Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 96 Tracking

Lin Xiaohu was waiting outside, Hua Zhenghao was driving, and he was sitting in the co-pilot.

When Yao Yuan got into the car, Lin Xiaohu said, "Awei went to Tiange Police Station early in the morning."

"Go and see."

Hua Zhenghao hurriedly drove towards the Tiange police station.

When passing through the delta intersection, Yao Yuan took a special look at the heavy-duty trucks parked in front of various restaurants, many of them were transporting iron ore.The car going to Longcheng Iron and Steel Works also passes through here, and then goes west. After passing through Xihai County, continue westward along the national highway for nearly [-] kilometers to Longcheng Iron and Steel Works.

In one day, if it goes well, the iron ore wharf-Longcheng Iron and Steel Plant route can run back and forth twice.

The black Crown car was parked in front of the Tiange police station, Yao Yuan didn't get out of the car, and let Lin Xiaohu go in to see the situation.

Not long after, Lin Xiaohu turned around and came out, got into the car and reported, "They demanded that everyone be fined 5000 yuan. Ah Wei asked me to ask you what to do."

Yao Yuan thought for a while, smiled, and said, "I used Fei Wei as a cash machine, let him hand it over, let him get out first."

"it is good."

Lin Xiaohu hurried over.

In the case of dozens of people, it means that this is a fine of more than [-] yuan.

The Jiefang brand ca141 truck was also impounded, and it was parked in the yard of the police station. Lin Wei also paid the fine for the car and asked Master Liu and the others to drive away.

After coming out, Lin Wei said distressedly, "13, a month's income is gone."

"What did the police station say?" Yao Yuan asked.

Lin Wei said, "You guessed it right, Tiange Traffic Police Squadron borrowed the place from the police station. They said we were operating without a license, and they didn't recognize the business license of BMW Machinery."

"Arrogant enough, okay, let's get here first, you go and do your work." Yao Yuan said, looking at Lin Wei who was wearing a white short-sleeved shirt, black trousers and leather shoes.

Lin Wei hesitated and said, "Then what should we do, the maintenance team now has more than 30 people, we can't just be idle like this."

"Didn't you collect a lot of old cars and old machinery from Xilin Farm, let them prepare and practice their hands." Yao Yuan said.

"Okay, then I'll go back."

Lin Wei walked away in a hurry.

After waiting for a while, Yao Yuan asked Hua Zhenghao to follow Lin Wei far away.

Lin Wei dressed up specially today, and now his mind is full of Qiu Xiaomei and the next meeting with Qiu Xiaomei's family.

When the black crown car drove into the compound of Xilin Farm, it attracted everyone's attention, and the guard subconsciously stood at attention and saluted.

In everyone's concept, [-]% of the people sitting in the car are big leaders.

Lin Wei got out of the car and wanted to go upstairs to find Qiu Xiaomei, but suddenly remembered something, stood by the car and said to himself, "Xiaomei told me to wait by the car and not go upstairs, um, I'll call her office Telephone."

He took out his mobile phone and made a phone call.

This scene immediately attracted attention, and some rushed to report to the leaders.

Driving a limousine and holding a mobile phone, this is no longer a leader, but a big boss.

Every once in a while, Qiu Xiaomei would turn to the corridor and look at the gate of the compound. After seeing the car coming in from a distance, she went back to the office and sat down, pretending to be calm and working.

The office phone rang, a colleague picked it up, and said, "Xiaomei, I'm looking for you."

"Oh." Qiu Xiaomei pretended to be very busy, pretended to sort out the list on the case, and then got up to answer the phone.

"Hey, Awei, I'm busy. You're here? Why don't you wait, I'll be busy with work first, and I'll ask the section chief for a leave of absence before I can leave. Mmmmmm, you can wait."

Qiu Xiaomei put on a work-oriented look, hung up the phone, and smiled at her colleagues.

She didn't say this casually, because she saw the section chief just walking in from the door, she was facing sideways, so she deliberately raised her voice.

The chief cashier, He Hong, is a plump mature woman in her 30s who likes to wear tight clothes. Her already uneven figure has become even more eye-catching.The appearance belongs to the upper-middle level, but the body has a lot of points.

"Xiaomei, there is a handsome guy who drives a crown car, is he here to look for you?" He Hong asked with a smile.

Qiu Xiaomei thought to herself, Lin Wei is so handsome as a pig?

Of course, everything depends on the crown car that is said to sell for 80 yuan.

"Sister He, she is a friend." Qiu Xiaomei said with a smile.

He Hong said, "Then hurry up, people are waiting."

"I'll make the report first." Qiu Xiaomei said, sat down and continued to work.

He Hong walked over and said with a smile on her face, "You have a big heart to let such a big boss bask in the sun below. Don't be too busy, go quickly."

