hold treasure

Chapter 156 Bow

Looking at Yang Mi's small appearance, it's a bit abnormal, Wang Xiaoliu'er looks quite arrogant, "Why do you ask this?"

"What's wrong, you can't even ask for your name? Afraid I'll eat you?"

"My Chinese name is Wang Xiaoliuer."

"Do you still have an English name?"

"My English name is wangxiaoliuer!"


Yang Mi looked at the idiot's eyes, and walked straight to Wang Xiaoliu'er, "Boss Yao told me that you are a genius doctor, but I thought he was bluffing me! When you came in just now, I made rude remarks and provoked you." I got angry, and I'm very sorry for that, please forgive me."

Yang Mi covered her neckline with her hand, and bowed deeply to Wang Xiaoliuer. She said this sincerely, but Wang Xiaoliuer couldn't get it.

Wang Xiaoliu'er blinked her eyes and took a half step back, "It's a small matter."

"Hey, that, that, if I can finish the activities normally tomorrow, I have time in the evening, can I treat you to a light meal?"


Wang Xiaoliu'er saw that Miss Yang's face was flushed and radiant, and felt that there was something wrong with her attitude. He pondered, "Well, when the time comes, how about calling?"

"Well, that's fine too!"

"I'm leaving!"


Ms. Yang waved her hands and smiled sweetly at Wang Xiaoliu'er, who was thrilled as soon as she walked out the door.

Damn, this woman is not easy to mess with, why does she look so greedy!

But Wang Xiaoliuer just thought about it, and didn't take it too seriously, after all, he is a big star, rich, famous and beautiful, when the time comes, it won't be her turn either!

Thinking of this, Wang Xiaoliu'er curled his lips and called Mr. Yao. Mr. Yao and the others are next door. Hearing Wang Xiaoliuer's call, he hurried over, "Brother, how are you?"

"nailed it."

"What? Done?!"


"Miss Yang is not angry anymore?"

"I don't know if I'm angry or not, but I stood up anyway!"


Mr. Yao slapped his hands excitedly, "I, I'll take a look first!"


Wang Xiaoliu'er lightly pushed the door open and went in. Over there, Feng Nan was lying on her side, hugging a pillow in a daze. It could be seen that she was no longer energetic and sleepy.

Wang Xiaoliu'er walked over, and just saw Feng Nan's figure, with a protruding front and a slender middle, lying there, it was very attractive.


With a crisp sound, Wang Xiaoliuer slapped Feng Nan's buttocks. Feng Nan was startled, opened his eyes and saw that it was Wang Xiaoliuer, kicked him angrily, and sat up straight, "It's over!" ?”

"It's over, let's go, go home."

Wang Xiaoliuer pulled Feng Nan's hand, and Feng Nan sat up quickly.

As soon as the two of them left the door, Mr. Yao trotted all the way to keep up with them. He wanted to let them stay for a treat, but both Wang Xiaoliuer and Feng Nan were sleepy and wanted to go home to sleep. Mr. Yao It was not easy to persist in my eyes, so I let the two of them go first.

When the two of them got home, it was past three o'clock in the middle of the night. Feng Nan was bluffing a lot at first. After returning home, he took off his coat and plunged into the bed. After a while, he fell into a deep sleep. It was very heavy, Wang Xiaoliuer crept over, washed up, turned off the light, and climbed up, seeing that Feng Nan was fast asleep, smiled ambiguously, and caressed her without thinking too much something else.

I don't know how long I slept this time. When Feng Nan woke up, she felt something was wrong. She opened her eyes, turned her head, and suddenly found that she was lying in Wang Xiaoliuer's bed, giving Wang Xiaoliuer hug from behind!

Her heart skipped a beat, her face turned pale with fright, but she soon realized that she was still wearing pajamas, and she seemed to be fine, so she let out a long sigh of relief.

"Damn stuff!"

Feng Nan pinched Wang Xiaoliu'er on the back of her hand, pinched Wang Xiaoliu'er and screamed, and quickly let go of her arm, Feng Nan took advantage of the situation and slapped Wang Xiaoliu'er hard , Look at Wang Xiaoliu'er again, rubbing the back of his hand while smacking his mouth, he doesn't want to wake up at all.

Feng Nan saw it, angry and funny, tilted her body, and fell to the ground. When she came out of the bedroom, she saw that the room was as clean as a mirror, and the little girl was sitting cross-legged on the carpet under the coffee table, playing games biubiubiu !

