Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 86 Wan Investment

Wu Sheng and Fan Yiming appeared at the door, just in time to see Zhou Weihong rushing towards Yao Li.

When Yao Li slashed at Zhou Weihong with a kitchen knife, she didn't expect Zhou Weihong to be prepared. She took a big step back and swung the clothes pole at hand.

"Stop!" Wu Sheng yelled, drew out his gun and pointed it at Zhou Weihong.

"Stinky bitch, you are courting death!" Zhou Weihong's eyes turned red, and if he would stop, he was about to hit Yao Li's head.

Wu Sheng shot without hesitation.

When the gunshot rang out, Zhou Weihong was shaken all over, and looked back in astonishment.

Wu Sheng shouted: "Put down your weapon!"

"You hit me?"

Zhou Weihong said in a daze, then suddenly exploded and rushed over holding the clothes pole.

"Bang bang bang..."

Wu Sheng and Fan Yiming fired at the same time, and the bullets rained down on Zhou Weihong. He finally fell down, and blood began to ooze from his body.

Zhou Weihong, who was destined to have no happy endings in his two lives, ended his own life like a sinner, and ended up in a more miserable end than his previous life.

"Control the scene!"

Wu Sheng and others quickly entered the room.

"Comrade Yao Li? Are you okay? We are from the police station, so don't be afraid." Fan Yiming quickly took the kitchen knife from Yao Li's hand.

Yao Li collapsed for a while, staggering.

Fan Yiming asked his subordinates to move a chair out and let Yao Li sit in the corridor outside. He hurried to find a phone to call the bureau to report.

In less than an hour, Zhou Liang received the report.

Zhou Liang immediately instructed: "Comrade Yao Li's safety must be guaranteed, and the public security organs must strike hard and crack down on illegal and criminal acts. I think you, Xihai, must launch a special action to severely crack down on illegal and criminal acts! Your police The government agencies must protect the overall situation of economic construction and be the protectors of the people!"

"What? The perpetrator has a criminal record? Is it an illegal release? It must be dealt with seriously!"

On this one night, under Zhou Liang's strict order, Xihai quickly implemented the instructions and directly arranged Yao Li in the county guest house.They were also planning to go to the sugar factory to take Yao Yuan's parents to the county guest house for protection, fearing that they would be retaliated by criminal accomplices.

This practice was urgently stopped, and Zhou Liang was worried that Yao Yuan might have misunderstood something.

Wu Sheng and Fan Yiming made great contributions and rushed to the scene at a critical moment to rescue Yao Li.The county bureau ordered them to implement 24-hour protection for Yao Li for a period of time in the future until the investigation of the case is over.

This night, Zhou Liang didn't call Yao Yuan again.

He already knew very well that he had to show his sincerity in order to impress Yao Yuan and persuade Yao Yuan to leave Yuanda Trading in Nangang and keep the foreign trade orders worth 300 million US dollars in Nangang.

On the second day, Yao Yuan inspected the industrial zone accompanied by Deputy District Chief Yang. Yang Sheng followed closely. Without orders from his superiors, he could only act in a hurry.

Of course, Hong Jianhong was also by his side. The Luji General Factory had already reached an agreement with Yuanda Trading, and he had received Kroger's foreign trade orders worth more than 300 million US dollars. He was satisfied, and the next thing to do was to keep the fruits of victory.

After a morning tour, Yao Yuan had a very good impression of the Shekou Industrial Zone. This is a hot spot with rapid development, and it is very suitable for enterprises to settle down and build factories in all aspects.

Under Deputy District Chief Yang's repeated questioning, Yao Yuan let go.

He said, "Personally, I am very optimistic about the development of Shekou and Shenzhen. I decided to build a factory in the Shekou Industrial Zone."

As soon as these words came out, Yang Sheng was almost paralyzed.

Deputy District Chief Yang was elated and said repeatedly, "Mr. Yao has a unique vision. I believe that Mr. Yao's business will be as prosperous as our Shekou Industrial Zone! Mr. Yao, there are several machinery factories in our industrial zone. You You can consider transferring some of the orders to them to share the pressure of Yuanda Trading. I am also an older sister, and Yuanda Trading will be under a lot of pressure to complete the order within one year."

Yang Sheng felt that the sky and the earth were spinning, and his eyes turned black.

Luo Hui helped him, and said in a low voice, "Ju Yang, just received a call, our factory has already produced samples, and I have sent people to take the samples to the provincial capital by plane. The exhibition ends tomorrow, you see we are Can't we start selling right away?"

"Don't, don't, don't, don't." Yang Sheng changed his attitude, shook his head and said, "If Mr. Yao finds out, he will definitely run away with Yuanda Trading. Staying in Nangang is a big deal!"

Luo Hui said anxiously, "Ju Yang, you heard it just now. He has decided to build a factory in Shekou. It is a foregone conclusion that Yuanda Trading will leave Nangang. If we don't do it, it will be too late."

Yang Sheng closed his eyes, meditating, slowly opened his eyes, and saw Yao Yuan walking towards the pier among the stars, he said in a deep voice, "Yuanda Trading has reached an agreement with Luji General Factory, but we don't Know the content of the agreement. Mayor Zhou instructed that you should not act rashly until you understand the situation. Mr. Luo, you can start to make preparations here. Once there is no hope here, you will immediately seize the last day of the exhibition to promote vigorously!"

"Okay, Bureau Yang, there's no point in staying here anymore. I'll go back to the provincial capital to preside over this matter myself. He sells it for twenty dollars, and I sell it for ten dollars. I don't believe I can't get the order!" Luo Hui said fiercely. Say.

Yang Sheng nodded slightly, acquiescing to Luo Hui's decision.

After Luo Hui left, Yang Sheng adjusted his mood, and then rushed to catch up, continuing to stay close to Yao Yuan.There is still a chance now. After all, Yao Yuan only made a verbal promise. If the two parties did not sign an agreement for a day, Nangang still has a chance.

However, Yao Yuan quickly reassured him.

Yao Yuan smiled and said to Deputy District Chief Yang, "Grand Trading does not plan to set up a factory in Shekou Industrial Zone. Yuanda Trading does not produce products, but only imports and exports. However, I personally would like to build a garment factory in Shekou Industrial Zone. "

Deputy District Chief Yang was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood, "Garment factory is good, clothing factory is okay."

As long as there is investment, Deputy District Chief Yang doesn't care what kind of factory Yao Yuan builds. On the contrary, garment factories are more popular. Labor-intensive factories can attract a large number of people to the Shekou Industrial Zone.

What is lacking in the Shenzhen market, lack of people, lack of investment.

Along with them, there are more than a dozen large and small entrepreneurs, many of whom are small business owners in Hong Kong, but everyone is centered on Yao Yuan.

After Yao Yuan searched for a while, he locked on a middle-aged man with a beer belly, dressed in a trendy style. There is a small clothing factory in Hong Kong with an annual output value of 80 Hong Kong dollars. For the Shenzhen market, it is A very tasteless type of small boss.

He pointed to the middle-aged man with a beer belly, "Boss Yu."

Yu Yongan immediately squeezed out the crowd and came to the front, smiling so hard that he couldn't see his eyes, "Mr. Yao, Mr. Yao, I'm Yu Yongan, what can Mr. Yao do for you?"

Yao Yuan said to Deputy District Chief Yang, "Leader, I plan to build a joint venture with Mr. Yu Yong'an, with an initial investment of 1000 million Huaxia coins."

As soon as the investment amount came out, the audience was shocked.

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