sea ​​situation

Chapter 352 Pearl Showdown

", don't speak so vulgarly." Lu Ming smiled wryly.

"This is a real feeling, not vulgarity, why do you think the two of us suffer so much?" Mingzhu lightly punched Lu Ming.

"If that's the case, don't you fall into the hands of those gossip tabloids? I just don't want official salt to be sold as private salt." Lu Ming gritted his teeth and said.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, both smiled helplessly, and understood each other's feelings.

What those literary and artistic youths can do, they really can't do. Born in a big family like theirs, there are too many things to consider, and accordingly they lose some freedom.

This is because they are alone in Shanghai. If they were in their hometown, they would be more restrained. It is impossible for the two of them to stay alone in a room for a long time, let alone cuddle up and talk.

In fact, they are also confused about the relationship between husband and wife, and they don't know exactly what the process is.

Some people may say that this kind of thing is born to all people, and it is too one-sided to say so.

At that time, even in the United States, there were many jokes.

Many newlyweds think that they can give birth to a child by lying on the same bed. After a few years, no child is born. When they go to the hospital for an examination, the doctor is dumbfounded and has to be a mentor for married life.

In China, this kind of knowledge is passed on from generation to generation, and it is the day before the wedding.

In the era of emperors, before the prince got married, there was usually a female official who taught the prince this knowledge by herself.

"By the way, after we get married, are you going to marry Du Juan home?" Yuan Mingzhu asked suddenly.

"Uh, why do you think so, Du Juan has already started her new life, and she has withdrawn from our life circle." Mingzhu's question made Lu Ming very surprised.

"Oh, don't comfort me. My mother told me a long time ago that I can't possess a man like you alone. There must be other women. If that's the case, why not marry Du Juan? Don't worry, don't bring back an unreasonable woman." Yuan Mingzhu said.

"It's not unreasonable what your mother said, it's from her point of view, but she doesn't understand me, don't you understand me? I'm not that kind of person, I won't do that kind of thing." Lu Ming explained .

"Du Juan likes you so much, I think you are reluctant to part with her, you think I can't see it." Mingzhu said disdainfully.

"Okay, stop thinking about it, Du Juan and I are innocent, and we will only be good friends in the future." Lu Ming laughed.

"I don't care if what you said is true or not. Anyway, let me tell you, if you want to find another woman, I would rather that woman be Dujuan, at least I know the basics. Let me tell you one thing clearly, my family will never tolerate it. Yan Xiaoniu. There is me without her, and there is no me." Yuan Mingzhu said with gritted teeth.

"Hey, you keep talking more and more, why are you talking about Yan Xiaohui again, he is studying in England."

Lu Ming could only interrupt like this, in fact, he was also beating drums in his heart, this Yan Xiaohui was really difficult to deal with.

"She will be back next year. God knows if she will pester you. She used to look at you as if she wanted to swallow you up. Men are afraid of entanglement, and women are afraid of grinding. The most unbearable thing for men is her death." A stalker." Yuan Mingzhu poured beans out of the bamboo tube, and directly expressed her thoughts.

"No, he is also a high-ranking intellectual, a gynecologist from Tongren Hospital, and he is from a big family like ours. Don't you want to lose face?"

Lu Ming tried his best to help Yan Xiaohui out of the siege, although he didn't really think that way in his heart, he was mainly worried about Mingzhu.

"She may be very concerned about face, but it's different when she sees you. If she can get you, she will definitely not want any face. In fact, I am the same. At worst, I will fight her."

Yuan Mingzhu's decisiveness actually has an internal reason. If Du Juan came in, he would be willing to be a small person so as not to cause trouble.

Yan Xiaohui is not so easy to talk to, she will definitely compete with her, and Yan Xiaohui is still educated, so Lu Ming will really change his mind one day if he can't keep up.

"Okay, Mingzhu, your heroine spirit is back again, it's all nonsense, besides she doesn't want face, I still want face." Lu Ming could only interrupt with a smirk.

