hold treasure

第398章 3清4御5方5老

"What do you mean not holding back something good?"

Li Wei laughed and scolded, "You made me say this, as if I could cheat you!"

"Whether it's a pit or not, I feel strange. Look, it's late at night, in the wilderness."

Wang Xiaoliu'er pointed around, then leaned closer to Li Wei, "What do you want to do?"

"Why don't you know?"

Li Wei was still smiling, and moved closer to Wang Xiaoliu'er. Wang Xiaoliu'er looked like a bright mirror in his heart, but curled his lips, didn't speak, and looked at Li Wei with a bit of playfulness on his face.

"What's your expression?"

Li Wei couldn't help giggling.

Wang Xiaoliu'er didn't speak, but still looked at her with a smile.

Li Wei was not reserved either. She curled her mouth and leaned against Wang Xiaoliuer. She even patted her black stockings and sighed, "Look at you, when you employ people, it's not like this." Attitude!"

"Then I can't be more reserved, I will do whatever you say."

As Wang Xiaoliuer said, he straightened his body slightly, "Hey, speaking of this, I still want to ask you, I have a friend who said he wanted to go to the south to do jade business, do you think this matter is reliable No?"

"Is it a mine or a processing? Or gambling?"

"It's a mine."

"There are basically no mines in the local area. Some types of mines are basically in the md's side now. Is he going to invest abroad?"


Wang Xiaoliuer nodded.

Li Wei thought about it, then shook her head, "I think it's a bit wrong."


"The situation over there is different from that in China. It's more chaotic. One has the final say today, and another will have the final say tomorrow. You are a foreigner and set up a mine in that place. You should understand when this company has the final say today. Well, tomorrow he is stepping down, and when the new boss takes the stage, he has to hold you back. Who can bear that? The people over there, I have contacted, are quite honest in China, and once they go back, they will turn their backs if they say they will."

"It is said that it is a business with a son of a high-ranking official's family, and it is guaranteed."

"Come on."

Li Wei chuckled, "If he wants to have that background, he can't get it in China? Go abroad? No matter how deep your background in China is, what is it if you go abroad? Who knows you? Don't let people deceive you." !"

Li Wei raised her eyebrows, "Who are you talking about?"

"a friend."

Wang Xiaoliuer sighed, "Actually, I don't really support her, but there is no way, that girl is very stubborn."

"Is that Feng Nan's name?"


"That's normal."

Li Wei pursed her lips, "He researched this matter by himself, or someone else took the lead. If someone else took the lead, I think we should investigate that person first. After the investigation is clear, we can talk about it after knowing the basics."

"Well, let me remind her."

After Wang Xiaoliuer finished speaking, Li Wei opened the door and got out of the car. Wang Xiaoliuer saw it and opened the door to get out of the car too.

But he didn't want to, as soon as Li Wei went there, he opened the door at the back and went to the rear compartment. Wang Xiaoliuer blinked and saw Li Wei waved to him, and then opened the door and passed.

Li Wei moved closer to Wang Xiaoliu'er, and sat side by side with Wang Xiaoliu'er, the back was quite spacious.

"Don't mention her. I haven't seen her for so long. Do you miss me?"

Li Wei looked at Wang Xiaoliu'er with a grin.

Wang Xiaoliu'er pouted, "It's okay."

"You've got it, you, you're just stubborn!"

As Li Wei said, she twisted her body and leaned forward directly. Wang Xiaoliuer was not polite, seeing Li Wei's initiative, she also went forward to meet her.

Wang Xiaoliu'er is no longer a fledgling kid. Now, he is deep, reserved, and a little bully, which is interesting to say. In fact, Li Wei is not a good man, but rather fierce. Yes, but in Wang Xiaoliu'er's hands, Wang Xiaoliu'er still easily handled Li Wei clearly.

Not only did he handle her, but he also made her smile. Invisibly, the friendship between the two became stronger.

In fact, Wang Xiaoliuer and Li Wei's personal relationship is not that much, nothing more than you help me and I help you, and occasionally play together, but Li Wei and her two think each other is pretty good.

What is a friend?

If something really happens, then it's called a friend.