"Then, Sister He, I'm going to ask for leave today. Awei said that he's going to the city to visit department stores and buy air conditioners, TVs, washing machines, and refrigerators." Qiu Xiaomei said as calmly as possible.

The ears of several colleagues were all pricked up, and the girl sitting next to the phone said enviously, "Buy four major appliances in one go, Xiaomei, you have something to do!"

"Yes, yes, air conditioner, TV, washing machine, and refrigerator are the four most popular wedding items. Be honest, are you ready to do something good?" A colleague asked with a smile.

Qiu Xiaomei shook her head slightly, and explained while packing her things, "No, no, it's really just an ordinary friend. I went shopping with him. He doesn't care much about these things. I usually pay more attention to it. Give him some advice."

"Sooner or later, sooner or later is yours. I really envy you, Xiaomei, you are married to a wealthy family." He Hong smiled and said, "Go, don't make people wait for a long time, this big sun."

Qiu Xiaomei walked slowly through the car door with a small bag on her shoulders, and went downstairs, her walking speed was slower than usual.Along the way, I warmly greeted the colleagues I met, and I was a little less cold than usual.

"Xiaomei is off work?"

"Well, please take half a day off to go out, my friend is waiting below."

"The handsome guy in the crown car is here to pick you up?"

"Well, a friend."

"Such a rich friend is a boyfriend, right?"

"Ha ha."

Having enjoyed the superiority of all the attention, when he arrived at Lin Wei's place, he didn't rush to get in the car, but instead looked for something to talk to Lin Wei.Qiu Xiaomei knew that there were many pairs of eyes upstairs watching secretly, and they were all envious and jealous eyes, which made her feel comfortable.

Lin Wei wiped off his sweat and said, "Xiaomei, let's talk after getting in the car. The weather is too hot, and the car has air conditioning."

In fact, he is embarrassed. There are many people looking at him. He has a thin skin.

Qiu Xiaomei frowned and said, "Didn't I tell you, don't drive in here and wait for me, you see, everyone is watching, and those who don't know think I'm dating you, I can't stand it as a girl Those gossip."

With a height of 1.7 meters [-] and a weight of [-] jins, Fei Wei, in front of the petite Qiu Xiaomei, looks like a tiger whose teeth have been pulled out, or a pig raised in captivity, with a smile on his face, and he keeps nodding and apologizing, "I'm sorry Sorry, I, my memory is not very good, I must pay attention next time."

"Let's go, we're all watching." Qiu Xiaomei walked to the car door, but she couldn't open the door.

Lin Wei didn't notice, and trotted around the rear of the car to get into the car. After waiting for a while, he realized that Qiu Xiaomei hadn't got in the car, and got out of the car quickly, wondering, "Xiaomei, what's wrong?"

Qiu Xiaomei's face turned white and red, "Lin Wei, are you a gentleman, don't you know how to open the door for me?"

"Oh, oh, I'm sorry." Lin Wei hurried over and opened the door to let Qiu Xiaomei get in the car.

The cashier and others who were watching from the office window whispered.

"Qiu Xiaomei is going too far. Do you really think of yourself as a rich lady?"

"That's right, I have to ask someone to help open the door. Those who don't know it may think it's the daughter of a big leader. It's really pretending."

"I'm afraid she can't open the door. She probably has never seen such a high-end car..."

"Hee hee hee……"

The office of Hao Dongchuan, the head of the material section, was on the first floor. He watched the scene coldly. After Lin Wei drove away, he went back to his desk and sat down, picked up the phone and dialed a number, "Vice President Lin? I It's Hao Dongchuan, yes, yes, okay, I'll talk to Mr. Yao."

"Mr. Yao, yes, yes, Mr. Lin is here. Qiu Xiaomei just got into his car and has already left the gate of the compound. Mr. Yao, you are too polite, no matter what, it is my turn to treat you, okay OK, I'll wait for your call."

After hanging up the phone, Hao Dongchuan hummed a little song contentedly.

No one would have imagined that the young man who was still selling electronic watches some time ago has now become a big boss with tens of millions of dollars in foreign trade orders.Hao Dongchuan was glad that he helped Yao Yuan at that time, only because of the relationship between Yu Tieli and Yao Yuan.

I didn't expect this good relationship to be formed, and now it seems that it is probably the most correct thing I have done in these years.

Lin Wei drove to the city, Yao Yuan followed quietly behind.

Until the department store building.

Yao Yuan got off the car and followed from a distance, watching Lin Wei accompany Qiu Xiaomei to choose air conditioners, color TVs, washing machines and refrigerators.

He was so angry that he scolded, "Damn it, he sells electrical appliances at home, so he went off to help his competitors!"

