sea ​​situation

Chapter 229 Confrontation of Ideas

Perhaps because the topic of discussion was too serious, it was better to have a chat and relax, so Lu Ming changed the topic and chatted with Huang Yanning about the anecdotes he knew about Shanghai Bund.

As a paradise for adventurers, Shanghai Bund is a place to spend money like water. It has created the myth of a poor boy becoming a rich man, and also produced a record of a rich man becoming a pauper overnight.

The rise and fall of gangsters, the rumors of the famous son-in-law, the fortune of the super son-in-law, and many embarrassing stories about rich businessmen and rich men from outside, all of which made Huang Yanning stunned.

Huang Yanning, as the senior adjutant of the security commander, has also been in and out of some high society occasions, but what he has seen is only superficial, and his salary cannot support the absurd and extravagant life at all.

The miraculous stories Lu Ming told in a flat tone, the ups and downs of his life, and his extreme prodigal behavior, seemed to Huang Yanning to be a fantasy.

"It's no wonder that Shanghai is known as the gold cave in the east. So much money has been squandered. If it can be used as military expenditure, we can build a few more modern mechanics." Huang Yanning is not fascinated, but heartbroken.

When the army asks the government for military expenditures, they are always deducted by various excuses. The reasons are also varied. Many soldiers in the army do not have enough food and clothing, and they are almost beggars. Can such an army still have combat effectiveness?

Although it is common sense to raise troops for a thousand days and use them for a short period of time, it is not a routine.The national government had many non-directed troops who needed to beg for a part of the military expenses themselves. It was difficult to guarantee regular military training, and the troops collapsed as soon as the cannon fired.

The Songhu Garrison Headquarters was lucky, because it was a descendant of Huangpu and was stationed in the most prosperous area of ​​China, so the military expenditure was relatively abundant. Even so, it was difficult for them to ensure that the military equipment was updated in a timely manner.

"Adjutant Huang, if we are evenly matched with Japan, how many modern mechanics will we need?" Lu Ming asked.

"At least [-] people are needed to start. It's better to have [-] modern mechanics. Weapons and equipment alone are not enough. The quality of personnel must be guaranteed." Huang Yanning thought for a while and said.

"How could this be? How many divisions are there in Japan? There are only ten divisions, right?" Lu Ming said.

"The account is not calculated in this way. Japan's military production is very complete. Although they don't have many standing divisions, they have sufficient weapons and equipment. When it is necessary to expand the army, they only need to recruit young people of the right age to join the army. Basically, young people of the right age in Japan have received military training. As long as you pick up a gun, you will be a brave warrior." Huang Yanning has studied the combat power of various countries, especially Japan's military situation.

"No wonder Japan is eager to try it. Their strong industrial manufacturing capabilities and military strength make them bold. How about our weapon manufacturing level?" Lu Ming is basically a novice in military technology.

"Our country's rifles and cannons are at least ten years behind Japan's, and we don't have the ability to manufacture planes, tanks, and warships. Even with the same equipment, our quality is much worse than Japan's. Our fifty modern mechanics, with The [-] Japanese divisions have about the same strength, but the quality of personnel and weapons and equipment are obviously inferior to others." Huang Yanning's comparison made people feel a little discouraged.

In fact, Lu Ming didn't understand the military at all. He had only read some articles in foreign publications that commented on Japanese weapons and equipment and the combat effectiveness of the army, and he knew nothing about the situation of the National Revolutionary Army.

He had no concept of how big the military strength gap between China and Japan was. He only had a rough idea in his mind after hearing what Huang Yanning said today.

"Why is Young Master Lu suddenly interested in military affairs?" Huang Yanning asked with a smile.

"I didn't have much interest at first, but now I'm a little disappointed. If we want to compete with Japan, we need a hundred or even two hundred modern mechanics. We can't make weapons and equipment ourselves, so we have to buy them from abroad. If they refuse to sell it to us, even if they are willing to sell it, do we have so much money to buy it? Once the war starts, we need to rely on economic strength to support it, how long can we spend it?"

"Then you mean that if you can't spend it, you should just surrender?" Huang Yanning looked at Lu Ming in surprise.

