sea ​​situation

Chapter 489 Delivery of the Canopy

Jin Jiu hijacked the Japanese arsenal in China, which brought a lot of trouble to the government of the Republic of China, but Mr. Jiang did not pursue it. The fundamental reason is that Mr. Jiang knew that Jin Jiu was not a Communist, but a resolute Zionist By.

For Mr. Jiang, as long as he is not a member of the Communist Party, other issues are easy to talk about. Even gangs known as the source of all evil in society can be good partners.

"Yunong, do you think Lu Ming can get away with this arms case?" Mr. Jiang asked.

"Lu Ming was at best an accomplice in this arms case. He provided Jin Jiu with funds for the operation, and then hired two boats to send the arms to Jiangxi. That's all that can be verified so far," Dai Li said.

"Why do I feel that the more there is no problem on the surface, the more likely there is a hidden problem?" Mr. Jiang said, looking up at the ceiling.

Dai Li smiled wryly in his heart. Everyone knows the leader's paranoia, and they have climbed to the position they are today after going through many tests.

The reason why Lu Ming's suspicion is difficult to dispel is because he has not passed the test in this regard.

"What do you think is the problem within the Fuxing Society?" Mr. Jiang said, taking a sip of the boiled water in his cup.

"Students dare to say that the main problem of Fuxingshe is that it is not professional and technical enough. We should train more professional agents and professional telecommunications personnel." Dai Li said.

"Well, what you said makes sense. The people in the Fuxing Society are basically soldiers. They are all experts in fighting wars. They are really laymen in intelligence. From now on, you must work hard to deal with all the people in the Fuxing Society. Rigorous professional training."

Mr. Jiang has always attached great importance to intelligence work, and it is precisely because of this that Dai Li is like riding a rocket, and quickly surpassed other Whampoa students.

"Speaking of which, I think Lu Ming is also a potential agent." Dai Li knew that Mr. Jiang planned to use Lu Ming again, so he deliberately spied on him.

"Well, I agree with Lu Ming's point of view. He believes that our intelligence work is far inferior to that of the Japanese. Now it seems that our intelligence work is far inferior to that of the Communist Party." Mr. Jiang He did not directly respond to the topic Dai Li raised.

"This is incomparable. The intelligence personnel of the Communist Party all received professional training from the Cheka and the Soviet Army Intelligence Bureau in the Soviet Union. Our personnel lack such training." Dai Li had no choice but to follow Mr. Jiang's train of thought.

"Next year, Lu Ming will let the professionals of the Soviet Intelligence Agency train our agents to deal with the Japanese. This is no problem, but if we want to deal with the Communist Party, it is not appropriate to invite the Soviets to train our agents. Think about it Think about inviting experts from the United States and the United Kingdom to train." Mr. Jiang instructed.

"Yes, principal." Dai Li said at attention.

"You may have difficulty in doing this. If you can't, let Lu Ming come forward and ask him to help invite experts from the United States and the United Kingdom to come to China. Lu Ming has contacts in the upper echelons of the United States, and Sheng's relationship with the United Kingdom is also very good. Then use them Go ahead." Mr. Jiang ordered.

Dai Li felt a little headache. On the one hand, he had to investigate all aspects of Lu Ming, and on the other hand, he also asked Lu Ming to help him. Is this okay?

"Is the relationship with our embassy abroad useless?" Dai Li asked cautiously.

"You can't take advantage of their relationship, you will know later." Mr. Jiang flatly vetoed it, without explaining the reason.

"Yes, principal." Dai Li could only stand at attention and obey.

Lu Ming didn't know if his luck was good.

From childhood to adulthood, everything has been done in a smooth manner. It's not that what you want comes true, but you don't have to think about anything. The elders have almost arranged for him.

He is like a child, as long as he accepts it, even the marriage seems to be arranged by God, so he doesn't need to worry about it at all.

However, this time Lu Ming felt that his bad luck was coming.

He thought of Mr. Lu Xun's poem: What do you want for Huagai, you have met before you dare to turn over.

When he was first brought over by the military police from the Military Law Department, he didn't feel afraid. He knew why the Military Law Department arrested him, but he had already made sufficient preparations and left enough retreats in all aspects.

After arriving in Nanjing, the situation was even better than he had imagined. Not only Mr. Wen Bai and Mr. Wang protected him, but He Zhonghan also helped him speak well.

