Lu Ming suddenly thought of this, why since he was a child, the person he has the deepest affection for is not his two brothers and one sister, but Sheng Muyi?

He doesn't communicate with his father very much. Among the elders, apart from being attached to his mother, Sheng Youde is the one who has the best relationship. At least he trusts and relies on him the most.

He shook his head, and drove all these out, otherwise he might be like Sheng Di, constantly digging into the horns, and slowly going crazy.

"Since I was a child, there are only two people who really regard me as brothers, and one of them is Sheng Di." Lu Ming continued.

"Let me guess, the other one is Detective Zhang from the police station, right? I heard you guys wear a pair of pants." Huang Yanning laughed.

Lu Ming smiled awkwardly and said: "Exaggerated, exaggerated. But I have always regarded Shengdi as my brother, but now I have lost him forever, which means that my left hand is no longer there. gone."

He said, raised his left hand, then picked up a chopstick and chopped it, with a sad expression on his face.

When mentioning Sheng Di, Huang Yanning also sighed, but he thought that Sheng Youde was the one who was hurt the most, but he didn't expect that Lu Ming suffered a lot of damage.

"If he resisted that day, would you shoot him?" Huang Yanning asked.

"I will." Lu Ming said without hesitation.

"That's because you have always regarded Chairman Sheng as your father, right? In the court, this is called Qingjun's side. My analogy may not be appropriate, but that's what it means." Huang Yanning said.

Lu Ming stood there in a daze, he actually couldn't define these feelings, he was facing Sheng Di that day, if it was Zhang Ziyang, would he have shot without hesitation?

He shook his head, he might never know the answer, and he didn't know whether he regarded Sheng Youde as his father, because he didn't have deep feelings for his father.

"Family and friendship, this kind of thing can't be quantified, and it's not easy to use for comparison." Lu Ming could only answer like this in the end.

At this time, the orderly brought four dishes from the kitchen, put them on the table, and then retreated.

"Brothers are satisfied with eating and drinking here?" Lu Ming asked.

"Of course I am satisfied. The food provided here is much better than that of the headquarters. I am worried that if I continue to live like this, my nutrition will exceed the standard and I will become a fat man." Huang Yanning said with a wry smile.

Lu Ming nodded, the people who live in Lingering Garden are all people who have helped the Sheng Mansion a lot, so of course they should treat them well.

In fact, there is no special supply in the Sheng Mansion, but it is provided according to the usual standard, but the food standard of the Sheng family is definitely several grades higher than that of the military camp.

The two ate vegetables while drinking. After eating and drinking for a while, Huang Yanning seemed to think of something, and said, "Master Lu, I have always had a question. I don't know if I should talk about it or not."

"Adjutant Huang, you are too polite. You can say whatever you want. I have no restrictions." Lu Ming laughed.

"Why don't you do something serious after returning from studying abroad? President Sheng thinks highly of you, and there are too many positions for you to choose from. You go to be a detective and handle cases with Inspector Zhang, which is not good for us soldiers. But it’s the same as a few hunters going hunting.” Huang Yanning’s comparison is a bit funny, but it does hit the point.

Lu Ming laughed: "Then tell me, what do I do to be serious?"

"You are a law student, of course you are a lawyer. With your talent and status, after a few years, you should be the most famous barrister in Shanghai." Huang Yanning looked solemn, obviously he thought that a successful lawyer and a There's no comparison for an anonymous detective, and indeed it is.

"Even if I become the most famous lawyer in Shanghai one day, so what?" Lu Ming shook his head with a wry smile.

"Then..." Huang Yanning was also speechless.

"Success and fame may be a lifelong pursuit for others, but it doesn't attract me at all. Even if I don't do anything, as long as I am not the kind of prodigal who throws money into the Huangpu River all day long, I will not worry about money in my life. "Lu Ming's mentality is not typical among the rich second generation in the Republic of China. The typical one is to spend time, drink, and eat nonsense.