Lin Xiaohu acted like he didn't hear it, but Hua Zhenghao's mouth twitched after hearing it.

If you think that Yao Yuan is angry with Lin Wei, if you join in the scolding, you are very wrong.During this period of time, everyone can also see that what Yao Yuan values ​​most is Lin Wei who often speaks ill at each other, not any of them.

Lin Xiaohu's status is transcendent, because Yao Yuan saved his sister's life, and he does things for Yao Yuan without expecting anything in return.Others are different. Everyone wants to prosper, and there is a stake in it, so we have to be clear about it, and not offend people who shouldn't be offended.

Seeing Lin Wei walking around Qiu Xiaomei like a dog's leg, Yao Yuan became even angrier.

"This bastard doesn't even find a mirror to take a look at his own virtue. Is Qiu Xiaomei looking at his man? If it weren't for the hundreds of thousands of Crown cars driving, and the big brother is holding them, he would be a man." First passer-by! This idiot is mad at me!" Yao Yuan rubbed his chest and gritted his teeth.

The more Hua Zhenghao heard it, the more frightened he became, and he made up his mind that he would never talk to each other, and he would never get involved in the affairs of the two brothers!

Lin Xiaohu analyzed in a deep voice, "If Liu Yaozong is behind Qiu Xiaomei's instigation, his ultimate goal is you, but I don't understand what Qiu Xiaomei's operation means."

Yao Yuan snorted coldly, "Wrapping grass and beating rabbits, it's no wonder that a woman like Qiu Xiaomei doesn't take advantage of her advantage."

He suddenly thought of Fang Xiaohui who had small canine teeth. Inside the cute appearance was a heart quite like a sea king, wrapped in the soul of the green tea girl.

Put yourself on the weak side, kidnap with ambiguous language and distorted moral values, and force men to give money and goods continuously, typical green tea behavior.

Looking at it now, this Qiu Xiaomei is basically of this type, but her level is still unclear.

Lin Wei paid quickly, and called the porters to move the four big pieces down.

It was only at this moment that Yao Yuan realized that he had contacted the truck a long time ago, and after loading the truck, he left in a mighty manner, attracting the attention of many passers-by.

Color TVs are not uncommon, but air conditioners are definitely a rarity. These days, few homes have air conditioners installed, and most of them are used by enterprises and institutions.Not to mention other things, the voltage of ordinary households is not up to the standard, and they can't use it if they want to.

The current air conditioners are all electric tigers, and the power consumption is very considerable.

Yao Yuan and the others followed all the way to the family compound of Xilin Farm in Yuxia District, watching Lin Wei instruct the porters to move the four big pieces on the truck upstairs.

Xilin Farm has a lot of land in Yuxia District, all of which were allocated after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. This is the largest family courtyard not far from the ferry. They all live in three- to five-story buildings. Most of the residents are family members of government officials. In the eyes of the people nearby, Xilin Farm Workers' Family Home is a place where wealthy families live.

The monthly salary of dual-career workers is 700 yuan, and various benefits during the holidays are envied by ordinary citizens and families.

I thought that Lin Wei would go upstairs to meet Qiu Xiaomei's parents, but the development of the matter went in a direction that Yao Yuan didn't want to see...

After Lin Wei and Qiu Xiaomei talked a few words downstairs, Lin Wei got into the car and left in a daze. Qiu Xiaomei stood there watching him leave.

"Fuck, there's no doubt about the green tea, when did Fei Wei go blind?" Yao Yuan raised his forehead with his hand and said with a sigh.

Hua Zhenghao hurriedly asked for instructions, "Mr. Yao, what should we do now, are you still following me?"

Yao Yuan thought for a while and said, "Go back first."

He gets out of the car.

Hua Zhenghao was still hesitating, Lin Xiaohu asked him to drive, and soon after driving out, Lin Xiaohu got out of the car, and Hua Zhenghao drove back to the store.Under normal circumstances, Lin Xiaohu would not leave Yao Yuan easily, he positioned himself as Yao Yuan's bodyguard.

Yao Yuan stood in the corner and watched Qiu Xiaomei, and found that she had neither intention of going upstairs nor going anywhere.

I lit a cigarette and took a few puffs. After waiting for about ten minutes, a man came in on a motorcycle.

Who is not Liu Yaozong?

Yao Yuan saw Qiu Xiaomei get into the car, and Liu Yaozong turned the accelerator and walked out.

Yao Yuan became anxious immediately, he made a mistake, he made a mistake, Hua Zhenghao shouldn't be allowed to drive back.

While I was in a hurry, I saw a man coming out of the compound on a motorcycle. It was a Honda 125 with the back shelf removed.

Hey, it was Chen Jiahao!

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