sea ​​situation

Chapter 376 Final warning

An Yi was so scolded that she couldn't hold her head up. Although she refused to admit defeat, after thinking about it carefully, what Dong Cheng said was still reasonable.

Mr. Dong didn't have time to get angry with her, so he sat down and sent a telegram immediately: A traffic worker who arrived in Shanghai one day was killed in a car accident. The committee could not be contacted, and I have issued an alarm without authorization, notifying the Shanghai Municipal Work Committee to temporarily withdraw from Shanghai, and other units have entered the highest alert state, and I look forward to instructions on the next step.

After sending the message, he went out to send an alert to an emergency contact point.

Mr. Dong is carrying out a secret mission, and according to regulations, An Yi cannot know about it. This is also organizational discipline.

Unless it is a last resort, Mr. Dong will not activate this emergency contact point, and this contact point is checked every day to see if there is a code.

If there is a secret signal, it means that something urgent has happened.

Generally speaking, this indicates that important members of the underground party organization in Shanghai must withdraw from Shanghai immediately, and other personnel must enter the safe base to wait for orders.

Huang Yanning led the Second Special Operations Brigade to carry out the mission. Once these young men acted, they were really swift and resolute.

Only two days later, I found the rickshaw driver who had pulled Li Fusheng back then.

However, the ticket inspector at Shanghai North Railway Station did not recognize Li Fusheng, which is normal. After all, there are too many people entering and leaving the station every day, and it is impossible for the ticket inspector to remember the humble Li Fusheng.

The reason why the rickshaw driver remembered Li Fusheng was because Li Fusheng got into his car as soon as he left the station, and because of the long distance, he bargained with him for a while, complaining that the price of rickshaws in Shanghai was too expensive.

According to the rickshaw driver, after Li Fusheng got into his car that day, he went straight to a place. He didn't get out of the car on the way, didn't talk to anyone, and didn't stop to buy anything.

Therefore, the trajectory of correspondent Li Fusheng's actions in Shanghai before his death was very clear, basically a straight line.

It took only a few minutes from when he got off the rickshaw to when he was hit by a car, that is to say, Li Fusheng did not go anywhere else after getting off the rickshaw, but turned directly across a street and was knocked down while crossing the road .

Lu Ming summed up the above situation at the urgent meeting held by the Fuxing Society, and then said: "Now we can be sure of Li Fusheng's destination. Just after he crossed the road, he faced the building. Go into this building and connect with someone."

"Do you have any different opinions on Chief Lu's analysis?" Weng Bailing, the fourth advisor, asked.

After listening to Lu Ming's analysis, everyone nodded in agreement. No one had a different opinion, so no one answered Weng Bailing's words.

"There are many signs outside this building. Does anyone know what's going on inside?" Weng Bailing looked at the pile of photos on the table and asked, taking out the photo of the building.

Huang Yanning immediately replied: "We did a secret investigation. This building is an office building that is rented out. There are more than a dozen companies in it. Li Fusheng's contact person should be hidden in a certain company in this building."

"I don't think it should be too late. We should take action to surround this building, arrest all the people inside, and carry out identity screening one by one," said Zhao Yuanliang, director of the Fifth Division.

"This is not difficult to do. After passing through the sieve, if there is no bad record in the past and someone with a reliable identity can provide guarantee, you can release him. If there is no reliable person to provide guarantee, it is impossible to find out whether he is suspected of the Communist Party. , continue to be detained and interrogated." Lu Ming said.

"Yes, Chief Lu's analysis is clear, and this is the only way." Zhao Yuanliang said.

Lu Ming walked down and sat down in his seat. He did everything he could do. If two days later, the Shanghai underground party organization is still not ready and people are still arrested, then he can't be blamed.

Lu Ming felt that he was worthy of Mr. Dong, and he also believed that the Communist Party had enough experience to deal with such emergencies.

"Mr. Lu, we don't have enough manpower to carry out such a large-scale arrest operation. It is impossible for the first action brigade to participate in such an operation." Zhao Yuanliang said.

