sea ​​situation

Chapter 611 The Interrogation Begins

"Miss Ning, we didn't invite you here for money. Don't be nervous, relax." A woman in the shadow said.

"What do you want to do? Don't act foolishly. Tell you, my brother is very powerful. If you dare to touch me, my brother will kill you." Ning Xiner's mind was a little confused.

She was frightened and couldn't figure out what was going on, why she was kidnapped but no money was mentioned.

"Miss Ning, we will not mess around. We invited you here just to ask you some questions. As long as you cooperate with us and answer the questions well, we will let you go home." A person in the shadow had an obvious Jiangnan accent.

"Are you Chinese? Why did I hear someone speak Japanese? You are Chinese, so you must know who I am, right? Save me quickly, and I will repay you, or you can send a message to my brother, Just say that I was captured by the Japanese." Ning Xiner said.

Hearing her words, several shadows got together and whispered to each other for a while, Ning Xiner couldn't catch what language they were speaking.

"Miss Ning, you don't have to be afraid, we won't hurt you, haven't you been eating well, living well, and sleeping well these days?" the man said gently.

"Well, you are very kind to me, but why lock me here?" Ning Xiner asked puzzled.

"You were not in good health two days ago, so we didn't come to ask you for questions. Today I will explain the questions to you clearly. As long as you answer honestly, you can go home. But you must not lie, otherwise you will be punished." It's very strict," said the man.

"Okay, you can ask, I will tell you everything I know." Ning Xiner said.

"Miss Ning, are you the Communist Party?" The man continued to ask in a gentle tone.

"The Communist Party? What do you mean, how could I be the Communist Party? I have never seen what the Communist Party looks like." Ning Xiner felt very strange and was confused by the question.

"Then your brother, um, is Ning Zetao, is he the Communist Party?" the woman asked.

"Of course not my brother." Ning Xiner replied without thinking.

"Is Lu Ming the Communist Party?" another man asked.

"Lu Ming is a senior official of the Fuxing Society, the Communist Party would be fine if he didn't want his life." Ning Xiner laughed out loud.

"Then is there a Communist Party in your Cao Gang?" The man's voice suddenly rose a few degrees.

"No. My brother said that when we talk to the government, they take their Yangguan Avenue, and we Caobang take our single-plank bridge." Ning Xiner said categorically.

"Okay, then I want to ask you, why did your Cao Gang send two batches of arms to the Communist armed forces?" the man snapped.

"Who did you listen to? Our Caogang is dry shipping. If someone hires our ship to transport things, we will ship them. We don't care about anything else. We don't care who we ship to. We hire ships to pay money and silver goods. Two cleanups." Ning Xiner said bluntly.

"Nonsense, didn't you sell the batch of arms you smuggled a few years ago to the Communist Party?" the man snapped.

At this moment, Ning Xin'er understood a little bit, understood why she was kidnapped, who were the people sitting opposite her and questioning her now, and her heart sank into a bottomless abyss.

"That's a rumor. Our Cao Gang smuggled a batch of arms, but after the formalities were completed, we sold it to a businessman surnamed Cheng. We don't know who he sold it to." Ning Xiner said.

"What a sharp-tongued girl, it seems that you won't tell the truth unless you are tortured." The man said solemnly.

"Don't, I'm telling the truth, not a single word is false, please, don't hurt me. I can give you money, a lot of money." Ning Xiner panicked and yelled hastily.

At this time, two people came over and dragged Ning Xiner to a pool without any explanation, and then pushed her head into the water.

Ning Xiner struggled, but was unable to break free, she could only hold her breath, and after a while, she felt as if her lungs were about to explode, a sense of suffocation filled every corner of her body, as if she was about to die.

At this moment, those two people lifted her head out of the water, Ning Xiner gasped for breath, her lungs were still burning.

"Should I tell the truth?" the man shouted again.

"What I'm the truth, you...what do you want me to say?" Ning Xiner choked and said intermittently.

"Go on," said the man.

