After taking Yuan Ziyuan back, Lu Ming's long-suspended heart sank in half. If he could take Sheng Muyi back again, it would be completely complete.

But Sheng Muyi's whereabouts are unknown now, and there is no news from her, which is unavoidably worrying.

Lu Ming questioned Yuan Ziyuan carefully, deliberating every detail of when the two of them left, trying to find clues, but failed.

Yuan Ziyuan put forward his own opinion, which made Lu Ming feel a little more at ease.

Yuan Ziyuan said that there is no news about Sheng Muyi now, it is not a bad thing, but a good thing, if something happened to someone like Sheng Muyi, it would have caused a sensation in most of China.

What does this show? It shows that she is hiding very deeply and has not been exposed.

Lu Ming agreed with this point of view to a certain extent, because he really couldn't come up with any reason to object.

Out of instinct, Yuan Ziyuan tried to think of the best, which is understandable, but they must have discussed how to take emergency measures in special situations.

Sheng Muyi has not taken any emergency actions so far, just like a drop of water disappearing in a river, is it safe or not?

The Japanese military canceled the 520 plan, which has something to do with the departure of Sheng Muyi and Yuan Ziyuan.

Yuan Ziyuan was put under house arrest by the Japanese for half a year and returned to Shanghai safe and sound. This is a positive sign.

Lu Ming came to a conclusion: the day of Sheng Muyi's appearance is not far away.

After learning about this heart-stirring incident, Yuan Mingzhu was terrified, and also heard that Sheng Muyi's whereabouts were still unknown, and she was in a daze for several days.

Yuan Mingzhu called his eldest brother and told him that he would not return to the Cao Gang for the time being and would stay with his sister in Lingering Garden.

These days, she is like a follower, staying close to Yuan Ziyuan, lest her sister suddenly disappear again.

Sheng Youde's mood also eased, he asked Yuan Ziyuan to take over the work of Sheng Muyi and Sheng Di, and temporarily act as the general manager of Sheng's industry.

Yuan Ziyuan has been helping Sheng Muyi manage Sheng's property before, and he is no stranger to the business managed by Sheng Di, so he is naturally the best candidate for this position

However, I am too busy, shuttling back and forth every day, as if I am about to fly.

Yuan Mingzhu followed behind her ass, like a fool who didn't understand anything and couldn't get her hands in, and finally sighed: "What kind of work are you doing? It's simply not done by humans."

Having said that, Yuan Mingzhu was still reluctant to leave her sister.

In fact, Yuan Mingzhu was not so close to Yuan Ziyuan before, and spent all day with Ning Xiner, and she couldn't bear to part when she was sleeping.After learning about her sister's disappearance, she was terrified.

It is precisely because of this that Yuan Mingzhu has a psychological barrier against Lu Ming. Although she knows that Lu Ming has been hiding it from her for her own good, she does not want her to be frightened, and she does not want her to live in torment every day, but in her heart she still uncomfortable.

Yuan Mingzhu had always firmly believed that no matter what happened, Lu Ming would not be able to hide it from her, but it turned out that it was not necessarily the case.

During this period of time, Yuan Mingzhu was upset, and kept avoiding Lu Ming intentionally or unintentionally, unable to figure out how to speak to him.

Lu Ming felt Yuan Mingzhu's alienation, so he didn't take the initiative to find her, he could only smile wryly, he couldn't justify himself, and at the same time, he also hoped that Yuan Mingzhu would grow wiser and mature gradually.

Lu Ming also lived in Lingering Garden during this period. Although Yuan Ziyuan came back and Sheng Di, the god of plague, was sent away, the crisis of the Sheng family seemed to be over safely, but Sheng Muyi hadn't come back yet, so the matter was not over.

Yuan Mingzhu didn't want to talk to him, so he went to drink and chat with Huang Yanning when he had nothing to do. After a few days, he got to know this young officer from Huangpu better.

Sheng Youde still controls the Sheng Empire behind the scenes like an invisible person, rarely showing his face in front of people, even Lu Ming rarely sees him.

Under normal circumstances, as long as Sheng Youde did not summon Lu Ming, he would not take the initiative to ask for a meeting, unless it was an emergency.

Lu Ming always felt that most of Sheng Youde's thoughts were not on Sheng's property, and he didn't know what he was busy with all day long.

Lu Ming knew that he was helping the government of the Republic of China to raise military expenditures. It was said that he wanted to expand the Hanyang Armory, add equipment one after another, and added a machine gun factory.

