sea ​​situation

Chapter 311 Ultimatum

Lu Ming was furious: This son of a bitch, putting on airs, must be a propaganda officer of the Japanese Marine Corps, full of hypocritical diplomatic rhetoric.

"Mr. Commander, do you mean that Shanghai is about to go to war?" Lu Ming asked.

"You misunderstood, this officer doesn't mean that. What this officer means is that if diplomatic channels can't solve the problem, then the only option is to resort to force." This guy is still playing with words.

"By resorting to force, isn't it a war? What did I get wrong?" Lu Ming sneered.

"No, these are two different things. I don't want to fight, but I just want to exercise the right of self-defense when it is necessary." The commander's two small eyes flashed slyly.

"Self-defense? There was no incident of people attacking Japanese expatriates in Shanghai. The accident that happened at Sanyou Industrial Headquarters the day before yesterday was just an accidental conflict between people. It can happen in any country, and it can be resolved through legal and diplomatic channels." Lu Ming faced everyone and said loudly.

Perhaps it was the title of special correspondent of the Washington Post that acted as a deterrent. Those Japanese expatriates who were making trouble in the parade saw the reporter's license plate on his chest and became more honest.

"I just express my support for the legitimate rights of the people. Please don't misinterpret what I mean, and don't expand the situation." The commander was a little anxious, and his face turned pale and blue.

He saw another reporter raising his hand to ask a question, so he quickly pointed to a person: "Please ask."

Lu Ming knew that arguing with this guy was futile, and he was ordered to come out to express his opinion. Naturally, he was talking nonsense and couldn't make any decisions.

However, he believes that the question and answer between him and the commander will definitely appear in tomorrow's newspaper, which will play a small role in stabilizing the situation.

But in the final analysis, there will never be any change in the action jointly planned by the Japanese government and the military to launch a fake war in Shanghai to blackmail, the difference is that the time is one day later or one day earlier.

Whether it is the naval land force stationed in Shanghai or the fleet moored at Wusongkou, they are all soldiers. As long as the military department issues an attack order, they will open fire.

The commander briefly answered the questions of several reporters, but he was still talking nonsense, and the reporters pressed him very hard. Seeing that the situation was not good, he quickly slipped back into the Marine Corps building.

The parade team had completed its task and started to walk back. After returning to the headquarters of the Migrant Regiment, it disbanded.

Lu Ming drove back to the Blue Clothes Club, and handed over the two boxes of film he had taken to a photography officer in the propaganda office, asking him to develop them immediately.

"Brother Lu, you're back to your old job again." Kang Ze said enviously.

The United States "Washington Post" special correspondent in Shanghai, the real uncrowned king, and Lu Ming has an American passport and is an American citizen. This is what makes him feel sympathetic.

Lu Ming talked about the parade. He praised the dedication of the police and the clever way of handling it, so that the parade did not turn into a riot. This would make the Japanese feel that they had punched the cotton bales, and there was nothing they could do.

"Then do you think the intensity of the conflict is enough now? Will the Japanese make any moves?" Kang Ze asked.

"Well, it's not enough, it still lacks fire." Lu Ming thought for a while.

In the evening, before the next day, several evening newspapers in Shanghai had already reported the parade in the afternoon, and the questions and answers of Lu Ming and the commander of the Japanese Marine Corps were also published in the newspapers verbatim.

All newspapers were accompanied by this newspaper's commentary, calling for the settlement of disputes through legal and diplomatic channels instead of resorting to force.

If the Japanese provoked a war under such circumstances, it would be really unreasonable and vicious.

"Damn it, this Lu Ming exposed us to the spotlight of the whole world."

In the meeting room of Mantie Building, Yoshiko Kawashima beat the table with a whip in her hand and cursed bitterly.

"That's right, now it's the Evening News, tomorrow it will be the major newspapers, and then all the major overseas newspapers will report on this incident." Tanaka also felt that he was trapped.

The most important part of the Porcelain Touching operation they planned was to send agents to pretend to be Chinese to assassinate Hidekichi Manda, which is the best solution to kill two birds with one stone.

Unexpectedly, this trick was seen through by Lu Ming, and now Hidekichi Kenda criticizes and scolds Huai every day at the consulate, making Yoshiko Kawashima unable to stay there any longer.

