Hearing Qian Tian's words, Lu Ming slapped his head. He has too many things to think about these days, and he is too nervous. He only remembers the "Washington Post". How could he forget the British and American embassies.

"I'll contact them when I get back, send them a telegram, call them, thank you for reminding me." Lu Ming laughed.

In the afternoon of the same day, both the British ambassador and the American ambassador spoke to the press, urging the Japanese side to take measures as soon as possible to alleviate the anti-Japanese wave of Shanghai people.

The British and American ambassadors pointed out that Japan, as a signatory to the nine-nation pact, has the obligation and responsibility to jointly maintain the order, stability and economic prosperity of Greater Shanghai.

The British and American ambassadors also expressed concern about the personal safety and life stability of British and American citizens in China, and hoped that the Japanese side could negotiate with the ROC government to resolve the current crisis as soon as possible.

When a journalist asked the two ambassadors their views on the recent vicious kidnapping cases, the two ambassadors had a clear attitude. They opposed all crimes against civilians.

When Lu Ming saw the newspaper on the road, he felt that the heat was almost ready.

Although the government of the Republic of China and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have issued strong statements on this kidnapping case, the Japanese side does not care at all. They firmly deny that any Japanese official organization is involved in the kidnapping incident, and claim that the kidnapping incident is just a private criminal act of individual Japanese. The Japanese side knew nothing about it.

As for the two confessions, the Japanese side insisted that they were the product of torture, which is not enough to prove that Japanese government agencies were really involved.

It was this attitude of talking nonsense that enraged the citizens of Shanghai. The anti-Japanese upsurge in all walks of life in the city has intensified in the past few days. In some places, there were even incidents of attacks on Japanese expatriates. Although the police arrived in time, they did not find the assailants.

The attackers did not see clearly who attacked them, but said that the attackers were all wearing masks and holding sticks, and their physical characteristics were not obvious. They could only be concluded to be young people.

The Japanese consulate was busy, and almost everyone was busy answering the phone and sending telegrams from China.

In the consul general's office, the consul general called the military attache and said sharply: "Mr. Longtian, the matter has developed to this point, are you still not ready to stop? Are you letting the tens of thousands of expatriates in Shanghai bear the consequences with you? Now the British and American ambassadors You have come forward to accuse us, and then maybe the British and American governments, do you want our government to lose its head in front of the world because of you?"

It is rare for the Consul General to speak so harshly to the military attache. After all, the military attache is not his subordinate, but the military attache is also a staff member of the consulate. He also has the right to ask the military to recall the incompetent military attache and send another one over.

"Master Consul General, I am not in charge of this matter now. The garrison gendarmerie refuses to let him go." The chunky military attache stood in front of the Consul General, wiping his sweat non-stop.

"Mr. Longtian, I have always wondered why you had to kidnap this Chinese girl in the first place? Could it be that she has some secrets related to the empire, so she must use this method?" the Consul General asked scoldingly.

"At the beginning, the government of the Republic of China reminded us that there may be hidden members of the Japanese Communist Party inside us. They provided information for the Korean Communist Party and the Chinese Communist Party, which led to the robbing of the arsenal. The robbery of the arsenal involved the Cao Gang. , That’s why we decided to kidnap important people from the Cao Gang. The purpose is to find out the members of the Japanese Communist Party within us.”

Now, the military attache has to tell the truth, but he still didn’t say that Dai Li entrusted them to kidnap the person. He knows that people in the consulate are not bound by the law of secrecy. Maybe some guy talks nonsense after being drunk, then Totally messed up.

Of course, Dai Li would not admit that he had signed a Sino-Japanese Joint Anti-Communist Agreement with them. Not only that, in order to prove his innocence, the Republic of China government would use all means to cut off from Japan.

Not to mention checking out the members of the Japanese Communist Party, the government of the Republic of China will no longer trust the Japanese side when it comes to dealing with the CCP in the future.

"Then what did you find out? Is there any ghost Nippon Communist Party!" the Consul General asked impatiently.

"Uh, no, after interrogating for a long time, I didn't ask anything." The military officer said dejectedly.

"Mr. Longtian, I don't care what you think or do. You have three days to release him, or you can go back to China to report on your duties." The consul general issued an ultimatum.