These people all knew that An Gonggen's First Action Brigade only took action against the Japanese and did not interfere with the arrest of the Communist Party.

"There is no need for them to dispatch. Tomorrow, we will ask the Songhu Police Command to send military police to assist and seal off the entire building. Vice President Huang will also handle this matter. Then lead the second action team into the building to carry out the arrest task. Huang Vice president, the task of contacting the police headquarters is entrusted to you." Lu Ming ordered.

Huang Yanning still retains his status as the adjutant of the Songhu Security Command, and it is most appropriate for him to perform this task.

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Huang Yanning stood up and said.

Weng Bailing was so angry that he couldn't speak. This meeting was originally chaired by him, but the scene was all focused on Lu Ming, as if Lu Ming was the real boss and he was just an audience.

But he can't do anything, firstly, Lu Ming's arrangement can't find any faults, and secondly, he can't come up with a better plan to refute Luming.

However, this also strengthened his determination to wait for the opportunity to lay a black hand on Lu Ming. If Lu Ming is not knocked down, even if he sits in the position of station chief, he will not have a bright future.

Weng Bailing does not have such a high prestige like Kang Ze, even if Kang Ze does nothing, no one dares to look down on him, now not only Lu Ming looks down on him, but even the directors of the [-]th and [-]th divisions also look down on him.

What made him even more angry was that even some section chiefs looked at him with some contempt, and only the chief of the six divisions he had promoted by himself looked down on him and obeyed him.

Isn't this obviously about to turn the sky upside down?

This situation must change, and it must not continue like this, otherwise, maybe one day I will be kicked out of the building of the Fuxing Society, and no one will sympathize.

With Lu Ming present, there would be no Weng Bailing's position, and vice versa.

Water and fire are incompatible, this is Weng Bailing's conclusion, and he believes that he has a greater advantage. On key issues, he believes that the principal will stand by his side.

Lu Ming seized the opportunity to show his ability, of course it also had a purpose, he just wanted to establish his personal prestige in this building.This is his long-term plan, in preparation for leaving Fuxingshe in the future.

If the majority of people in the Fuxing Society believed in him and were willing to follow him, his trip would not have been in vain.If one day the Fuxing Agency is transformed into an official national intelligence agency, he is not afraid of being used and then thrown away.

Lu Ming knew very well what position he was in. He was not greedy for power, but he hated being used by others, and he couldn't stand being used and then abandoned.

After returning to the apartment, Lu Ming went to Mr. Dong's room again and told Mr. Dong: "Fuxing Society will take action against the Conway Building tomorrow morning and arrest everyone in the building. Your people should evacuate quickly. This is the last chance. gone."

With that he left, and this was his last warning.

Mr. Dong was both relieved and a little worried. He was relieved that he had issued an alert, the highest level of red alert, and asked all the comrades of the Municipal Working Committee to withdraw from Shanghai immediately.

But Mr. Dong is still a little worried. Maybe there are still some people who are lucky enough to stay and take a look. That would be too dangerous.

After the alarm was sent out, Mr. Dong was not very relieved. He went to the emergency contact point the next day and found that the password had been erased.

The document he sent was taken away, and a blank piece of paper was left behind. It was a coded reply to him, indicating that the information he sent was taken away by his own people, and everything was safe.

"I'll take a look around that building tomorrow," An Yi said.

"No, absolutely not." Mr. Dong said.

"Why not? I have a mission." An Yi insisted.

"Because it's too dangerous, that building has been closely monitored. Anyone who tries to get close may be arrested." Mr. Dong's eyes widened, expressing his incomprehension of An Yi's obsession.

"I'm not afraid!" An Yi said with her head held high.

"This is not a question of whether you are afraid or not. It is directly related to your safety and the survival of this radio station. I warn you that you must not take any risky behavior." Mr. Dong said firmly.

An Yi turned and went back to her room, sat on a chair and cried, she felt that all this was her fault, if she had done well enough, none of this would have happened.

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