As soon as he entered the door, Zhong Weiguo smiled and said, "I said, Boss Yao, you are such a big boss who doesn't care about our meal? Governor Zhang and I didn't eat a bite of dinner."

Sitting on the boss chair, Yao Yuan crossed his legs and said, "It's good to be hungry, so as not to do something to fill you up."

He was referring to Sang and Huai.

When choosing a representative to come and talk to Yao Yuan about this matter, several bigwigs in the country had a headache.Zhong Weiguo will definitely come. Although he is only a small director, he has a good relationship with Yao Yuan and can represent the military industry system.

Then there are representatives from the government.

The provincial government of Guangdong Province is very strong, and Vice Governor Zhang must come to see Yao Yuan.Under wrestling, the upper management agreed to Guangdong Province's request instead of being represented by Du Zhiguo or Wang Lincheng who had already returned to China.

Asking Vice Governor Zhang, who represents the economic reformers, to come to see Yao Yuan, has actually shown the attitude of the upper management. Vice Governor Zhang doesn't think Yao Yuan doesn't understand.

He followed Yao Yuan's words, "Yeah, the reform and opening up has just returned to the track, and the cake is not ready to be divided before it is ready. It's not something that is full. Weiguo, we should suffer from this hunger."

Lin Wei made a cup of tea and gave each of them a cup, then sat aside and did not move.Lin Xiaohu stood by the side of the wall as usual, with his arms folded.

Yao Yuan really didn't intend to feed them. Since it was a bitter plan, let them act to the end. This was not to embarrass Vice Governor Zhang and Zhong Weiguo, but to show conservatives.

"Xiao Yao, let's go back to China. If there is anything, we will discuss it behind closed doors. If there is any problem, we will actively solve it. The provincial government has always been your strong backing." Vice Governor Zhang stated directly.

Yao Yuan took out a document and opened it, "After all the domestic projects under Chunfeng Group announced the suspension of work or the suspension of cooperation plans, that small group of people can be said to be chasing after the victory. According to the latest statistics, as of yesterday, there are more than 3000 Small and medium-sized private enterprises have been hit, and everyone is living in panic."

Vice Governor Zhang frowned and asked, "It's not that serious, where did your data come from?"

Yao Yuan pushed over and said, "According to the data provided by Shenzhen Development Bank, in just one month, there are 3188 small and medium-sized private enterprises with overdue debts."

Vice Governor Zhang forgot that Yao Yuan has a bank, and Deepin Development Bank is the only bank in China that provides operating loans to private enterprises. The second largest shareholder of the bank is the Shenzhen Municipal Government!

Undoubtedly, the data provided by Shenzhen Development Bank is very accurate.

Over the past few years, at least tens of thousands of private enterprises have received loans from Shenzhen Development Bank, including a large number of small and medium-sized township enterprises. In just over a month, more than 3000 small and medium-sized private enterprises have experienced debt overdue problems.

This is only the private enterprises that borrow from Shenzhen Development Bank.

"The most vulnerable are precisely small and medium-sized private enterprises. In less than half a year, thousands of such private enterprises will go bankrupt. It is only a matter of time before Shenzhen Development Bank has a large-scale overdue debt. The private economy has finally gained a good momentum of development, and soon We will go back to before liberation overnight."

Yao Yuan asked in a deep voice, "Governor Zhang, have you conducted an in-depth investigation?"

Vice Governor Zhang shook his head, "I don't have the relevant specific information. Xiaoyao, small and medium-sized private enterprises are very important, and leading private enterprises are even more important. The province is most concerned about several major projects including Nanfang Industrial Investment and Construction, involving Tens of billions of investment funds, and these projects are the pillars of the industry, so we can’t just stop.”

"Large projects drive small projects, and big companies drive small companies. I don't know the debt situation of small and medium-sized private companies, but I know the private companies in Guangdong Province. Take the Baojun Automobile production base as an example, there are more than 1000 Private enterprises have entered the supplier list of the Baojun Automobile production base project. Nearly 10 factories are parts suppliers of Baojun Automobile, involving several provinces and cities, and related to the employment of tens of thousands of people. Such a project cannot be stopped just now. stop."

Slowing down, taking a sip of tea, Vice Governor Zhang said, "The province has decided to fully support you, and the attitude of the province is also clear. It attaches great importance to the development of private enterprises and increases support for the private economy. Other provinces We can’t control the city, but in Guangdong Province, our attitude is the same.”

After speaking, he picked up the briefcase, took out several documents from it, and put them in front of Yao Yuan.

Yao Yuan looked at it one by one. It was a document issued by the government, which proved that what Vice Governor Zhang said was not empty words, but was confirmed in the form of a policy document.

Yao Yuan was surprised by the last document. After reading it carefully, he raised his head and asked, "Governor Zhang, what does this document mean?"

Vice Governor Zhang said with a smile, "I can't come empty-handed. Of course, this is not aimed at your family. Anyone who meets the conditions can participate and enter these two industries."

This is a decision document on the development of the hydropower industry.

This text appeared in it - allowing private capital to enter the water and electricity industry and participate in the development, transmission, and operation of hydropower.

The detailed standards are attached below, and these standards seem to be aimed at all private capital and private enterprises, but in fact, as far as the current situation is concerned, they are tailor-made for Southern Industrial!

The first is private capital, foreign capital is excluded, the second is that the asset scale must be more than 50 billion yuan, and it must be an industrial enterprise, and the last is that it must have relevant qualifications...

Vice Governor Zhang said, "The province wants to set up a power grid company and invite Nanfang Industrial to participate in the joint venture. Of course, you can also invite other companies under your company, as long as they meet the requirements. You can also set up a power company yourself, but the electricity generated It should be deployed by the provincial power grid company and connected to the grid."

"The water company is similar, you can choose whatever you want in the Pearl River Delta."

Among the three basic areas of people's livelihood, water, electricity and oil, Chunfeng Group has only entered "oil". The gift from the Guangdong Provincial Government has made up for the remaining "electricity" and "water" at one time.

Vice Governor Zhang concluded that Yao Yuan would definitely be tempted.Oil is very profitable, but in China, water and electricity do not necessarily make money, it is more like an iron rice bowl, and the profit is stable for a long time.Just to make more money, Yao Yuan was not attracted by this document that opened up the hydropower sector to private capital.

But the real significance of this document does not lie in this, but in the fact that the provincial government has made up its mind to allow private capital and private enterprises to enter areas that were originally under the absolute control of state-owned capital and state-owned enterprises.

In other words, the provincial government has elevated private enterprises to an equal status with state-owned enterprises.

The Provincial Government Policy Research Center has come up with a report, concluding that if the private economy is denied and private enterprises are strangled, the province’s GDP will drop to only 3% next year, and will not exceed 5% in the future. According to forecasts, , next year the province's GDP growth rate will be as high as 10.7%!

Economic development has two legs, which is equivalent to lame one.

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