Relatively speaking, the Fuxing Society is a latecomer in Shanghai, but now it has to compete with the previous forces for territory and profit. How can it be so easy?

The Fuxing Society did have a ready-made system, but it was specially designed to deal with the Japanese. The Songhu Garrison Command and the Shanghai Special Operations Brigade didn't care about it. They had to be optimistic about their own territory.

Dealing with the Japanese is a hot potato, and no one wants to touch it. Therefore, when the original Blue Shirts Club does this job, everyone is willing to watch, even if they give some support.

But when it comes to dealing with the underground party organization of the Communist Party, these people will not be gentle again. How can they give up their own interests to others?

Weng Bailing also had a headache. He wanted to increase the detection of underground party organizations, not on a whim, and it was not because the new officials took office three times, but because the higher ups were putting pressure on them.

When he took over as the head of the branch, he was specially called to Nanjing to receive a lecture.

The headmaster is not happy, things are serious.

Since the establishment of the Blue Shirts Club with great fanfare, there has been no record of detecting an underground party organization of the Chinese Communist Party. Removing Kang Ze from the post of Shanghai Branch President is to some extent a disguised punishment.

The Blue Shirts Club has indeed made remarkable achievements in dealing with the Japanese, but the principal believes that the threat of the Japanese is not the top priority. The top priority is to eliminate the underground organizations of the Communist Party in major cities.

In fact, it's not only the Blue Shirts Club that has no record here, even the Songhu Security Command and the Special Operations Brigade have also handed in blank papers.

In recent months, Shanghai seems to have no underground Communist Party organizations. Is this normal?

It's not normal, it must be that the secret tactics of the CCP's underground party organization are more sophisticated, which is even more dangerous.

The headmaster was in a difficult mood. After five or six years of fighting with the Communist Party, he knew very well that the Communist Party could not give up Shanghai. They hadn't discovered their existence, but their subordinates were incompetent.

Weng Bailing issued a military order in Nanjing, which saw results within three months and made great contributions within one year.

After returning to Shanghai, Weng Bailing pondered hard for a few days but found no results, so he had no choice but to ask Lu Ming to send a signal for help.

Weng Bailing originally wanted Lu Ming to come up with a ready-made plan. When dealing with the Japanese before, Lu Ming was very active in thinking and the action plan he came up with was effective.

But he doesn't know Lu Ming well enough. If he knew Lu Ming's character, he wouldn't invite Lu Ming to this dinner. It's better to open the skylight and tell the truth, just ask and answer.

Because this is destined to see red in the green bushes, and the bamboo basket fetches water in vain.

Lu Ming has no obvious pro-communist behavior, but he opposes factionalism and sibling fratricide. He never hides this attitude, and he has expressed it to Deng Wenyi and Kang Ze before.

For the justice and injustice of the two parties, Lu Ming did not make a serious and careful analysis.

He knew very little about the Communist Party, only that they were martyrs who sacrificed their lives for their beliefs, a group of ascetics who were willing to suffer for the people.

Lu Ming knew better about the situation of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Andre and Peter instilled the theory in him for several months, and showed him pictures of the Soviet Union's great achievements.

But Peter and Andre had a point of view that surprised Lu Ming. They didn't seem to think that the Communist Party of China was the same organization as the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

They believe that the Chinese Communist Party refuses to accept the successful experience of the Soviet Union and refuses to take the road of urban riots.

"Mr. Lu, you already expressed your support for me on the day you announced your inauguration. You must help my brother with this matter." Weng Bailing pleaded in his tone.

"President Weng, I can't achieve great things by myself. We still need to work together and discuss with cadres at all levels to come up with a feasible plan." Lu Ming prevaricated.

Seeing that Weng Bailing had reached this point, he couldn't force it anymore, so he had to give up.

He didn't think that Lu Ming intended to shirk, and he also understood that the Communist Party's underground organization was much more difficult to deal with than the Japanese. The previous major crackdowns were all due to good luck, and important figures from the underground party were caught.

It just so happened that this important person was a soft-boned person who wanted to get rich and enjoy himself, so the Shanghai Special Operations Brigade made a great contribution to uprooting the underground party organizations in Shanghai and several nearby cities.

