Yao Yuan's team ran ahead, and Yang Sheng led his men to chase after him.

Yuanda Trade shined brilliantly at the exhibition, with a foreign trade order of 1278 million US dollars, which became the largest order in the import and export exhibition in the past ten years. It was spread to the capital on the same day and attracted great attention.

After learning that it was an enterprise in the province, the relevant departments in the province heard the news and put their unit on line with the enterprises and products that received the order as much as possible, in order to be proud of it.

Yang Sheng was very envious, and thought to himself, how good it would be to be an enterprise in this city. Apart from textile factories in this city, Sanqi Company, which is the most promising company for foreign trade orders, has not received any grains.

When he asked Luo Hui to hurry up and implement the imitation work, a phone call came over.

"Deputy Director Yang, I'm Zhou Liang, I want to ask you, why didn't you report the foreign exchange earned by enterprises in this city of 300 million US dollars? Why did you have to call me, the deputy mayor in charge, to tell me? The business under his hands has earned 300 million US dollars!"

The roar from the other end of the phone made Yang Sheng unable to react for a while.

"Mayor Zhou, is there some misunderstanding? The company that earned 300 million US dollars is the company in the province, not our company..." Before Yang Sheng finished speaking, Luo Hui was winking.

Just before he answered the phone, Gu Tongfang and Wu Zhenghao came to report to Luo Hui with ugly faces after they figured out the situation.

The three whispered not far away.

When Luo Hui knew that Yuanda Trading was a Nangang company, his expression changed.

"Are you sure it's a Nangang company?" Luo Hui's voice trembled.

Wu Zhenghao nodded with difficulty, "Yes, I have found out, it is a sole proprietorship company in Nangang, and it rents all five stores on the first floor of the department store, but I don't know what it is going to do, and I haven't found any other information yet. Just, it seems to be Out of nowhere."

"One of the strange things is that at the beginning we talked with Wal-Mart and Kroger about BMW machinery, but when we signed the contract, it turned into Yuanda Trading. I suspect that the bosses of these two companies are the same person." Gu Tongfang said. Not a word came out.

They know that BMW Machinery is discussing projects with Mitsubishi Motors, but the specific projects are not yet clear.

Luo Hui glanced at the two of them fiercely, and said sarcastically, "You guys have done a good job. The exhibition is almost over, everyone's contract has been signed, and you still don't know the situation of your opponent!"

He turned back immediately, just when Yang Sheng was answering the call from Deputy Mayor Zhou, and when he heard what Yang Sheng said, he immediately winked.

"Mayor Zhou, please wait a moment." Yang Sheng covered the microphone.

Luo Hui quickly said, "Yuanda Trading is a Nangang company. The boss is Yao Yuan. He is a very young guy. He is definitely a Nangang company."

Yang Sheng's lips trembled immediately.

Zhou Liang scolded at the other end, "Yang Sheng, Yang Sheng, let you be stationed in the provincial capital to follow the exhibition and urge the enterprises to earn as much foreign exchange as possible. The exhibition is coming to an end. In addition, there are no new orders. Now a local company has earned 300 million US dollars in foreign exchange! The leaders of the province have shown concern, and our city is kept in the dark! Vice Governor Zhang praised me a lot, but in my heart False! My eyes are darkened and I ask three questions!"

"Mayor Zhou, Mayor Zhou, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't do my job well, and I didn't care enough about the companies below. I'll call the boss of Yuanda Trading to understand the situation, and then I will report to you in detail." Yang Sheng said quickly.

Zhou Liang sneered, "Call the boss of Yuanda Trading over? Yang Sheng, you haven't figured out the situation yet. Do you think he is your subordinate? Does anyone know who you are? Remind me, if Nangang is not interested in such a high-quality private enterprise, the provincial capital would like to invite them to move there."

"Yang Sheng! Let me tell you! If Yuanda Trading is poached, you don't have to come back!"

Long after the busy tone came, Yang Sheng was still holding the microphone in a daze, with his mouth slightly open, as if he had suffered a stroke.

"Director Yang?" Luo Hui called out in a low voice.

After more than ten seconds, Yang Sheng suddenly came back to his senses and jumped up, "Quick! Find out where Yao is...I'll go see him right away!"

The secretary is in a daze, where can I check?

It was Luo Hui who reacted faster and said, "He lives in the Swan Hotel, I'll ask someone to inquire about it right away."

He hurriedly asked Wu Zhenghao to inquire.

Not long after, Wu Zhenghao called from the front desk and said, "Boss Luo! Boss Yao checked out this morning and left. I don't know where he went, but he left a call from the chief financial officer of Yuanda Trade the day before yesterday!"

"Call right away..."

"No, I will fight myself!" Yang Sheng stopped him, "Boss Luo, bring your car over and fight on the way!"

He was in a hurry, terribly anxious, Zhou Liang's tone was very serious, if this matter was not handled well and Yao Yuan ran away with Yuanda Trading, he would be the deputy director.

The group got on two Pajero v33s and ran wildly. Luo Hui's car was a Pajero v33. This is a more advanced model than the v31. The appearance is not much different, but it is equipped with a 3.0v6 engine, which has more power.

So there was a scene where Yang Sheng's phone call came to Brother Lin Wei.

In fact, not only Yang Sheng and his group were chasing Yao Yuan's team.