The government of the Republic of China raised funds through the Shanghai chaebols, mainly through their hands to weave a network of funds, down to the local gentry, middle to small and large businesses in various places in the south of the Yangtze River, and up to the consortiums of European and American countries.

Sheng Youde is like a lead wire, connecting the nerves in all directions, raising the military expenditure needed by the government of the Republic of China in time.

But Lu Ming felt that Sheng Youde's preoccupation was not limited to this, there were more things that he didn't say, and Lu Ming couldn't guess what it was.

Lu Ming always feels that the tranquility of Lingering Garden is not real, it seems that new energy is brewing and gathering, and a new wave may be set off at any time.

Things came to an end, that night, when Lu Ming was drinking with Huang Yanning, Yuan Ziyuan suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Lu Ming, you know how to drink every day, why are you so shy? A big man just sits there, watching me exhausted, and doesn't help me with anything!"

Yuan Ziyuan sat down beside Huang Yanning, pretending to reprimand him.

"Sister, don't worry, we have different divisions of labor. I am a legal consultant, not a financial consultant. If you have any legal disputes, please call me at any time. I will do my best to help." Lu Ming half-lyed on a rosewood chair , It was extremely comfortable, seeing Yuan Ziyuan, he didn't even lift his butt.

"You're cheating. What time are you talking about the division of labor?" Yuan Ziyuan pretended to be angry.

"At any time, we must pay attention to the division of labor, otherwise it will be messy." Lu Ming ignored it.

"Miss Yuan, do you need help? We can help you." Huang Yanning said seriously.

"Thank you, Adjutant Huang. What I need are management talents, not laborers." Yuan Ziyuan smiled wryly.

If Huang Yanning spread his hands, there was nothing he could do. His subordinates could go to the battlefield to fight and work, but they definitely couldn't work as managers in the factory, including himself.

"Mingzhu is still angry with me?" Lu Ming asked with a smile as he stood up.

"Hmph, let me tell you, this girl can't be coaxed well this time, please help me more quickly, flatter my ass, and I'll help you comfort me, then Guanbao will coax you here." Yuan Ziyuan seemed Just waiting for Lu Ming's words, he said with joy.

"No, I know her too well. She has never been deceived since she was a child, and she never thought that I would deceive her. She can't turn her head around all of a sudden, but when she understands my good intentions, she will be fine." Lu Ming laughed.

Yuan Ziyuan stomped her feet in anger, Lu Ming was right, Mingzhu is such a person, it is useless to persuade her to be stubborn, she has to be given time to change her mind.

That's what Yuan Mingzhu thinks now. She has never been deceived by anyone before, and no one is willing to or dares to deceive her. She was deceived this time, and she is her closest person. She thinks that it is impossible to deceive her in her whole life. I just can't turn around.

Lu Ming didn't make any effort to coax her, she could only turn around this kind of thing slowly, otherwise, even if this knot was knotted, it might not be untied for the rest of her life.

"As long as you are smart, why don't you come out and do something serious when you are so smart? Could it be that the Sheng family encountered such a big hurdle and it has nothing to do with you?" Yuan Ziyuan said angrily.

Lu Ming quickly gave him a wink, fearing that Yuan Ziyuan might have missed the point.

The Sheng family's property is composed of the properties of the Sheng family, the Lu family, and the Yuan family, but this is a secret and cannot be disclosed to the outside world.Sheng's Industry is not a joint-stock company, so there is no need to announce its shareholding composition.

Of course Yuan Ziyuan was not confused, she just clicked on Lu Ming.

Lu Ming is not lazy, he just doesn't want to do the job of managing the company. When he returned to Shanghai, Sheng Youde offered him a position as a senior manager. A detective agency that people care about.

Thinking of the detective office, he couldn't help sighing, he hadn't been there for a long time, maybe everyone in that building thought that the detective office had died down and faded away.

But he bought the office of the detective agency, no matter whether he works or not, no one can take his office away.

Lu Ming looked at Yuan Ziyuan, and couldn't help snickering in his heart. He noticed that as soon as Yuan Ziyuan came in, he couldn't help but sit beside Huang Yanning, and when talking to him, he always looked at Huang Yanning, intentionally or not.

There was some kind of ambiguity flowing in Yuan Ziyuan's eyes.

There seems to be a play here.

Could it be that Yuan Ziyuan is interested in Huang Yanning?

Isn't this too fast?Lu Ming couldn't believe it.

Although the marriage contract between Yuan Ziyuan and Sheng Di has not been formally dissolved, but Sheng Di has now degenerated into a national traitor and has been deported to Japan. It is impossible for him to return, so the marriage contract is naturally broken.

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