At one o'clock in the afternoon, the Japanese expats in Shanghai held a big parade, just like the eve of the January [-] incident, and staged a tragic scene.

However, this parade obviously has a ban. There was no violence, vandalism and looting like the previous parade, but very self-disciplined.

Of course, all members of the Shanghai Police Department were mobilized, and even the military police from the Songhu Garrison Headquarters were mobilized to guard every street to strictly prevent any vicious incidents from happening.

The parade was generally calm and restrained, and some ronin from the Black Dragon Association caused disturbances in the streets, which were resolutely suppressed by the police.

Since the January [-] incident, the attitude of the police towards Japanese nationals has changed a lot. They are no longer as timid as before when dealing with them. Instead, they should be arrested and suppressed.

It has to be said that the victory of the [-] Songhu Anti-Japanese War gave great encouragement to all Shanghainese, and they were no longer so afraid of the Japanese and Japanese forces.

The parade came to protest in front of the Fuxingshe building. Some Japanese expatriates waved Japanese plaster flags in front of the Fuxingshe building and gave passionate speeches to protest the Fuxingshe's blatant abduction of innocent foreigners on the street.

The gate of the Fuxing Society has been tightly closed. Outside there are policemen forming three human walls, and inside is a guard company with all members on combat readiness. All weapons have been loaded and loaded, and even the staff in the building are equipped with guns.

Lu Ming stood in front of the window of his office, watching the plays written and directed by these Japanese expatriates, drinking whiskey, sneered and remained silent.

"Sir, they won't rush in, will they?" Liu Qiwen said with some fear.

"They don't dare. They know what their own people have done. They organized this parade just to put some pressure on us. It was all directed in advance and had a script." not nervous.

If those two Japanese were really innocent, these militant Japanese expatriates would have rebelled long ago, and at least they would have smashed some shops and burned a few cars to vent their anger.

Now the parade appears to be very organized, which shows that the Japanese are not only guilty of heart but also of kidney deficiency, and the hormones have ceased fire.

At this time, the phone rang, and it was the company commander of the security company calling. He was reporting the situation at any time according to Lu Ming's request.

"Sir, what if those Japanese rush in?"

"Well, please ask Mr. Dai or Mr. Weng for instructions, and see what they think." Lu Ming said.

"Don't you know, Commander Dai and Station Master Weng are not in the station?" said the guard company commander.

"Aren't they here?" Lu Ming wondered.

"Officer Dai left by car after lunch. Station Master Weng asked Officer Dai for leave early this morning."

Lu Ming was not surprised that Weng Bailing asked for leave. After all, he had just been punched by himself, and his face was ruined. He might hide at home to recover from his injuries and restore his poor self-esteem, but where did Dai Li go?

Dai Li should have expected that the Japanese would counterattack. Why did he leave at this time? Could it be that he hid aside and wanted to see a joke?

Or, Dai Li also participated in planning a series of actions by the Japanese.This possibility is not great, Dai Li is not so bold yet.

Lu Ming couldn't think too much at this time, so he ordered directly: "There is a police wall outside, they can't break through, if they really break through the police wall and charge into the yard, first shoot in the air to warn, If that doesn't work, just shoot at the crowd."

"Sir, if that happens, many people will die." The voice of the guard company commander trembled a little.

"This is an order from me, I take full responsibility, you just carry it out." Lu Ming made up his mind to carry out this matter to the end and never give up halfway.

"Yes, sir." The guard company commander immediately gained confidence.

Shooting is the easiest thing for them, especially shooting at the Japanese, which is a happy thing for everyone, and they are afraid that they will be court-martialed in the future.

Soldiers know that once the first shot is fired, it will be difficult to stop. When the machine guns and rifles fire a round, dozens of people will be killed or injured. It is hard to say whether it will trigger a war.

"Sir, do you want to ask Nanjing for instructions? The Japanese have troops stationed in Shanghai." Liu Qiwen worried.

"They have garrisons, don't we?" Lu Ming snorted coldly.

There are more than 2000 Japanese marines stationed in Shanghai, which is about the same as before the January [-]th Incident, but the place where they are stationed has been built into a strong fortress.