In the second half of the night, there were basically no people to be seen on the Binhai Road, and the two of them huddled together for a long time without being disturbed.

When both of them felt that they were almost done, and were ready to go back, it looked like the time was already working hard in the middle of the night.

Li Wei sent Wang Xiaoliuer home first, and then drove back to the hotel by herself. She was very busy and had many activities planned. Although she was a bit reluctant, Li Wei was a bit like Feng Nan. A woman who puts her career first.

Wang Xiaoliu'er was full of ambition, and she didn't want to get too entangled with Li Wei. After returning home, she took a hot bath comfortably, nestled on the sofa by herself, took a notebook and quickly typed a search bar. Question: Can a human hatch from an egg?

This research has been studied for a long time, aside from some obscure and ridiculous theories, Wang Xiaoliuer discovered that in the existing ancient books, although there were many half-human, half-demon monsters in ancient times For example, Fuxi and Nuwa all shoot human faces, but they are undoubtedly conceived by humans. There are almost no people who are really close to being born from eggshells. If there is, that person must be the great god Pangu.

According to the records in ancient books, it is said that "the heaven and earth are as chaotic as a chicken, and Pangu was born in it." Pangu broke out of his shell, but found that he was born in chaos. He didn't like it, so he opened up the world.

However, the Great God Pangu is the real creator of reality in Chinese civilization, much earlier than Fuxi Nuwa Xuanyuan Shennong, and Wang Xiaoliuer has always felt that the legend of opening the sky to mend the sky is rather ridiculous. After all, Judging from today's scientific research, this world is far from what was imagined in ancient legends.

Wang Xiaoliuer has read many historical classics and read many similar magazines. In his opinion, the real Pangu in history may be an emperor a long time ago, such as Fuxi People like Nuwa, Shennong and Xuanyuan are called "gods" by later generations, but in fact, there is only one true identity of these characters—they are the real tribal leaders.

There have been many powerful rulers in Chinese historical documents. In ancient books, they are usually called "di". "Emperor" is directly translated into "Emperor of Heaven", but who is "Emperor of Heaven" and what kind of role is it, few people know.

In fact, as early as in ancient times, there were five people who appeared in the literature and can be called "emperors". These five people are Xuanyuan, Shennong, Zhuanxu, Fuxi, and Shaohao.

In myths and legends, Gonggong and Zhuanxu competed for the title of "Emperor". When they failed, they became angry and smashed into Buzhou Mountain to break the sky pillar, leading to the legend of Nuwa refining stones to mend the sky. The "Emperor" here is Zhuanxu, also known as the Northern Emperor. Zhuan Xu.

Later, Taoism appeared, absorbed the folk beliefs at that time, and created various Taoist gods. Among these great gods, there appeared an important composition called "five directions and five elders".

The true ceiling-level gods of Taoism can be summed up as "Three Qings, Four Imperials, Five Fangs and Five Elders."

The "five parties and five elders" here are the five mentioned above, because Fuxi and Nuwa are almost conjoined, so sometimes Nuwa can also be counted.

Sanqing is the highest god of Taoism, there is no higher one. Some people say "Hongjun Daozu". , in the tw area, there are some people who worship Hongjun for their fame and reputation. In fact, in the eyes of experts, they are all embarrassing themselves.

In fact, Sanqing has also experienced different evolutions in history. At the beginning, the highest god of Taoism was only one "Taishang Laojun", that is, "Tao Patriarch Li Er". Later, in the process of development, some Taoist priests I think that just an old man can't hold people down. In the Jin Dynasty, Ge Hong, an important figure in Taoism, invited Pangu to the Taoist group of gods. From this, Yuanshi Tianzun was born.In fact, according to Taoism, Yuanshi Tianzun and Pangu are one person.In some TV dramas, in order to set off the status of Nuwa, a plot is even arranged. When Nuwa appears, Yuanshi Tianzun will come out to greet her. This is like Pangu standing up when Nuwa comes out.

Of course, you can't scold the author of "Fengshen Yanyi" because of this, because the author of "Fengshen Yanyi" knows what's going on here, and they didn't write this at all in the original work. The strength and status are not very high, because Nuwa is actually a figure who became a saint with the "Three Saints of Huoyun Cave", and her status is probably higher than that of the Twelve Golden Immortals and lower than the Sanqing and the Second Western Saints.