There are also a small number of rich second generations who participated in the revolution, were baptized ideologically, and after growing up with family resources, they gradually became pillars of society, pointing the country and stimulating writing.

Huang Yanning probably hoped to see Lu Ming embark on such a path. The way soldiers serve the country is to kill the enemy and protect the country. People like Lu Ming naturally take the road of saving the country through industry.

Soldiers from the Whampoa Military Academy have received an idealistic education. It is their value to make the best use of their talents and resources. However, in troubled times, they can only be alone.

"A person does not seek fame and fortune, but must make some contributions to society, so as to reflect his existence value." Huang Yanning said frankly.

"I like being a detective. I want to be happy on my own, and not be assigned or controlled by others. Even if I don't accomplish anything, just treat it as an adult's play." Lu Ming said with a wry smile.

When it came to money, Lu Ming could only smile wryly. He thought his family was just an ordinary wealthy gentry, but now he knows that his father actually owns 20.00% of the Sheng family's property, and he owns [-]%.

In other words, he and the Yuan family sisters were the major shareholders of Sheng's industry, at least they were millionaires worth millions.

Yuan Mingzhu must not let this matter know, otherwise, she would spend even more unrestrainedly.

Huang Yanning didn't expect that Lu Ming would come up with such a set of fallacies, but ordinary people don't understand the principles of the rich second generation, and it's hard to understand.

All living beings work day and night for nothing but fame and money, some even just to support their families, but Lu Ming doesn't have to do anything, everything is ready-made, and he has such a beautiful fiancée.

This is simply the injustice of heaven.

"Then don't you want to do something?" Huang Yanning asked.

"I also want to be a detective." Lu Ming's words came back.

Huang Yanning was almost pissed off by him, and raised his fist to demonstrate to him. First, the Prime Minister's "the world is for the public" told him that he was playing the piano against the cow.

Lu Ming laughed and said, "I'm just kidding, if I'm not a detective or not, I'm the chief legal counsel of Sheng's Industry.

"Really? Has President Sheng appointed you?" Huang Yanning was even more furious. It's not like this way to pick up cheap, it's too easy.

"Well, President Sheng made an official document for the determination of the world the day before, and he needs to tie it to me with a rope." Lu Ming still had a playful smile when he said this, showing no seriousness.

Huang Yanning put the wine bowl on the table, staring at Lu Ming.

As the Chief Legal Counsel of Sheng's Industry, anyone with a bit of a brain knows that the salary for this position is quite generous, and it belongs to the top golden collar in Shanghai.

It actually fell on Lu Ming's head so easily, and he said he was forced.

Huang Yanning really believed it, because it was impossible for Lu Ming to fight for this position. If it weren't for such a big incident in the Sheng family, and the fact that Sheng Di colluded with the Japanese was exposed, Lu Ming might really have declined.

"Do you know what I want to do now?" Huang Yanning asked, gearing up.

"What do you want to do?" Lu Ming raised his body and asked.

"I want to strangle you to death." After Huang Yanning finished speaking, she laughed first.

Then the two talked about the injustice of the world, and they both suspected that God was either blind or asleep, and each joked.

"By the way, what are you going to do with Mr. Sheng?" Huang Yanning asked in a low voice.

"I don't know. I have no jurisdiction. This is not a legal dispute, but a family dispute." Lu Ming smiled wryly.

"Chairman Sheng is hesitant, won't he let him go? If that's the case, I feel that it's too worthless to work for you." Huang Yanning said.

"It's impossible to let it go, but how to do it is also a difficult problem. Only when you are in it will you feel how difficult it is." Lu Ming sighed.

"Then what if you can make a decision?" Huang Yanning asked unwillingly.

"Then...he has to be killed. It doesn't matter whether he betrayed his family or his relatives, but his unforgivable crime is that he betrayed his own country. If this kind of person can be forgiven, then is it a hero and martyr? Everyone deserves to die." Lu Ming said firmly.

"Okay, here's a toast for your attitude." Huang Yanning raised his wine bowl again and said.

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