sea ​​situation

Chapter 211 Going Astray

"My uncle won't agree to the Japanese meddling in Sheng's property, you know that too." Sheng Di said helplessly.

"We won't show up, we will only help you in secret. No matter what you need, we will provide it unconditionally. There are people you want, and you have money. All of this is nothing to worry about." Xiaolin Yingji said triumphantly.

"What do you need me to do in return after that?" Sheng Di asked.

"We don't ask you to do anything. The only requirement is that you lead Sheng's Industry to cooperate with us in an all-round way. This is actually what others can only wish for."

"This is the only condition?" Sheng Di asked again.

"The only thing, there are no additional conditions. My word is a guarantee." Kobayashi Yingji's tone was very firm.

"One thing I don't understand. Since we are going to talk about business cooperation, why is it not officials from the Ministry of Tibet, people from Sumitomo, and Mitsubishi that are talking to me, but Mr. Hidekichi Kobayashi, you are a big man in the military." Sheng Di asked again.

"That's because the people from the Ministry of Tibetan Affairs, Sumitomo, and Mitsubishi are not reliable enough. They are more or less connected with Sheng Gong. If you let them come forward, Sheng Gong may know the details tonight. You don't want this to happen. Let's make a situation."

Sheng Di nodded, no matter whether he cooperates with the Japanese or not, he doesn't want his uncle to know about this ridiculous life in Japan.

"Please give me a few days. In principle, I agree to cooperate, but I need to seriously consider some details." Sheng Di said.

"Yes, you can take as long as you need, as long as you give me an accurate answer before leaving Japan." Hideki Kobayashi showed an unfathomable smile on his face.

Sheng Di felt a little nervous when he heard this. What is the plan of Kobayashi Yingji, a military giant?

With a guilty conscience, Sheng Di heard the overtones.What Hideyoshi Kobayashi said seems to contain this meaning, give you time to think about it, if you don't agree, you can't leave Japan and return to your country.

Sheng Di didn't spend a few days. After returning home, he only thought about it for one night. Early the next morning, he gave Kobayashi Yingji a clear answer: he agreed with Kobayashi Yingji's plan, and the Japanese helped him win the entire inheritance of the Sheng family property. , he is responsible for business cooperation with Japan.

However, Sheng Di put forward a condition. The premise of cooperation is that uncle Sheng Youde and sister Sheng Muyi must not be hurt.The Japanese agreed, and a celebration banquet was held that night for this purpose.

Half of Sheng Di's agreement to cooperate is because he is afraid. He thinks that if he does not agree, he may be involved in a car accident in Tokyo, which is much easier than creating the Huanggutun incident.

For Kobayashi Yingji, it's like snot dripping into his mouth, it's too simple.

The other half is out of greed, he really wants to get all the inheritance rights of the family.How could Lu Ming be entitled to have more family shares than he got? Yuan Ziyuan is his fiancée, and she can take as much as she wants. What right does Yuan Mingzhu have to divide the family property?

Of course, he will not treat his uncle and Mu Yi badly. He is going to leave enough pension money for them to buy another luxury villa in the Alps for them to spend their old age in the sun.

A month later, he arrived in Dalian by boat, and then met some senior generals of the Kwantung Army and the president of the Manchuria Railway Company. He communicated with these people for a few days and formulated a detailed cooperation plan.

When he took the train back to Shanghai, two people accompanied him to Shanghai. One was Seishiro Ozawa who was later captured by Lu Ming. He would be responsible for the overall cooperation with Sheng Di in Shanghai, and the other was Ozawa. Yu Yinger, his assistant and mistress.

After returning to Shanghai, Sheng Di tried to expand his power step by step. It happened that Sheng Muyi had no interest in managing the company or doing business, and she wished that Sheng Di could take on more burdens.Sheng Youde didn't think too much about it, it's reasonable for a nephew who is capable to work harder.

Sheng Youde had originally trained Sheng Di as a professional manager, but now his nephew has a positive attitude, which is of course a good thing.

Sheng Di began to introduce the Japanese trained by Ozawa into the Lingering Garden step by step according to the plan discussed with the Japanese, saying that they were his newly recruited bodyguards, responsible for the security of the outer house.