But because most of the people on the Internet who talked about these things learned about them through TV dramas, it is easy to elevate Nuwa's status infinitely. It seems that in some online novels, Nuwa has become a grandson. Grandfather Jun's younger junior sister.

This speechless scene is nothing, it is much more ridiculous than this. In fact, most of these ridiculous plots are added by the screenwriters and directors themselves, just like some versions of " In The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang's "wooden ox and flowing horse" became like a "unicycle", and when he got to the root, he probably suffered from ignorance.

Whether a person is educated or not often does not depend on his academic qualifications, but more often, the mentality of "I am illiterate but I am reasonable" is the culprit.

When you are an illiterate chatting, it is actually easy to find a problem, that is, ignorant people have a common characteristic, that is, they will say what they say very firmly, very sure, and do not leave themselves a way out at all. What might they be doing? Some people saw a statement somewhere, or judged a problem entirely out of their own imagination, and easily came to a conclusion that they thought was unbreakable.

To give a simple example, a TV series was released two years ago, which was about several emperors in the Ming Dynasty. There was a scene in which Zhu Di saw a Zhu Yuanzhang with a "pig kidney" face after the rebellion, and many viewers I just said I couldn't accept it, and said what happened to the crew, how could Zhu Yuanzhang look like this?This is too ugly!Then the debate started.

The core of the debate is one, whether Zhu Yuanzhang has a pig’s kidney face in the portrait, and then casually flipped through it, and saw many people saying that it is impossible for Zhu Yuanzhang to be so ugly, how can people look like this?The portraits of Zhu Yuanzhang are all things left by the Qing Dynasty. They must have been made by the Manchus to vilify Zhu Yuanzhang, just to insult Zhu Yuanzhang. They were all done by "Pockmarked Kang". He has pockmarks on his face, so Zhu Yuanzhang also painted them It's pockmarked!

The results of it?

Later, this incident alarmed many experts and scholars. As a result, after investigation and research, it was found that this portrait may not be the real appearance of Zhu Yuanzhang, but it was not done by Kangxi, nor by people in the Qing Dynasty. , who did this job?

Zhu Di.

Zhu Di is Zhu Yuanzhang's son, why did Zhu Di make his father's portrait like that?

The reason is very simple. You think that Zhu Yuanzhang in the portrait has a shoehorn face, and his face is still full of pockmarks. However, in the "phrenology" at that time, that face shape was called "dragon shape". The "Zizi" is "unspeakably expensive".

Did Zhu Di make his own father look like a shoehorn in order to vilify his own father?

That was to prove that the reason why his father was able to conquer the world and sit on the throne was "born rich" and "predestined".

After studying these things thoroughly, do you feel embarrassed when you look back at the judgments of those people at that time?

Kangxi suffered from smallpox, and I don't know if there are pockmarks on his face, but it is a bit wronged that this shit bowl was placed on Kangxi's head.

Of course, there's no way around that. After all, people who have shit in their hearts look like shit, and that's the reason.

Okay, let's get away.

Among the divine ranks of Taoism, the Sanqing is the ceiling, and the five elders have been roughly introduced. Then, where is the legendary "Jade Emperor" among the gods?

That's right, the Jade Emperor is the "Four Emperors" among the Three Qings and Four Emperors.

The "Four Royals" must be four people, and there is also the saying of "Six Royals", generally there are four.

These four are the Jade Emperor, the Ziwei Emperor, the Gochen Emperor, and the Houtu Emperor Dizhi.

Among them, what we usually say "Huangtian Houtu" refers to the Jade Emperor and Houtian Empress here.

Of course, sometimes, at this level, there are two more.

These two, one is the Antarctic Longevity Emperor, and the other is Taiyi Save the Suffering Tianzun.

The former is also known as Antarctic fairy, Antarctic old birthday star.

As for the latter, most people have never heard of it, but he appeared in "Journey to the West". He is the owner of the "Nine Spirits Yuansheng" who captured Monkey King in seconds in Journey to the West.

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