To be honest, Lu Ming felt a little guilty, and he didn't know what would happen to Yan Xiaohui when he came back. If it was like before, Mingzhu would probably go to Yan Xiaohui with a gun to settle accounts.

Mingzhu is completely capable of doing this kind of thing, it's all the fault of being spoiled by her elder brother since childhood.

Yuan Mingzhu is like a docile kitten in front of him, but she is very tough outside. When she defended her sister before, Sheng Di would hide when she saw her, fearing that she would get mad.

In the past, she was always looking out for Lu Ming's face, so she gave way to Yan Xiaohui again and again, so as not to make things big and prevent Lu Ming from coming down.

The two of them said that it was almost early morning before they returned to bed and fell asleep hugging each other.

They didn't dare to do too intimate things, and they still had a guilty conscience. If something went wrong, they would be expelled from the family tree if they became pregnant out of marriage.

Mr. Dong and An Yi returned to their suite, and a big battle broke out.

Ever since An Yi entered this gorgeous Wanguo apartment and walked into this suite, she had been suppressing a fire in her heart, but Lu Ming gave her a cleanse, and she had no chance to vent this anger.

After the two entered the room, Mr. Dong made a cup of Lapsang Souchong for An Yi, made himself a cup of coffee, and lit a Camel cigarette.

This style immediately made An Yi furious, and shouted at Mr. Dong: "Dong Cheng, look at your depraved appearance, have you been corrupted by the bourgeoisie?"

"You...can you yell softly, do you want everyone in the building to hear it?" Mr. Dong was startled, and immediately stubbed out his cigarette.

His original name was not Dong Cheng, Dong Cheng was his pseudonym in Shanghai, just like he believed that An Yi was not her real name, but just her pseudonym when she came to Shanghai.

He didn't know what An Yi's real name was. He actually didn't know anything about this woman. He originally wanted to get to know each other when he brought her back, but he met Lu Ming instead.

The superior's order only said to arrange Comrade An Yi to work beside him, and for the convenience of work, he pretended to be husband and wife.

The two met at Shanghai North Railway Station. They had never even met each other before, and they lacked understanding of each other's personalities.

They met by joint code, a book torn into two pages each held half of the joint. Mr. Dong's half page was retrieved by him at an information sending and receiving point.

"Comrade Dong Cheng, do you know what you look like now? Go to the most luxurious restaurant in Shanghai with a spy chief to have a big meal, drink high-end coffee, and smoke American cigarettes. You still have a bit of a Communist Party member." Does it look like it?" An Yi angrily angrily lowered her voice.

"You may not believe it. In fact, this is the first time Lu Ming invited me to dinner. It is to welcome you. I have never been to that kind of place before. As for these cigarettes, coffee, and tea, Lu Ming doesn't like them. , so it was given to me as garbage." Dong Cheng explained embarrassingly, twisting his stubbed cigarette.

"Give it to you as garbage? You can believe it. He is obviously using money to win you over and corrupt you. This is what the Kuomintang agents are best at. Are these high-end cigarettes, coffee, and tea garbage? If they are garbage , I want as much as I have, and then send it to our base.”

After An Yi finished speaking, there was an aggrieved hum from time to time in her nasal cavity.

"People try to corrupt me? Is this necessary? He already knew who I am, but instead of reporting me, he has been protecting me and has been actively providing important information to our party. My situation in Shanghai, the organization God knows."

Dong Cheng listed a number of information sent to the headquarters. The source of these information was Lu Ming. An Yi's accusation against him really made him feel wronged.

But the fact is that he is indeed drinking high-end coffee and smoking American cigarettes, which is completely beyond the living standards of an underground party member.

"That's right, what is he trying to do to help you? Why don't you think about it?" An Yi asked back.

"Uh, what is he trying to figure out?" Dong Cheng scratched his head, unable to answer at all.

He also wondered before why Lu Ming was so kind to him, especially when he offered to provide him with various information.

But he couldn't figure it out. He also reported his doubts to his superiors and asked for instructions. The superiors instructed him to maintain and limit the current relationship, not to break away from it or go any further.

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