the appointment is not what I mean, but in Shanghai, only you have a deep friendship with all parties, and only you can calm down all parties, and the current situation cannot continue to be chaotic. Go down, otherwise there will be a big mess." Dai Li smiled wryly.

"Yunong, you have been in Shanghai all the time. I don't need to tell you what happened here. You know everything. The current situation is beyond anyone's control. Only when the Japanese release them immediately and unconditionally can the anti-Japanese sentiment of the general public be alleviated. , the situation will naturally stabilize," Lu Ming said.

Although Lu Ming wanted to evade, but he was telling the truth.

If the Japanese hadn't let them go, he would have stepped forward to put out the fire at this time and silenced the flags and drums from all walks of life, not to mention whether he could persuade everyone, objectively speaking, he would be ridiculed and laughed at.

It was you who started the incident. Everyone was united and responded positively regardless of their own losses, and a trend was formed. In the end, you retreated yourself.

Is it because you are afraid of the Japanese if you are so cowardly?Or did they take advantage of the Japanese?

No matter what the reason is, this is an act of slapping yourself, which is absolutely not advisable.

Don't even want to face, how will this kind of person mess around in Shanghai in the future?

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