Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 748 Is There Someone Like This?

The Central Asian-style meeting room is somewhat like the United Nations meeting room. The rostrum is in the middle, and the seats below are arranged in a semicircle. The oil companies are clearly separated. There is a sign with the company name in front of it, and the ghostwriters of each company sit behind the sign. .

For such a big matter, Zhang Huaide must personally come forward, not only that, Director Wang Lincheng of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation is also there.After returning to China a few days ago, he came here with Zhang Huaide, this time to give a platform to the Petrochemical Corporation.

On the side of the Economic and Trade Committee is the representative of Zhan Shengcai, sitting in the row behind the leaders.

When Zhan Sheng saw Dongfang Petroleum's team appearing, and the person surrounded by him turned out to be Yao Yuan, his eyes almost popped out, and he thought it was another person in an instant.

Yao Yuan walked in from the entrance while walking in a car. There were more than a dozen people on both sides and behind him. They were the largest number among the teams of so many oil companies, which seemed to show a kind of determination.

This time, Holland Shell and Halliburton have formed a consortium, the main representatives are old acquaintances, Frank, who has been promoted to vice president of Holland Shell, and Halliburton's Middle East president Jackson.

Yao Yuan and Jackson have the best personal relationship. To be honest, Jackson, an immigrant from Eastern Europe, was very helpful and facilitated many cooperations with Halliburton during the initial stage of Dongfang Petroleum.

The most important of these is the transfer of the overall technology and dynamic positioning technology of the third-generation offshore drilling platform. Of course, Yao Yuan's offer is also very generous.

Halliburton is one of the Baku oilfield exploration service providers and the only non-Chinese oilfield service provider in the Shidan Oilfield.

As a result, Jackson, the president of the Middle East region, has gained more weight. In a few years, he is likely to directly serve as the executive president of Halliburton.

Jackson got up to meet him, stretched out his hand from a distance, and said with a smile, "Mr. Yao, dear friend, you are safe."

He speaks Chinese, which is very broken, but still understandable.

"Mr. Jackson, long time no see." Yao Yuan smiled and shook hands with Jackson.

Frank also came over and bowed slightly to greet Yao Yuan.

Jackson said, "Frank has been promoted and is now the vice president of Dutch Shell, in charge of the Middle East business, and belongs to the top management of Shell."

"It's still about the same things as before, except that the salary has increased a bit." Frank didn't dare to put on airs in front of Yao Yuan, because those who put on airs in front of them didn't get along well in the end.

"Mr. Frank, congratulations." Yao Yuan said with a smile.

Jackson was blunt and said in English, “Mr. Yao, because of political reasons, there is very little hope for Occidental Petroleum Corporation to obtain an oil and gas operation concession in Kazakhstan. Don't hold out hope."

He looks at Frank.

Frank took over the conversation and said, "Mr. Yao, we hope to get the opportunity to cooperate with Dongfang Petroleum first, after Dongfang Petroleum obtains the operating franchise."

If they were upset and won the operating franchise, there would naturally be no cooperation with Dongfang Petroleum. If Dongfang Petroleum wins in the end, they can also negotiate with Dongfang Petroleum on cooperation first, which is a good idea.

A good personal relationship is a good personal relationship, and a business is a business.

Westerners do business differently from Chinese people. They have good personal relationships. They let go of things in the business field. No matter what, they always consider personal relationships and feelings. But Westerners are not like this. They only have interests in their eyes. .

In the past, when a state-owned enterprise wanted to import equipment, the factory leader and the executives of the foreign manufacturer established a good relationship. They thought that doing so would help the negotiation, but it didn’t work out.

But if it is said that Westerners do not engage in black-box operations and accept bribes, then they will look up to them again, and they will be more greedy when they play these games.

Yao Yuan is very clear about how to deal with foreigners.

He smiled and said, "There are many opportunities for cooperation, so don't rush this moment."

After waving his hand as a signal, Yao Yuan led the crowd to sit down at Dongfang Petroleum Company's seat.

Neither Jackson nor Frank were very disappointed. This was not the first time they had dealt with Yao Yuan, and they all knew how brilliant Yao Yuan was.

Not to mention Yao Yuan, Su Jianmin, the general manager of Dongfang Petroleum, was enough for them, so Su Jianmin also got a nickname given to him by the Western Petroleum Company - Smiling Dragon.

He hides a knife in his smile, always with a gentle smile, but making a move is a fatal move, because he is a Huaxia person, the person in charge of Huaxia Petroleum Company, and the descendant of the dragon, so he got such a nickname.

"That, that person, that person seems to be Yao Yuan." Zhan Sheng finally couldn't help it.

Zhang Huaide and Liu Zhiyuan in the front row have been staring at Dongfang Petroleum's team, and the focus of attention is of course Yao Yuan.

Zhang Huaide knew that Yao Yuan would definitely come, but he didn't know that Yao Yuan had entered politics a year ago.Liu Zhiyuan didn't know Yao Yuan. As the vice president, he was not qualified to meet with Yao Yuan. The cooperation with Nanfang Industrial was all done by Zhang Huaide himself.

They didn't exchange information with each other, so they naturally had their own doubts.

Zhang Huaide said, "The actual controller of Chunfeng Group is him, Yao Yuan, a very young man with strong ability. Southern Industry and Dongfang Petroleum are all wholly-owned holding companies of Chunfeng Group."

Liu Zhiyuan's voice changed, and he said, "That's not right, Xiao Zhan, take a closer look, isn't this Xiao Yao, an interpreter drawn from the grassroots by your Economic and Trade Commission."

"Yeah, it's almost exactly the same, how could it be so similar." Zhan Shengcai also puzzled.

"What translation?" Zhang Huaide wondered.

Liu Zhiyuan explained, "Director Du of the Economic and Trade Commission has transferred a young man who is very good at Russian from the grassroots to serve as an interpreter for the business delegation. It is this young man, also named Yao Yuan. Mr. Zhang, can't it be the same person?"

"No, how could it be possible? How could the boss of Chunfeng Group go to the grassroots as a cadre? Isn't he full of food? It can't be him, maybe he looks more similar." Zhang Huaide shook his head and said.

Zhan Sheng exclaimed, "This is too similar, even the name is the same."

Zhang Huaide also felt a little weird, and suddenly asked, "Old Liu, last time you went to the Maxie Oilfield for inspection, the translator named Yao Yuan also went?"

"Go, of course, he is an interpreter, our translators are not enough." Liu Zhiyuan froze at this point, slapped his thigh, and said, "Oops, if it's the same person, then what we know He also knows the information!"

Only then did Zhan Sheng realize, "That's right! He sneaked in on purpose to be an undercover agent!"

Zhang Huaide was calmer and said, "Didn't you say that Director Du recruited him? How could he be an undercover agent?"

Liu Zhiyuan and Zhan Sheng were stunned. Yes, it was the Economic and Trade Commission who took the initiative to transfer them here.

"Just ask and you'll know. You should also go and say hello."

Zhang Huaide got up and walked towards Dongfang Petroleum.

After all, we have cooperated with the East Coast Petrochemical Base, and the relationship is still there. Besides, Zhang Huaide is at a loss, so he should go over to say hello.

If he doesn't go, Yao Yuan will really look down on him.

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