Even the most dangerous person, Dai Li, who was in charge of investigating him, spoke for him so that he could not see anything dangerous.

It was all going so well, to the point where it didn't feel real to him, obviously a bit out of the ordinary.

I don't know when, Lu Ming suddenly had a sense of danger, and this feeling became more and more intense. In the past two days, whenever he even closed his eyes, his body would feel a sense of oppression, which was creepy.

This may be a psychological effect, Lu Ming comforted himself like this, and tried to appear relaxed in front of Liu Qiwen.

Although there is already freedom of movement, the psychological pressure is heavier than before.Lu Ming knew that Mr. Jiang's suspicion of him was still not completely resolved.

Lu Ming went out to buy newspapers and magazines on time every day, and always felt that there were two people following him. When he was walking casually on the street, he could easily find at least two or three people on the street staring at him.

These people did not deliberately hide their figures, and even seemed to be telling him what they were doing.

So Lu Ming just went out to buy newspapers every day, and then came back after walking casually on this street.

He is still under house arrest, but the scope of house arrest has been expanded. He is no longer trapped in a room, but on a street or in a city.

Lu Ming sometimes had a whim, if he packs up his luggage and goes to the train station, pretending to be back to Shanghai, will he be arrested?

He shook his head, not trying to, because the answer was obvious.

What exactly does Mr. Jiang mean?

Is it to oppress him psychologically in this way, and then try to scare him into running away, so as to prove that there is something wrong with him?

Lu Ming didn't think that Dai Li arranged for the person who followed him. Even if it was arranged by Dai Li, it must have been ordered by Mr. Jiang. Dai Li didn't seem to have to do this.

Lu Ming even thought that Dai Li didn't want him to stay in Nanjing any longer, so he had better go back to Shanghai quickly and sign for the money.

The weather in June in the south of the Yangtze River has entered the hot weather. At noon, people will sweat all over if they stay there.

Lu Ming, who usually pays attention to the British style, didn't care so much anymore, and changed into a short-sleeved shirt and leather sandals.

Liu Qiwen went to buy two of this year's most popular dresses and a pair of half-heeled fish-top sandals. She walks like a fairy, going in and out every day, which has become a beautiful scenery in Jinling Hotel.

Several wealthy businessmen who came to Nanjing to do business waited for Liu Qiwen in the lobby every day, and tried to invite her to dinner, but she rolled her eyes back.

Several wealthy businessmen ran to ask the general manager of the hotel who Fang Sheng this lady was, but they turned gray with fright at Liao Zhengwen's few words.

"Several brothers want to trick this young lady, how many heads do you have on your shoulders? Let me tell you, she is..."

Afterwards, in order to please Liu Qiwen, the manager quietly told her about his scolding of several wealthy businessmen, and Liu Qiwen told Lu Ming about it as a joke.

"Sir, we're really not going back to Shanghai. I don't think you're in a hurry." Liu Qiwen looked in the mirror, spun around, and asked while admiring her clothes.

"Don't worry, wait for another two days, you'll have nothing to do when you go back, just treat it as a vacation." Lu Ming said lazily.

After all, it has not yet entered the dog days. It is very hot during the day, but it is okay at night, and the wind blowing in from the window is still a little bit cool.

In a few days, the remaining coolness at night will not last long. The heat in Nanjing is very scary.

Nanjing is known as one of the four major stoves in China, but it is actually not hotter than nearby cities. I don’t know how the title of this stove came about.

When Kang Ze was free, he still came to drink with Lu Ming. One day he had to drag him out to listen to a play. Lu Ming pointed him to the surveillance personnel downstairs. Kang Ze was so frightened that he woke up, so he stopped pulling him. Lu Ming went out.

"I really didn't pay attention. Is there someone staring at me?" Kang Ze asked in fear.

"No, the committee member doesn't have that spare time to stare at you." Lu Ming smiled wryly.

"Then why are you staring at you?" Kang Ze asked.

"I don't know either." Lu Ming clapped his hands.

The two looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

The two used to be in charge of the Shanghai station of the Fuxing Society, but now they have become brothers in need. Although Kang Ze's situation is better than his, it is not much better, and his future is uncertain.

Kang Ze didn't complain too much. After all, he was defeated and the ranger team he formed was wiped out. He was the only one who escaped with the guards.

His affairs can be big or small, but fortunately he is a student of the emperor, otherwise he might be sent to a military court for trial.

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