If they defend there, it is estimated that one or two divisions will be difficult to attack, but when they are all dispatched and leave the fort, the strength of a regular division will be enough to deal with them.

The [-] Songhu Anti-Japanese War has proved that the elite of the Chinese army is not weaker than the Japanese army. Shanghai, as the area where the Republic of China government heavily stationed troops, is more than enough to deal with the Japanese marines.

Not to mention that there are heavy troops in Nanjing and Suzhou who can rush to help at any time, and at least five elite divisions can be gathered within a few days.

Lu Ming believed that the Japanese would not dare to take the risk of an all-out war, otherwise the Japanese would not have withdrawn their troops during the [-] Songhu Anti-Japanese War, let alone signed the armistice agreement.

When the Japanese go to the battlefield, they will never give the opponent a chance to breathe when they can defeat the opponent.

The so-called truce is not asking for the cession of territory, or asking for sky-high compensation. How could it be possible to withdraw troops like a gentleman.

Lu Ming had seen all this clearly a long time ago, so he dared to issue such an order. He also wanted to use this attitude to declare to Dai Li that he must carry out this matter to the end.

Behind the parade of Japanese expatriates, Weng Bailing sat in a car with his adjutant and secretary, watching the pleasing scene in front of him.

"Lu Ming, Lu Ming, I can't offend you, but you can't offend the Japanese either. You kicked the iron plate this time. Let's see how you end up." Wearing sunglasses, Weng Bailing said triumphantly .

Secretary Song Hanyu sneered and said, "Station Master, shouldn't you be on the same side as Chief Lu at this time? We are all Chinese anyway."

"Shut up, it was Lu Ming who kidnapped the Japanese for no reason and vented his anger, which aroused the anger of the Japanese and led to this parade," Weng Bailing reprimanded.

Although his eyes are no longer swollen, the eye sockets are still black and blue, so he didn't come to work today, so he has no face to face others.

The adjutant pretended not to hear it, and neither agreed with Song Hanyu's statement nor opposed the station master's words, and he couldn't afford to offend both sides.

He knew that Secretary Song was not an ordinary secretary, but the person next to the station chief's pillow. Although they would quarrel if they couldn't speak a few words, it was a couple's business, and he didn't need to get involved.

"Station Master, it was those two Japanese who participated in the kidnapping of our citizens, and it was not without reason that Chief Lu asked someone to kidnap them." Song Hanyu insisted.

"You can also believe his nonsense. Who kidnapped our citizens? What about the evidence? If there is conclusive evidence, why doesn't he show it? Besides, even if there is evidence, it should go through official channels and be resolved by the government. What's the matter with him kidnapping Japanese nationals in private? ? Don’t you know that the Republic of China has a foreigner protection law?” Weng Bailing said.

Song Hanyu gave him a contemptuous look, and stopped talking.

"Sir, let's go. This place is too close to the parade. Once the parade gets emotional, it will cause a big riot. We are also in danger." The adjutant said.

"What are you afraid of? I really hope that there will be a big commotion today. It would be best for them to rush in and catch Lu Ming and take him away." Weng Bailing said viciously.

But things didn’t go as expected, the parade held a two-hour protest in front of the Fuxingshe building, and then died down like the tide ebbed, and a group of people continued to march elsewhere.

"How did you leave, why did you leave? The Japanese are scared, are they also afraid of Lu Ming?" Weng Bailing cursed loudly in the car.

After the parade left, Lu Ming ordered people to post arrest warrants around the city, and wanted two people from Mantie, one was Yu Yinger, and the other was the man whose pseudonym was Zhang Wei, whose Japanese name was Noo Kojima.

The arrest warrant stated that the two were major suspects in the kidnapping of Chinese citizen Ning Xiner, and those who provided clues could get a bounty of [-] oceans.

This is exactly the trick that Lu Ming used. As long as he holds two people in his hands, this matter will be done directly, and it will no longer be done in secret.

Because it is the Japanese who are guilty, not Lu Ming, if the matter is stirred up, the Japanese can be disrupted.By the way, Dai Li was also cornered.

At this point, it depends on which side you Dai Li is on, and who you speak for Dai Li.

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