When she saw Feng Nan, she raised her face, bared her teeth, and smirked. Feng Nan made a silent gesture with her, went to take a bath, dressed up, changed clothes, and dressed up a little. It was already noon.

Turn on the phone, turn it on, good guy, the calls come one after another, and everyone thinks that Feng Nan is missing.

Feng Nan was really busy, and answered a few calls on important matters, but couldn't bear it anymore, so he had to go back to the company to deal with important matters, so he packed up and went to talk to Wang Xiaoliuer, but he opened the door and walked in. I saw Wang Xiaoliuer rubbing his sleepy eyes and got up, and the two walked across each other, Feng Nan stared at him habitually, Wang Xiaoliuer was not used to it, and hugged Feng Nan's With a small waist, he was about to kiss her when he went up, but he didn't want Feng Nan to react so quickly, the thief smiled and blocked it with the palm of his hand, and it was blocked again!

He stopped and said nothing, but pursed his lips, triumphantly, with his small appearance, he loved and hated Wang Xiaoliu'er, and he really hated himself for not taking advantage of her to sleep last night and directly pinning her down in the room. It's solid!

"Don't keep messing with me, can you? I'm going to work!"

"Why, before going to work, you can't even kiss on the mouth?"

"Nonsense! What are you thinking about! This girl is the one you can kiss if you want?"

After Feng Nan finished speaking, she pinched her hand, causing Wang Xiaoliuer to step back. At this moment, the phone rang again.

She stepped forward, pretended to kick Wang Xiaoliu, and quickly took out her mobile phone. When she saw the number, Feng Nan immediately froze, "Hey, don't make trouble!"

"what happened?"

"The ones from the police station probably let us go there."

Feng Nan answered the phone, went outside, and came back about 5 minutes later, "Look at what I said? It must be something."

"It's still because of last time."

"Isn't it?"

The two discussed it, and decided to go there first to solve the matter thoroughly, so they went to the police station first. Feng Nan had acquaintances here, and after entering, he went to find friends first. Wang Xiaoliuer sat in the police station. Looking around in the office, I saw a man, not too tall and very thin, sitting in the corner of the diagonal.

He drooped his head, his eyes were empty, and he didn't even glance at the people passing by. His posture seemed to be a little bit dead.

"Eh? What's the situation with this buddy?"

Wang Xiaoliuer was quite puzzled, and asked a policeman next to him who was handling the case. The policeman had gray hair, and when he heard this, he couldn't help grinning, "Don't talk to him, now, he doesn't bother to talk to you when anyone talks to him."

"What's wrong with this big brother, what's wrong with this?"

"Let the masses become wanted criminals and have been arrested four times, and you have been arrested and beaten again. If it were you, wouldn't you be making trouble?"

"I guess, is it true or not?"

"If you don't believe me, look."

The uncle handed Wang Xiaoliu'er a wanted warrant, Wang Xiaoliu'er looked at the photo, then at the person, "I'll go, it really looks like it!"

"It's almost the same."

"Is there anyone like this in the world?"

"Who knows then."

"Isn't it my long-lost brother?"

"You ask him."

"forget it."

Wang Xiaoliu'er thought this was very interesting, and smiled, a policeman came out from over there, said a few words to the unlucky guy, and the guy got up and left, and he followed him all the way, sending him away with good words of comfort Only then turned around and came back.

He stretched out his hand and shook Wang Xiaoliuer's hand, "Mr. Wang, right?"


"There are a few things that I need to check with you. Please wait for a while, and the person will be here soon."



As soon as the police finished speaking, a woman in black came in outside. The woman put her hands in her pockets and was wearing casual clothes. As soon as she came in, she saw Wang Xiaoliuer.

"Hey, sister, you're here."


The woman nodded, and walked in front of Wang Xiaoliuer, she took out her certificate, and shook it with Wang Xiaoliuer, because the speed was very fast, and Wang Xiaoliuer didn't pay much attention to it, so she could only vaguely see the words on it. A so-called investigation bureau, anyway, looks mysterious.

"You are Wang Xiaoliuer, right? Let me check a few things with you."

"Well, you said."

"I heard that you captured Wang Luoguoer, is it true?"

"You mean the hunchback?"


"That is."

Wang Xiaoliu'er scratched his face, "He's a bad guy, right? It's not illegal to catch bad guys."