Immediately afterwards, they planned this parade. They wanted to stage a riot of beating, smashing, looting and burning on the streets of Shanghai, but unfortunately they were stopped by the Shanghai police.

The intensity of the current conflict is obviously not enough. The consulate has already drawn up a diplomatic protest statement, and it is waiting for them to heat up the fire, so that the protest letter can be released steaming.

"Both things were disturbed by Lu Ming, what should we do next?" Yu Yinger asked.

She is now the leader of the secret operation team of the Manchurian Railway, and she is qualified to participate in the discussion of the plan.

"Since the fire is not strong enough, let's set a bigger fire." Yoshiko Kawashima gritted her teeth.

"If Lu Ming is not killed, he will continue to make trouble. I think he should be killed." Yu Yinger said.

She hated Lu Ming deeply, and would never miss any chance to kill him, and it was the right time to encourage Yoshiko Kawashima and Tanaka to do it.

"It's useless for him to make trouble alone. Our plan is established. If we attack him, the forces behind him will not let it go, and may disrupt our plan." Tanaka shook his head again and again.

Yoshiko Kawashima agrees with Tanaka's opinion, thinking that now is not the time to kill Lu Ming, and wait until the military's plan to attack Shanghai is implemented before looking for an opportunity to start.

Although Yu Yinger was unhappy, she had no choice but to give up.

In the evening, Lu Ming went to Lingering Garden to discuss with Sheng Youde and his daughter how to deal with the changes in the situation in the future.

Sheng Youde and Sheng Muyi re-analyzed Japan's current domestic economic situation. No matter how they analyzed it, they felt that Japan could not afford an all-out war, even against a backward agricultural country like China.

Japan's economy is already in deep crisis and cannot extricate itself. If another all-out war is forcibly launched, it will be like drinking poison to quench thirst, and it may lead to a full-scale collapse.

Hearing these analysis, Lu Ming once again firmly believed that what Japan was going to wage this time was a fake war, which was just to cover up their actions to establish Manchukuo in the Northeast, and to further blackmail the Chinese government.

The next morning (January 1932, 1), as soon as Lu Ming stepped into the gate of the Blue Shirts Club, he heard a statement from the Japanese Consulate General being broadcast on the radio.

The Japanese Consulate General in Shanghai issued a solemn protest on behalf of the Japanese government, and at the same time proposed four conditions to the Shanghai Municipal Government:

[-]. The mayor of Shanghai made a public apology for the Japanese monk incident.

[-]. Arrest and punish the perpetrators.

[-]. Make financial compensation to the victims.

[-]. Ban and disband all anti-Japanese organizations and groups headed by the Anti-Japanese Salvation Association in Shanghai.

After hearing these four unreasonable conditions, Lu Ming's lungs were about to explode, and he immediately called a cadre meeting.

In the conference room, Lu Ming changed his usual gentlemanly demeanor and shouted loudly:

"Are the Japanese comparing themselves to the Austro-Hungarian Empire and treating us as Serbia? These four unreasonable demands are almost the ultimatum of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to Serbia."

Kang Ze's face turned pale, he didn't know whether he was angry or frightened, and kept tapping his fingers on the table.

When an assassin in Serbia assassinated the crown prince of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, one of the ultimatums issued by the Austro-Hungarian Empire to the Serbian government was to completely ban anti-Austro-Hungarian propaganda, organizations and mass groups.

The whole world believes that it is impossible for Serbia to agree to this kind of humiliating and humiliating request, which is an interference with a country's sovereignty.

What the people of a country do and say should only be restricted by the laws of the country, and other countries have no right to restrict it, let alone it is a patriotic act of the people.

However, under pressure, Serbia fully accepted the unreasonable demands of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The concession did not bring peace, and the war inevitably broke out.

Even if Lu Ming didn't study history, he knew about this kind of thing, and the past time wasn't too long.

"His grandma, doesn't Little Japan just want to fight a war? Let's start a fight. I'm not a good official. Tomorrow I will go to the No. 19 Route Army as a soldier. I will go to the battlefield with a gun and fight the Japanese devils." Everywhere Long also broke out.

"That's right, I also went to the battlefield with a gun. I don't want to be an official. I can earn money by killing one, and earn one by killing two."

The bloodiness of the soldiers present was aroused at once, and they all shouted to go to the No.19 Route Army as a small soldier to fight on the battlefield.

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