hold treasure

Chapter 400 Trading

Two hours later, Liu Hua came out of the kitchen in her bathrobe, and the two of them sat across the small dining table and ate together, talking and laughing.

Wang Xiaoliu'er found it very interesting to see Liu Wei's delicate and charming appearance.

Seeing him smirking, Liu Hua knew what he was laughing at, and couldn't help but pretend to give him a blank look, "What are you laughing at?"

"What are you laughing at~"

"You can die and go!"

As Liu Hua spoke, she was a little shy, she gave Wang Xiaoliu'er a blank look, and continued, "You said you were asking someone to do something, and you should thank him, but in the end, you still have someone serve you."

"It's okay for me to serve you, the key is you don't let me."

Wang Xiaoliu'er looked at Liu Wei with a smile, "But to be honest, you are so beautiful."

"of course?"

Liu Hua made no secret of her complacency, and couldn't help raising her eyebrows, "Speak from your heart, me or Feng Nan, who is better?"

"That's different."

Wang Xiaoliuer thought about it and shook his head.

He didn't want to answer this question, and he didn't think it was interesting, because in Wang Xiaoliu'er's view, Feng Nan and Liu Hua were both top-notch figures. It stands to reason that it's normal to want to be the first and second. However, there is still a Mi girl on top of Feng Nan and Liu Hua's heads. With such a little fairy, it is definitely not their turn to be the first or second, so this is meaningless.

Thinking of this, Wang Xiaoliu'er was still a little worried. Miss Mi went back and exchanged Tai'a sword for her mother's freedom. Up to now, there has been no news for some days, and I don't know what happened.

Liu Wei didn't know why, but she still looked at Wang Xiaoliu'er with a smile on her face. She rested her chin on her hand, and didn't eat well, but seemed to be gossiping about Wang Xiaoliu'er and Feng Nan's affairs, "Hey, I heard People say that Feng Nan is shrinking his business recently, it seems that he is short of money and wants to do something big? Is there such a thing?"

Wang Xiaoliuer was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at her, "Why do you know everything?"

"How big is Jiangcheng in total? What do I not know? I also heard people say that Feng Nan has a restaurant under his control, and it is also for sale. I happen to have a friend who has an idea."

Liu Hua pursed her lips, "So, I just asked a question."

"Feng Nan, I want to invest abroad and do some business, and I need to raise money."

Wang Xiaoliuer looked worried, "But, I'm a little worried."

"worry about what?"

"Worry, that's a pit."

After Wang Xiaoliu'er finished speaking, he looked at Liu Hua again, "Do you want to get to know Feng Nan? I can help you get acquainted."

"Hey, if we want to get to know each other, do we still need you?"

Liu Hua burst out laughing, "You don't know what relationship I have with Feng Nan, do you?"


Wang Xiaoliuer was taken aback for a moment, then blinked, "What's the relationship between you two?"

"You really don't know?"

Liu Hua smiled happily, looking very excited.

Wang Xiaoliuer shook his head blankly, "I don't know, you two, what's going on?"

"We used to be together and had sex with each other."

Liu Hua blushed a little and said leisurely.

Wang Xiaoliu'er was startled at the time, she was shocked, "You, what are you talking about? You two?"


Liu Hua smiled, "I don't know about her, do I?"

"You used to be a man?"


"She used to be a man?"



Wang Xiaoliuer blinked his eyes, and then suddenly understood, he turned to the side with a look of disgust, "Huh——"

"Hey what, isn't it normal?"

Liu Hua gave Wang Xiaoliu'er a white look, "Feng Nan and I were in high school, we lived in a dormitory, just the two of us. The relationship between us is good. We sleep together every day, don't you envy me?"

After Liu Hua finished speaking, she curled her lips and sighed, "It's a pity, because of a man, we parted ways."

"A man?"


Liu Wei curled her lips, "A man, a school girl, was transferred from another school. As soon as he came, we both fell in love with him. Because of him, we started arguing. It turned out that the man was not very good. land."

"Just the legendary plastic sisters."

"more or less."

Liu Hua couldn't hold back herself, she giggled, "If you say you turn your back, you turn your back. I was young at that time, and later, when we met again, it didn't matter. We met, greeted, and talked, but usually It’s really not that much of a relationship.”

"At that time, you two should also be powerful figures, right?"