Not long after Lin Wei hung up on Yang Sheng, another call came from Hong Jianhong, director of Lu Machinery General Factory.

Yao Yuan had to answer the call.

Yao Yuan parked the car on the side of the road, just in time for everyone to take a break, smoke a cigarette, or take a piss.

Lin Xiaohu and others in the car behind came down to let go of their vigilance, and even Wang Ping'an was very vigilant and serious.It is absolutely not an exaggeration to look like a big enemy. Lin Wei carried a whole 100 million cash with him, which is enough for the gangsters within [-] miles to rush over and tear them apart, if anyone knows about it.

"Hello, Director Hong, I'm Yao Yuan." Yao Yuan lit a cigarette and said with a smile.

Hong Jianhong on the other end of the phone said in a respectful tone, "Brother Yao, I ask you to call me brother. Oh yes, speaking of which, we are destined to be friends. Your teacher, Comrade Lin Shuting, is the secretary sent by the Foreign Trade Department of your province. , she is also in the car. That’s right, when I was talking with the Czech Pilsen Machine Tool Factory last time, I had to thank Brother Yao for your help, otherwise we would be caught blind, haha, tell me, are we We are destined to meet you from thousands of miles away.”

Yao Yuan said, "It's just a matter of raising your hands, and Director Hong doesn't have to take it to heart."

Lin Shuting was mentioned, but Yao Yuan still spoke politely with a sense of distance, which made Hong Jianhong feel a little embarrassed.

At this time, Hong Jianhong was also in the car, and he was also heading for Shenzhen City, because he was also chasing Yao Yuan.His intelligence work was meticulous, and when he found out that Yao Yuan was going to inspect the factory in the Shekou Industrial Zone, his first reaction was that Yao Yuan was most likely looking for a cooperative manufacturer.

With an order of 1278 million US dollars and hundreds of thousands of sets of products, Yuanda Trading should not be able to handle it!

Hong Jianhong made a decisive decision. After learning the information at the exhibition site, he immediately set off for Shenzhen City and called Lin Wei after thinking about the plan in the car.

"Brother Yao, I heard that you are going to visit the Shekou Industrial Zone today. I also plan to visit the National Demonstration Industrial Zone. I'm on my way right now. I don't know where you are, brother. Let's go for a walk together? "Hong Jianhong said with a smile.

Yao Yuan said, "I will arrive at Shekou Hotel in an hour. Director Hong, I also feel very honored to have the opportunity to meet with you and talk about the development of domestic industry."

"Brother, I can arrive at the Shekou Hotel in an hour and a half at most. Please wait for 10 minutes, brother. We must have a good chat." Hong Jianhong said very politely.

"Little brother, I will definitely arrange to wait for Director Hong's arrival." Yao Yuan laughed.

Hong Jianhong quickly said, "This is not allowed, this is not allowed, my brother, it must not be possible, you must give the opportunity to the old brother! I must let the old brother take advantage of the precious and precious land to do my part as a brother!"

The tone was firm, as if you would commit suicide by jumping off the building if you didn't agree.

Yao Yuan laughed and said, "Okay, I'll wait for Director Hong in Shekou."

After hanging up the phone, the obsequious smile on Hong Jianhong's face gradually disappeared, and the leader of the department-level enterprise that killed and said decisively came back.

"Hurry up, and arrive at the Shekou Hotel within an hour and a half." Hong Jianhong said blankly.

The driver hesitated for a moment and said, "Director Hong, I'm afraid it's unsafe to go too fast. The road conditions here are not very good."

"We must arrive at the Shekou Hotel within an hour and a half. Secretary Liu, tell the car behind to slow down, safety first, and ensure the safety of Secretary Lin." Hong Jianhong urged.

Secretary Liu, the co-pilot, hurriedly called the car behind.

Immediately, the car in front accelerated and ran wildly, and the driver of the car behind drove more steadily.

In addition to Lin Shuting, the person in the back car was the financial director of Lu Machinery General Factory. The uncle in his early 50s sat drowsy on the co-pilot, while Peng Jiaming, the section chief of the foreign trade department, sat in the back row with Lin Shuting. , Peng Jiaming talked to Lin Shuting from time to time, Lin Shuting was obviously absent-minded.

Finding that the car in front accelerated and left first, Peng Jiaming said, "Master, speed up and keep up."

The master said, "Secretary Liu called. The factory director has to go first if there is an urgent matter. He told me...to drive slowly and ensure everyone's safety."

The master is also a showman. Secretary Liu said on the phone that he must ensure the safety of Lin Translator, but he said to ensure everyone's safety.

When Peng Jiaming heard this, he smiled and said, "Director Hong is too polite. You are guests, but I, the host, should take this into consideration. I'm ashamed."

Both the car and the driver belonged to the Lu Machinery General Factory. Hong Jianhong came here this time, and the two cars went all the way south along the coast. After seeing the situation in various places in the coastal area, they also signed several orders.

The master just smiled and didn't say anything, and said to himself, no one takes you seriously. The reason why Director Hong cares about Translator Lin is because Translator Lin is Boss Yao's teacher. You can't even see this relationship. I really don't know how to be a section chief in the Foreign Trade Department...

In addition to these two groups of big shots, there are still several groups of people who set out from the provincial capital to go to Shenzhen City. Now Yao Yuan seems to be carrying Heshibi (Jade Seal of Chuanguo) in his arms, attracting more and more people to jump on him. ...

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