Two powerful men pushed Ning Xin'er's head into the pool again, and then there was that feeling of dying after suffocation, so that the feeling of explosion in the lungs weakened.

"Am I going to die? I don't want to die. I'm only in my 20s. I'm not married yet, and I haven't enjoyed life yet." Ning Xiner's mind was in chaos, and she unconsciously passed out.

The person who was pressing her felt something, and hurriedly raised Ning Xiner's head.

"She passed out."

"Let her rest for a while, and then continue." The man said.

Several shadows retreated outside the house, and the lights outside illuminated their faces. They were Dai Li, the Japanese military officer, Yoshiko Kawashima and others, but it was the torture experts of the Japanese Gendarmerie who carried out the execution.

Because Dai Li had previously agreed with the Japanese that Ning Xin'er could be intimidated and some means could be used, but torture must not be used, and trauma and disability should not be left behind, so the Japanese Gendarmerie used this ancient criminal law.

Of course, the Japanese Gendarmerie has now improved this criminal law, which is to pour pepper water into the nose.

Tiger bench and chili water are two of the cruelest criminal laws of the Japanese Gendarmerie. Those who have been sentenced will suffer incurable disabilities even if they do not die.

A few people entered a room next to them, muttering something. Some people brought tea, sushi, and melons and fruits, but no one wanted to enjoy them.

"Mr. Dai, you seem to have picked the wrong target. This little girl should really be ignorant." The chief interrogator of the Japanese Gendarmerie said.

He is an expert in this field. He has interrogated many prisoners. Even without torture, he can still judge whether a person is telling the truth or lying.

Dai Li didn't speak, but the usually gentle Japanese military officer said coldly: "If you refuse to confess, continue to torture."

The chief interrogator of the gendarmerie spread his hands, expressing helplessness.

The others didn't speak. Although they agreed with the chief interrogator's words, they spent a lot of time tying him up and locked him up for so many days. They only asked a few questions and then ended the matter hastily. Obviously, they couldn't justify it.

As for Ning Xiner's pain, of course they didn't care, they felt that they had already shown mercy to Ning Xiner.

This is also the truth, the Japanese gendarmerie's torture is no less than that of Fuxingshe, if all of them are used, let alone Ning Xin'er, a delicate girl, even an iron man can be turned into molten iron.

Half an hour later, the military police came to report that Ning Xin'er had woken up. Several people discussed it and entered the interrogation room to continue questioning. The questions were still those few.

Ning Xiner yelled that she didn't know anything, she just begged these people to let her go and not hurt her.

Ning Xiner's performance made these people dissatisfied, so the two came over, dragged her to the pool, and pushed her head into the water again.

This time it was just one time, Ning Xiner fell into a coma, and the interrogation was interrupted again.

An hour later, Ning Xiner woke up, and the same thing happened again.

After Ning Xiner woke up for the third time, her sanity collapsed. She yelled and curled up into a ball. Whenever someone approached, she would cry, beg, yell, and even tear her clothing.

The presiding expert immediately asked people to stop, and said lightly: "People are already crazy, so there is no need to ask anything, and what you ask is also crazy."

The Japanese military officer and Yoshiko Kawashima walked over and looked at Ning Xiner carefully, only to see that her eyes were scattered, her expression was weird, her lips were trembling constantly, and she was making a whining sound.

Dai Li stood up and did not walk over. He listened for a while, with a disappointed expression on his face.

Dai Li had seen too many people who couldn't bear the torture. A spoiled girl like Ning Xin'er was naturally very fragile mentally and couldn't bear the torture.

Crazy is actually a part of the brain that suddenly breaks down and fails, and such things are most likely to happen to little girls.

Dai Li didn't expect that Ning Xiner would be so careless that the interrogation would be over right after it started.

Dai Li left the interrogation room angrily without waiting for others to respond.

The Japanese military officer and Yoshiko Kawashima confirmed that Ning Xiner had mental problems and the interrogation could not go on, so they had to follow Dai Li out of the interrogation room angrily.

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