No one doubted him, because this was what he was supposed to do. In addition, these Japanese people had no flaws at all, and there was no trace of them in their accent or work habits.

If he proceeded step by step, then within ten years, he would be able to completely emptied his uncle and obtained all the power of Sheng's property. Unexpectedly, an unexpected incident happened last year, which made all these efforts in vain.

The Kwantung Army's senior combat staff officer Hejian Dazuo took several Kwantung Army officers to visit Shanghai on a special trip, discussed with Sheng Di, and asked for a loan of 400 million yuan.

Sheng Di was taken aback, although 400 million oceans is not an astronomical figure, but why does an officer need so much money?

Colonel Hejian told him a shocking secret.

It turned out that after the Kwantung Army got rid of Lao Zhang, they felt that Xiao Zhang was more difficult to deal with than Lao Zhang. Lao Zhang was just perfunctory and delayed, but Xiao Zhang directly told them not to do so.

The Kwantung Army executives were furious. They felt that the father and son were white-eyed wolves. After enjoying the countless benefits provided by the Kwantung Army, they now refuse to admit their debts.

Therefore, the Kwantung Army is preparing to launch an incident on May NO.1930 next year, that is, in May 20. First, it will capture the North Camp in Shenyang, capture the entire city of Shenyang, and then attack Jilin, Harbin, Qiqihar and other large and medium-sized cities at the same time, and finally wipe out all the Northeast Army. Expel them out and occupy the entire territory of Northeast China.

"Isn't that good? The leaders of your military have assured me that Japan does not want to occupy Chinese land, but only wants to cooperate with China." Sheng Di hesitated.

Although he is not a thing, he thinks it is not possible to pay for the Japanese to invade China and beat the Chinese.

"That's not the case. We're just scaring and expelling him. We won't hurt Xiao Zhang, and all his family property will be returned to him. We won't be greedy for a piece of copper. We will invite Emperor Xuantong to return to the Northeast and establish the Manchukuo. This It's not too much, the Northeast is the hometown of the Manchu people." Mr. He Jian laughed.

"So are you borrowing money for military expenses?" Sheng Di asked.

"No, our Kwantung Army has no shortage of military expenditures. The 400 million yuan is for the construction of the imperial palace for Emperor Xuantong. The future capital of Manchuria is planned to be located in Changchun. Changchun must be built to look like the capital. All these need money. Don't worry, the money I borrowed from you will only be used for city construction and will not be used for military affairs." Colonel Hejian assured.

After He Jian said this, Sheng Di felt much more comfortable. After all, the money he lent was not used for military attacks, but for Xuan Tong, who is also Chinese after all.

As for whether Xiao Zhang is the head of the Northeast or Xuan Tong is the emperor, he doesn't care.

"Manchukuo in the future will definitely be the most prosperous country in Asia, and Changchun will not be much worse than Shanghai, not to mention Harbin, which is also known as the Paris of the Far East. I am willing to pay 12.00% annual interest and use the national tax revenue of Manchukuo as collateral."

Master Hejian took out a contract as he spoke. After seeing it, Sheng Di really borrowed money in the name of Manchukuo, and then used Manchukuo’s national tax revenue as collateral. The annual interest rate of 12.00% is considered high. Ordinary banks issue loans. It's not bad to get an annual interest rate of [-]%.

Although Manchukuo does not actually exist now, Sheng Di believes that as long as the Japanese want to do this, Manchukuo will definitely be established.

Xiao Zhang couldn't be stopped, and neither could the government of the Republic of China. Besides, he didn't plan to plot the land in the Guan, but just wanted to change the owner of the Northeast, which wasn't too much.

Sheng Di thought in a daze like this, and then signed the contract.

He didn't dare to tell his uncle and Mu Yi about it, and of course he couldn't use the Sheng family's money to make a loan.

In order to ensure that the full amount of money arrives on time, he, as the general manager of the Sheng Group, went out to borrow money from some wealthy friends, saying that he wanted to invest in a business with an annual interest rate of [-]%.

The Sheng family has a big business, and none of these friends were worried that Sheng Di would not be able to pay back the money, so they were all willing to lend him. In just two days, he successfully raised 400 million yuan.

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