"Not at all."

Liu Wei thought for a while, "A person's life is full of ups and downs, who can say for sure? I was doing well at the time, but she did a dance training. Who knows what she thought later. , also went into the sea, I reckoned, I still held back my energy, and wanted to beat me to death."

After Liu Hua finished speaking, she let out a long sigh, "Fortunately, Jiangcheng is so big, so we don't have any conflicts."

"Then you two, what happened at that time?"

Wang Xiaoliu'er raised one eyebrow, "Did you kiss?"


Liu Wei was immediately amused, and turned to look at Wang Xiaoliu'er, "The two little girls roll around in bed together every day, kissing each other, what's the matter? They were young at the time, and the conditions were not good. A little bit, or else, tsk tsk!"

"Tsk tsk fart!"

Wang Xiaoliu'er heard it interesting, and couldn't help but look at her, "You're quite precocious!"

"What's wrong with that, isn't it normal?"

Liu Hua smiled ambiguously, "Now that I think about it, it's quite interesting."

"Then do you still like women now?"

"Why not?"

Liu Hua's rhetorical question stopped Wang Xiaoliu'er. Wang Xiaoliu'er tilted her body and continued to look up and down.

"I may be special. I like both men and women. However, men are not very good, and I look down on them a little bit. Women are okay."


"Why, can't you?"

Liu Hua continued to giggle there, "When I was a child, I figured it out. One day, sooner or later, I have to get mixed up. When I get up, I will trample all the men in the world under my feet."

"You want to be queen."

"That's not how!"

"Unfortunately, in the end, it was still folded."

Wang Xiaoliuer glanced at Liu Wei quietly, "I thought well, but unfortunately the conditions don't allow it! You are so capable, but you still couldn't stand it in the end, and you knelt down."

"Isn't that because I met you?"

Liu Hua blushed, "Aren't you proud now?"

"I do not have it!"

"Nothing, your pride is written all over your face!"


Wang Xiaoliu'er smiled ambiguously, "This matter is also very interesting, what does this mean? It means that I still have some ability!"

"Your ability has grown! Isn't that a little bit of ability!"

Liu Wei glanced at Wang Xiaoliu'er shyly, and then continued, "At such a young age, I have achieved today's achievements. No matter where I put it, I can definitely be regarded as a potential stock. What's more, in the past Your current medical skills and supernatural powers, in today's world, as long as you don't kill yourself, I'm afraid, you will be able to walk sideways in society in the future."

After Liu Wei finished speaking, she looked at Wang Xiaoliu'er with a smile, "He has a pretty face, a good figure, he is fierce, and he can tease people, but any woman, I guess, can't get past you. One off."

"Am I as good as you say?"

Wang Xiaoliu'er pouted, "You put a high hat on me, it's useless, you know?"

"What I said is the truth."

After Liu Wei finished speaking, she glanced at Wang Xiaoliu'er again, "Actually, women are difficult to serve, but they are also easy to serve. As long as you have the right temper and satisfy her, it's not a big problem. If she is satisfied, she will satisfy you, it's a good deal."

"It's like a business."

"It's almost the same."

Liu Wei raised her eyebrows again, "Things in business and love are essentially the same. Many things are not difficult to understand a person's mind and prescribe the right medicine."

Wang Xiaoliuer thought about Liu Hua's words, nodded, and then raised her eyelids to look at Liu Hua, "Then, what's on your mind?"


Liu Hua was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing, "My ambition is to be number one in the world."

"What the hell?"

"My ambition is to be number one in the world."

Liu Hua smiled and said, "I want to be the world's most beautiful woman, the world's richest man, and the world's number one magician."

"I'm telling the truth."

Wang Xiaoliu'er curled her lips, "It's not a problem to have great ambitions, but let's have some ideas, so don't go too far. And haven't you heard a saying that men conquer women by conquering the world, and women conquer men by conquering the world?" conquer the world."

"It's so boring for you to say that."

Liu Hua's eyelids drooped, "If I followed what you said, I would have been the richest man in Jiangcheng."


"You know, before, the richest man in Jiangcheng chased me for several years, but I ignored him."

"That's normal."

Wang Xiaoliu'er didn't have the slightest doubt about this, and if he didn't say anything else, just Liu Wei's figure, appearance, and vigor, a man couldn't stand it, so let's not say anything else.