This kind of good luck doesn't happen all the time. After the establishment of the Blue Shirts Club, they also caught two suspects of the CCP's underground party, but they didn't get any confessions.

These two people can no longer be described as hard bones, just like what Stalin said, they are bodies made of special materials.

The two separated after eating, nominally Weng Bailing treated the guests, but Lu Ming paid the bill, and Weng Bailing didn't argue about it, even his salary was paid by Lu Ming, so what's there to argue about for such a small amount of money.

Lu Ming did not go back to his apartment, but went to Sheng Youde's place.

He refused to give up his idea, and was still making the last effort to find a safe evacuation route for the personnel of this operation.

Mr. Jiang gave him this task, and he didn't hide it from Sheng Youde, but apart from Sheng Youde, even Mu Yi and Zi Yuan didn't know about it.

He knew that compared with Sheng Youde in terms of scheming, he was not even as good as a primary school student, at best he was a kindergarten child.

After listening to Lu Ming's comprehensive introduction on this matter, Sheng Youde was silent for a long time, and he couldn't think of any clever way to solve this problem.

Sheng Youde made it clear that he does not agree with the assassination. He believes that the contest with the Japanese will be long-term and at a higher level. Such revenge activities can indeed give a sigh of relief, but it is very important to change the relationship between China and Japan. The balance of power can't play any role.

Sheng Youde thought it was not worthwhile and too cruel to exchange his fresh life for the head of an important person in Japan.Not to mention killing a few high-ranking Japanese officials, but what if he really assassinated the Emperor of Japan?

The Japanese can have another emperor.

If the assassination is successful, it will indeed have some effect on boosting the anti-Japanese morale of the Chinese, but there is no need to overestimate it.

Sheng Youde belongs to the British faction, and he opposes all terrorist acts from the bottom of his heart. Whether it is assassinating the head of the enemy or carrying out bombing operations against special groups, these are criminal acts and cannot be brought up on the table.

Although Lu Ming received a British and American education, he was not pedantic in dealing with the Japanese.

He believes that as long as he can kill a high-ranking Japanese official, it is worth making some sacrifices, but he can't accept it if he wants to die explicitly.

Of course, the payment Lu Ming can accept includes manpower and material resources, but it is definitely not using fresh life as a sacrifice.

Lu Ming's original idea was not to bomb the park, but to set up an ambush at the entrance of the park and assassinate the Japanese after the Japanese celebration.

The operatives could hide in a few cars, and wait for senior Japanese military and diplomatic officials to come out of the park. The operatives would appear in a flash and use a powerful submachine gun to carry out the assassination.

This plan was later rejected by himself, because he learned that on the day of the celebration, only the cars of the consulate and Japanese generals were allowed to park at the entrance of the park, and no other cars were allowed to stay.

When I met Qiantian in the park that day, I also found that the Japanese were building a lookout, and it was even more difficult to hide at the entrance of the park.

Later, he also learned that the security measures of the Japanese are very strict. After senior officials come out, the military police will form a human wall and escort them to the car.

If the operatives block and shoot, they will shoot each other, and they can only kill and injure some gendarmes, and will not hurt those high-ranking officials and generals at all.

If the operatives want to evacuate, it is not advisable to open fire for a long time. Once the bullets in the gun are fired, they must drive away immediately to avoid encirclement and suppression.

It was not possible at the entrance of the park, and Lu Ming thought of using obstacles to intercept them on the way back, and then the operatives fired guns at the vehicles of the high-ranking officials, killing one counted as one.

This idea was rejected after An Gonggen reported it to Jin Jiu.

Jin Jiu had rich experience in dealing with the Japanese, so he immediately asked An Gonggen to tell Lu Ming that the vehicles of senior Japanese officials and generals were all bulletproof, and submachine gun bullets could not pierce the armor of the vehicles at all.

Lu Ming is also convinced, Little Japan is indeed very shrewd, doing things closely and step by step.

In terms of preventing someone from assassinating their officials, they have achieved a watertight state, and almost all the loopholes have been plugged.

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