The military attache staggered out of the Consul General's office. He knew that his future was at an end, and the so-called return to China to report on his duties was actually expulsion.

Although the Consul General is not his direct supervisor, once the Consul General does this, it means that the consulate does not welcome him, he should leave, and the military has to send another military attache to replace him.

From the military's point of view, he was unable to cooperate well with the agencies stationed there, and the kidnapping incident caused such a big disturbance, he was responsible and had to bear certain consequences.

At this moment, Ryuta woke up like a dream, and finally understood why Ozawa Seishiro committed suicide in the first place, and his mood is now approaching that step.

After Lu Ming returned to the apartment, he immediately drafted a telegram. After careful deliberation several times, he went to Mr. Dong again and asked him to send it to the United States immediately.

In the telegram, he told Mr. Frank that he had already written a press release to the "Washington Post", and it was estimated that it would be published the day after tomorrow. At this critical moment, he hoped that Mr. Frank would use his influence to get the US State Department to put pressure on the Japanese government. Ask them to release him immediately and unconditionally.

Although it seems that this request is a bit excessive, Lu Ming also explained in the telegram that the Japanese are too strong in Shanghai, which is not good for the influence of the United States, Britain and other countries.

At present, the chaos in Shanghai and the shutdown of business have had a negative impact on the economic interests of Britain and the United States in Shanghai. It is necessary for the British and American governments to impose strong constraints on the Japanese government from the perspective of economic interests and international influence.

After sending the telegram, Lu Ming relaxed. He has done everything he should do, and now he really can only wait for the fire, which will take a certain amount of time.

"Why did the Japanese kidnap Ms. Ning, and what purpose do they want to achieve?" Mr. Dong has never been able to fully understand this question.

"Because the Cao Gang transported this batch of munitions looted from the Japanese army's arsenal for you, the Japanese wanted to find out the power behind it along this road." Lu Ming said with a wry smile.

"But even for this reason, they should still find those who robbed the arsenal. Why bother with the transporter?" Mr. Dong asked.

"We set up a trap for the Japanese side. The hijacking of arms was done by North Korean expats led by Kim Koo, but we released smoke bombs, saying that the source of the information was the Japanese Communist Party, and then they joined hands with the Korean Communist Party to send the arms to the Chinese Communist Party. , Little Japan was stunned by us."

"I always feel that it is not that simple. If it is only because of this reason, the Japanese are now facing such great pressure, they should have given up and let people go, but they still insist on not letting people go, there must be something wrong." Mr. Dong said .

"It's possible. I've thought about it a lot, but I can't figure out the specific reason. I have always suspected that Dai Li and Weng Bailing were also involved in the kidnapping case, but there is no evidence now." Lu Ming sighed.

"I just want to remind you of this. I think the Kuomintang is behind the kidnapping. This is probably the main reason why the Japanese refuse to let people go."

Mr. Dong groaned for a long time before he spoke his mind. He was afraid that Lu Ming would not accept it if he said it directly. After all, Lu Ming is now a major general of the Kuomintang.

In fact, Lu Ming didn't care about his direct major general status at all. If he had the evidence that Dai Li participated in the kidnapping of Ning Xiner, he would definitely not be polite to him. Turning against him would be the inevitable result.

"By the way, why isn't An Yi here?" Lu Ming realized that An Yi was not in the house.

Usually when he came over, even if An Yi was inside, he would come out to say hello to him, but today he didn't see anyone.

"Oh, she's free and has nothing to do, she went shopping." Mr. Dong laughed.

"Don't Miss An dislike shopping?" Lu Ming asked in surprise.

An Yi is different from other women. She hates shopping and shopping. She thinks these actions are a waste of time and money. As a revolutionary, every second counts and money cannot be wasted even a penny.

"After staying in Shanghai for a long time, I naturally do as the Romans do." Mr. Dong smiled awkwardly.

"Actually, going shopping is pretty good. Otherwise, you'll have problems if you stay indoors all the time." Lu Ming thought of Ning Xin'er again. If she didn't like to go to Paramount to dance frequently, maybe she wouldn't have such a problem. Doom it.

Thinking of this, his expression darkened again.

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