"Hey, then I don't understand one thing."

Wang Xiaoliu'er turned to look at Liu Wei, "Then, such a man, very good, can't even catch up with you, why are you..."

"Why are you so nice to you, huh?"


"Have you been curious for a long time?"

"I can't figure it out."

"how to say."

Liu Hua thought about it, "The matter between men and women is complicated, but also very complicated. Simple, it's also very simple. Is it normal to like it when you see it right? Is it normal? Is it possible that you have never had it? That kind of feeling? When I see a woman, my heart beats and I can't help but imagine it!"

Wang Xiaoliuer looked at her curiously, "When I saw you, it was the same, but not the same."

"What's the difference?"

"I'm a bit afraid to look at it."

Wang Xiaoliuer gave a dry cough.

"Not only did I not dare to look at it, but I even blushed after looking at it."

Liu Hua grinned, her eyes curled together.

Wang Xiaoliuer was taken aback by the words, "How do you know?"

"I'm blind, I can't see!"

After Liu Hua finished speaking, she gave him a shy look, "At that time, I was thinking, this kid is quite funny, but later I found out that I seem to be played by others! You little guy, you are not Not some innocent little boy, you..."

Liu Hua paused for a moment, "It's just a fierce tiger. It looks harmless to humans and animals, but when it's powerful, it's also scary."

"Did I scare you?"

"Why didn't you get scared?"

Liu Hua gave Wang Xiaoliu'er a white look with a smile again, "I have to say, the first time, I was impulsive and couldn't control it, which is normal, but after that, I felt more and more, you boy, you are really Yes, you are strong enough, handsome enough, and a potential stock, I really like you a little bit."

"Are you going to date me?"

"Absolutely not."

Liu Hua giggled, "I just like it a little bit, and you don't have to be too smug! But to be honest, if one day, you become famous, I can hope that you can give me a hand."

"If I become famous, I will definitely get you away."

Wang Xiaoliu'er smiled, "I can't bear to leave such a good girl to others."

"Go away!"

Liu Hua scolded with a smile, "Say you're fat, you're still out of breath, let's beat you!"

"Yo, what you said is really dissatisfied!"

"Why don't you agree?"

"Don't accept it?"

"Hey, then, if you want to say that, I'm convinced!"

Liu Hua's face was flushed red, "Can't I accept it?"

"Kneel down."


Liu Hua slapped Wang Xiaoliu'er on the arm, smiling, and Wang Xiaoliuer hurriedly dodged for a while, also smiling.

"By the way, I remembered one more thing."

Liu Hua looked at Wang Xiaoliu'er hesitantly, "Do you still have the elixir you gave me last time?"

"Yes, why?"

"Can you sell another one?"

"Not for sale."

"Sell one!"

"Give it away, but don't sell it."

"Then give me one!"

"You're awesome and look down on others, why send you?"

Wang Xiaoliu'er turned his mouth away, and that awesomeness also came up.

Liu Wei was thinking about it with her little red face, and on the side, she couldn't help pursing her lips and laughing, "You are so powerful, why do you have to make people kneel down to you?"

"Am I not worthy?"

"Go aside."

Liu Hua pretended not to be happy, but after thinking about it, she couldn't help but look at Wang Xiaoliu'er.

She stood up, walked to one side of the bookshelf, rummaged through it for a long time, found a small brown paper bag, brought it over and put it on the table, then turned to one side and sat on the side, resting her cheek in her hand Said, "I don't take yours for nothing, I'll give you this in exchange!"

Wang Xiaoliuer was taken aback, then turned to look at the booklet, "What is this?"

"The thing from the ghost gate is considered a treasure."

Liu Hua pressed her hands down, not showing to Wang Xiaoliu'er, "Do you want to change?"

"Then let me take a look first!"

"You die!"

Liu Hua was so angry that she said, "Who doesn't know that you have a photographic memory. After you read it, can you exchange it with me?"

"Then you have to let me know what's in here!"

"Then I'll let you take a look."

After thinking about it, Liu Hua opened the cover, then took out an old booklet from inside, opened a page lightly by herself, and let Wang Xiaoliuer read it.

Wang Xiaoliu'er turned her head to take a look while holding the rice bowl, and was immediately attracted, "This is?"

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