"If you don't break the law, you still have merit. I'm going to tell you about the bounty check."

The woman pouted, "However, I'm curious, how did you catch him?"

"I fought with him, he never fought, it's as simple as that."

"Did he take the initiative to fight with you?"

"No, I dug a monster out of the ground and fought with that monster first. He saw that the monster was going to be killed by me, so he rushed out, and then we fought again."

"The monster in the ground? Is it the four-handed King Kong corpse?"

"Vajra Corpse?"

Wang Xiaoliu'er looked confused, "I don't know what that is."

"Then how did you find him?"

"Feng Shui."

Wang Xiaoliu'er blinked slowly, "I have a friend who got worms. I suspect that person did it. We found his place, but we didn't see anyone. I thought it was strange at the time. Curious why he lived there, I took a look. As a result, I found something wrong with that place, so I analyzed it, and finally clicked an acupuncture point, and found that the place I was concerned about happened to have an iron chain under the chain. , just chained that monster. If the prediction is correct, that place, as you just said, should really be a legendary place for raising corpses."

"You seem to know a lot about these things."

"No, I just know a little bit about it."

"Are you a warlock?"


Wang Xiaoliuer waved his hand, "I am nothing."


The corner of the woman's mouth curled up, she leaned back and raised her legs, "You can't be an ordinary person."


"An ordinary person has no way to defeat that guy, let alone fight back and forth with a vajra corpse."

"Not necessarily."

"I'm afraid you don't know the identity of Wang Luoguo."

The woman blinked her eyes slowly, "This man has done a lot of evil. He committed a lot of crimes outside the country before. Later, because of the uneven distribution of spoils, he turned against the people in their gang. According to our understanding, he died in recent years. There are at least [-] people under him. In the territory, it is clear that there are more than a dozen. Judging from his strength and level, let alone an ordinary person, even if he is a master. Moreover, according to our analysis, he hides and refines the corpse, but he is still rushing to get revenge. Even if the diamond corpse may not be able to achieve greatness due to various reasons, I also think that this Judging from the understanding of this kind of thing, this thing is also extraordinary."

"That thing is indeed very powerful. It is fast, powerful, and has rough skin and thick flesh."

"How did you kill it?"

"I, I can't remember much."

"Do something?"


Wang Xiaoliu'er scratched her face, "At that time, I was in a semi-conscious state. Now that I think about it, I can't even remember how I did it."

"Can you defeat him in a semi-conscious state?"

"Well, it may be, somewhere, it has its own destiny."

Wang Xiaoliu'er smiled foolishly, the woman curled her lips, the woman looked Wang Xiaoliu'er up and down, and suddenly smiled secretly, "Whoosh!"


With a crisp sound, the ballpoint pen in her hand shot at Wang Xiaoliu'er like an arrow off the string, Wang Xiaoliu'er didn't hide, she stretched out her hand subconsciously, and grabbed the ballpoint pen in her hand.

He frowned, and looked at the woman a little angrily. The woman curled her mouth, "Not bad."



The woman snorted coldly, turned around and whispered a few words to the policeman, then turned and left. The policeman quickly came up and patted Wang Xiaoliuer, "Don't mind, she's just like that! I think you're lying and want to try try you."


Wang Xiaoliu'er was obviously resentful, stood up, and wanted to leave, but at this time, two men in black came over, "I'm sorry, sir, there is still something that needs your cooperation in the investigation."

"What else?"

"You'll find out soon."

The two couldn't help but talk, and they left with Wang Xiaoliu'er in their arms. Wang Xiaoliuer was brought to the vicinity of the basketball court with a helpless expression. Then, the woman in black was already standing there. Standing about 30 meters away from Wang Xiaoliu'er with a compound bow, Wang Xiaoliu'er saw that something was wrong, turned around and ran away, who knew that the two men were so strong that they killed him at once. Back to the frame.

"In my life, I hate people lying to me the most."

The woman drew out an arrow, "I'll give you one last chance. To be honest, how did that vajra corpse die?"

"I didn't lie, I was beaten to death."

"Do you know how fast that thing is?"

The woman stretched her bow and set her arrow, pulled the bowstring, and aimed directly at Wang Xiaoliuer.

When Wang Xiaoliuer saw it, he was startled, "Hey, what are you doing!"


The woman smiled charmingly, "Let me try, are you lying?"



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