Isn't what Lu Ming is saying now the views of those peaceful people who often appear in the newspapers?

It is impossible to defeat Japan no matter how you go to China, so if you want peace and not war, you actually surrender your arms and worship Japan as the leader.

"No, you misunderstood. I just deduced a point of view from this. The Three Principles of the People cannot save China." When Lu Ming said this, it was like a slap on Huang Yanning's head.

"Then tell me, what doctrine can save China?" Huang Yanning refused to accept.

"It is not doctrine that can save China, but China must comprehensively promote the process of industrial modernization as soon as possible and at all costs. Whoever has the ability to do this will be able to save China." Lu Ming said.

"Uh, if I remember correctly, this is a typical theory of serving the country through industry." Huang Yanning laughed.

"No, industry serving the country has been put forward for many years, but it turns out that this theory is just a slogan for some people to accumulate huge wealth. The rich are individuals, and the country is losing money. The so-called serving the country is just poaching the corner of the country." Lu Ming sneered.

"You don't know if Chairman Sheng will agree to what you said. You can ask him to see if he will beat you up." Huang Yanning smiled. It was Sheng You who first proposed the theory of serving the country through industry in China. Germany as the representative of the business community.

"Chairman Sheng was indeed the one who first advocated serving the country through industry, but what he advocated was industrial modernization, which was later misrepresented by many people, who believed that as long as a factory was opened to make money, it would be serving the country through industry. There is a huge gap between the two. .” Lu Ming said.

"Then why do you think that only industrial modernization can save China? Don't people's thoughts matter?" Huang Yanning asked with a smile.

"I studied in the United States, and later traveled all over the major European powers, inspecting their political and economic systems, and found that although these powers have different systems, they have one thing in common, and they have all realized industrial modernization." Lu Ming I always think that this is the biggest inspiration he got when he went out to study.

"Of course your point of view is reasonable, but the realization of industrial modernization is not so easy, it will take a long time, but we can't wait now." Huang Yanning showed embarrassment.

"In this regard, we cannot learn from Britain, France, Germany and the United States. We can learn from the Soviet Union. Japan has only initially realized industrial modernization. As long as we stop the civil war and work hard, we will surely catch up with Japan in ten years at most 20 years .” Lu Ming said.

"We are talking about a country, not a family. Without the ideological guidance of the Three Principles of the People and without national cohesion, how can we guarantee the realization of industrial modernization?" Huang Yanning retorted.

Huang Yanning is a loyal believer of Prime Minister Sun's Three-Democratic Principles. He believes that the Three-Democratic Principles are a good medicine to save China. As long as the Three-Democratic Principles are implemented in China, Everything will fall into place.

Without thinking, there is no mind. Lu Ming regards the cold industrial modernization as a strategy to save the country. Of course, he cannot agree.

Huang Yanning believes that abandoning the Three-Democratic Principles is empty talk, and China is likely to return to the scene of the end of the Qing Dynasty. Only when the Three-Democratic Principles are implemented can the country enter the normal track and realize national rejuvenation .

"You have to know that when Britain and France implemented industrial modernization, they did not have any ideological guidance. After following Britain and France, Germany also realized industrial modernization in an all-round way without any ideological guidance. This is even more so in the United States, where rule by the people, ownership by the people, and for the people are just a phrase. Slogans, just like the three principles of freedom, fraternity, and equality put forward by Napoleon, the United States still implements an unequal apartheid system.” Lu Ming insisted on his theory of industrial salvation.

"The national conditions of different countries are different. China has a feudal history of 2000 years. Transforming people's thinking is our top priority." Huang Yanning's education in Huangpu is not only about preparing for war, but the most important thing is to improve the quality of the people.

"Improving the quality of the people is not contradictory to the country's industrial modernization, and it can even be synchronized. It has no direct relationship with the pursuit of any doctrine." Lu Ming continued to insist.

"Achieving industrial modernization without ideological guidance is like seeking fish from a tree." Huang Yanning believes that Lu Ming studied in the West and believed in the concept of supremacy of science and technology, which is completely divorced from China's social reality.

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